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ODAAT Good Friday

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    ODAAT Good Friday

    Day 10 for me and I think I have cracked this , And the sopport and advice I have recieved from here has been unreal , I has kept me on track ,, THANK YOU SO MUCH

    I like waking up feeling ok although I am overloading on black tea I seem to constantly have a headache

    Its the bank holiday weekend and I have not that much to do I am supposed to be out on Monday at the football with oh this would normally involve an all day session , my plan is to avoid vodka and maybe just to have a couple of bottled beers as I am not really keen on this and it will last ages lol ... or not drink I think I want to test myself to see if I can stop at a couple and what am I saying ... Of course I can stop I have already ..I control this not the other way round

    How you all doing ??

    Love Tracy

    ODAAT Good Friday

    hi odat folks i was af for 5 days but drank wed and thurs.....need to stay in check i suck at drinking so bad......i will be af today got so much to do since last june i have had over 4 months af which is great but i dont slip i go head first into a ravine......need to be af and stay af i will get there i love this place and need this place :hrudemama


      ODAAT Good Friday

      Howdy Cake, Rude and all. Good Friday here in Florida. Slipped yesterday and drank a couple of glasses of wine with the husband. It's darn hard to go AF when your spouse is in the wine business. LOL. Have was AF four days this week so am proud of that and will work on it again, today.

      Do any of you have the day off today?...lucky you, if so. Have to go teach two swim fitness classes and then yoga this afternoon at 4. Glad for the 4:00 class because it forces me not to drink in the afternoon, if I so felt the urge.

      Good day and good luck to all!


        ODAAT Good Friday

        Hi Yogamamma,
        My husband was in the wine business. (He retired last June.) We owned a wine shop for a number of years, then he moved on to be a wine buyer for very large retail stores, then wound up his career as a wine educator. He has a small, but amazing wine cellar, but...after all of these years, he has seen what wine has done to me and, well, he's figured out a way to be with me and not drink; be with me and others and drink moderately; or be without me and others and drink like a wine connoisseur (e.g., lots). I don't know how he does it, but he does and with tremendous grace. I'm not sharing this to suggest your husband can do the same, but just to say my husband had to take his path and, well, I have to take mine (which I am just starting). I'm figuring I can't drink and I know he can (and enjoy it) -- and, yet, we can still be together and have a great marriage.
        By the way, I am realizing how many friends we have who are also in similar situations. Maybe you have friends who are the same? We have at least two good (maybe three) couple-friends where one partner doesn't drink and the other does (moderately). They've figured out a way to do can I.
        Good luck and to your husband. By the way, we are in sunny (windy) FL right now, enjoying Key West. If these fronts ever stop blowing through, we hope to make it to the Dry Tortugas, but at this point we aren't too hopeful.
        Good health to you,


          ODAAT Good Friday

          Sante I hope you have an awesome time in the Keys. Windy here, too...I'm in a small town on the East Coast.

          Re: the wine-ing husband, those are good suggestions. He's been AF-ing with me for the balance of the week that he's not been on the road for work. We don't really make a big deal about it...just don't drink during the week. He poured a glass of wine last night, asked me if I wanted one and, after a LONG think, I gave in. I'm not really killing myself over it and don't feel horrible today...just a little disappointed in the "weakness". Hey, today's another day. Have taken my vitamins and supps and am suckin on a mighty powerful fruit smoothie now so it's all good on this Good Friday.


            ODAAT Good Friday

            Happy ODAT to all!

            Cake - sounds like you are doing great! Keep up the tea thing. I've branched out to a lot of different types of tea, English, Constant Comment, Decaf Chai, Decaf Earl Gray, Mint, Lemon and Hibiscus are all on my desk at work. For me, headaches went well into Day 15 or so. OTOH when drinking I was taking 6-8 ibuprofen a day, and by day 15 only once a day. Now is more like once a week.

            mama and sante - I've solved the wine problem for myself, but certainly the solution is not for all. I'll pour a shot (1.25 oz) of wine in a claret glass, and sipping that to start, but after the first I do a shot or half-shot, add some artificial sweetener, and fill with cold water so it's a full glass. In all over 2-3 hours I'll have 4-5 glasses of my "wine sugar water", but that translates into about 5-6 oz of wine total. I'll win no points for connoisseurship here. But the neat part is that you can do this to really awful wine and it tastes just fine. So that means I can clean up those bits of week-old red wine that we used to throw away. In fact, red is better because I only need a half-shot to make my water taste "wine-ey". Ariel Red (alcohol free) wine is normally too syrupy for me, so watering it down helps a bit. Maybe in summer I'll do a bit of soda to make it all fizzy. I also put sparking cider and sparkling pear cider in my wine glass, just to keep my hands and mouth busy "drinking" all evening long. So for me the habit is still being fed by substitution. The issue transfers to being stone-cold-sober at bedtime, which for me was an unusual and somewhat distressing feeling. This has turned into a bigger overall adjustment but I've got bed-time working pretty good at this point.

