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AF April 10

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    AF April 10

    Good morning everyone
    doing much better today! I have an appointment to see a substance abuse councelor on the 20th. Wish me luck. Dill, I accidently said "no offens" to you instead of Cat's april 8th post, sorry about that. She posted something and said that she hoped I wouldn't be offended; I wasn't I thought it was good advise -- sorry for the confusion.

    hope everyone has a Good Friday
    :lilheart: "Love is large, love defies limits. People talk about the sanctity of is by definition sacred. Not some love between some people but all love between all people"
    ~Jennifer Beals~:huggy

    AF April 10

    1mc, thanks for getting the thread started. But now I AM confused! Because I had made an apology yesterday to all on the thread in case my pointing to the AA website reading offended anyone. I didn't want people to think I was labelling anyone, as we are all in this struggle for varying reasons. When you responded that you weren't offended I was relieved. Oh well. Sometimes things get confusing when writing instead of talking face to face. Any one wondering what the heck I am talking about, please refer to yesterday's AF April thread (April 9).

    1mc, regarging the substance abuse counseller (sp?) I wish you well! Let us know how it goes and if it is helpful.

    :kudos:I made my 2 weeks. I never thought I could, but I did. I am feeling pretty strong today. I will not be counting days from this point. Makes me crazy!:bonkers:

    Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

    If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


      AF April 10

      Good Morning!
      Up early today as I went to bed at my usual work night time. Very odd for me, indeed, as I usually stay up until all hours slurping wine if I don't have to work the next day. Boys had friends over last night in the basement and I actually fell asleep, even with their noise! I just took some Robatussin - my chest is tight, with a niggling cough, but otherwise I am fighting this cold pretty well. Had to stay at work all afternoon yesterday, as the Ambassador to Kasakstan was visiting our Department at the U and was brought for a tour of our labs. It was short and sweet and I am not sure how much interest they really had!! Anyway, managed to walk to and from work yesterday (50min each way) and then had to lay on the couch all evening, dizzy and whacked out - didn't even eat dinner!

      Dill - so great!!! 2 weeks!!! SUPERSTAR. You deserve a big reward!! Cheesecake, par chance???

      1more - do you think the acupuncture has helped you to feel better today?? I really can't wait to try it and I do hope it benefits you. Good for you for making that appointment - I am once again curious as to how that will go and how it all works. I've never done that sort of thing before, although I did go to a therapist once while deciding to leave my ex, but I think that was rather different!!

      Hello to all you other April AFers who will be checking in! Good Friday today - anything planned?? I will be going for a long walk with my race-buddies later, and I hope we will head down to this park with this huge hill in it (pimple on the prairie?) so we can start doing hill training. How many times can we run up and down that thing I wonder?!?!

      Have a great day!
      xoxo peanut


        AF April 10

        sorry for the confusion. I wan't offended by your post either. I know what you're talking about, no worries! congratulations on 2 weeks AF. I will be saying that as well in 2 weeks. Thanks for all your support
        :lilheart: "Love is large, love defies limits. People talk about the sanctity of is by definition sacred. Not some love between some people but all love between all people"
        ~Jennifer Beals~:huggy


          AF April 10

          Good Morning all!!
          1MC--I'd be really interested in what the counselor says...being a counselor (for kids) we had to take certain classes in several areas...that obviously is more specialized but just curious on what the approach he/she takes??? Kids are easier, I think...adults are another thing
          Maybe 'easier' isn't the right word....:H

          Great job on two weeks!!!!!!! You have to be feeling just great today!!!! You have to do something special for yourself!!! You deserve it!! Today is day 10!! It's hard when I have no school and am around my family...they drink every night we get together!!! Good news, I think I may be losing weight...not sure but it feels like it...I hate scales :H or is it, they hate me???

          Peanut--You know, maybe I should thank you for any weight loss I DO get tired reading your!!! You must be one fit chick!!! Sorry you're not feeling well though!!! Rest seems to be the best medicine!!! Take care and get plenty of rest!!!

          For all those to come---Happy Friday!!!
          "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



            AF April 10

            i do believe the accupuncture helped. you should give it a try
            :lilheart: "Love is large, love defies limits. People talk about the sanctity of is by definition sacred. Not some love between some people but all love between all people"
            ~Jennifer Beals~:huggy


              AF April 10


              CONGRATS!!! 2 wks AF - AWESOME!!!!

              You inspire me.


                AF April 10

                Hey gang - almost to the end of day 10 and feeling tired. How did everyone do today?
                Went for an 8 mile walk, and halfway through did a mess of hill climbing and running down (hard on the knees) - us prairie peeps are not used to that sort of thing!!!!! I made my gal pals stop 3 times on the way back and do lunges too! Ha!! Prime torturer!!! I did have an AF beer while they drank 3 pints of beer each before our food arrived at the restaurant, and I must say, it feels so great to be able to drive them all home without being inebriated myself. And hey - they are not complaining either!!

                Hope everyone sleeps well - pleasant dreams!! I'm off to lala land!
                xoxo peanut


                  AF April 10


                  Day 10.... Good for you! I do not know how much you drank b4 joining MWO, but..running......ouch! you should be so proud of yourself....
                  Keep in touch! We all need you and your strength....
                  Love, Zum

                  I am soooo proud of you!


                    AF April 10

                    :goodjobay 10...2 weeks, etc..I can only dream. Good for all of you!

