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ODAT - Saturday

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    ODAT - Saturday

    Hi ODATers!

    Haven't started this thread in a LONG time... since I've been struggling. Felt like I would be hypocritical if I started it with no intention to make it through the day...

    So today is Day 2 (AGAIN!). I've been in this "every other day" pattern for a while. Need to break that cycle.

    Hope you all have a lovely Sat.

    Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin

    ODAT - Saturday

    Savon - Day 2 for me as well. At least you know the issues. It might take some time to get together the right plan. What do I know, this is my first shot at quitting, but trying to make sense of all of this??!!


      ODAT - Saturday


      Wow, what a beautiful day! It was like a hurricane last night. Brutal wind and sideways rain, lightening, thunder "Aunty Em!" Pollen is washed away and everyting is bright and fresh and green.

      Had a great dinner out with a relative in town. He asked if I liked wine and I said yes, but I quit drinking about 10 months ago but this place is known for it's wine list so you get whatever you want. He simply said really, how come? I just shrugged and said it was in the way and it's important that I deal with the stresses of divorce and career change without martinis. With that out of the way, the waiter (a friend of mine) walks up, says hello and says to me "You still not drinking?" Thank God I had not made something up. :H

      Have a great day and stick to your guns! And don't shoot yourself in the foot!
      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


        ODAT - Saturday

        Happy Saturday Savon and Last10. It took me 4 good tries to get traction starting Aug 2008. But every try I learned better what to do, had longer AF stretches, and found what my triggers would be when I lost it. Eliminating triggers worked well. I think what worked best was just internal commitment.

        For me, the commitment is driven by recording how many things my AL life touched and messed up. I miss the AL a lot still, but the side-effects and the emotional aspects are still fresh in my mind.

        I took a lot of supps at first, kudzu l-glut etc, but I've come to view them as amusing placebos and the true answer is just taking charge of the dialog in my head about how "cheating" is a quick high with a long mental payment. Just what I feel, I hope it helps someone for me to share it.


          ODAT - Saturday

          hello odaters. yeah there are struggles but without mwo i would be in the depths of despair i know i have the tools to control al in my life and basically its only me that gets in the way....2 years ago before i found mwo i had no idea of the here i am one day at a time rudemama


            ODAT - Saturday

            Struggling also.
            Bossman -I have come to the conclusion that for me the key will be the 'internal commitment' as you have so aptly described it. It is interesting to me how you describe 'still missing' AL - not craving - i'm curious to know what that means for you. For me AL is my default 'friend' - a rotten dysfunctional but reliable one.
            Greeneyes I love that story
            Drinking has been my hobby for several years now. It's time to get a new hobby


              ODAT - Saturday

              morning all.

              Savon, and Last10, good job on Day 2. You can make it through today, and every day exactly like this great thread says. ODAT. Even if you have to take that day and break it into 10 minute increments of sobriety, you CAN do this. You are worth it! :lIt isn't always easy, and sometimes it can be downright painful, BUT I promise it does get easier. The payoffs are worth it.
              Striving to live life without ALCOHOL


                ODAT - Saturday

                Good Morning ODATers!
                What I have noticed since joining MWO about 3 months ago is it seems my family likes me more My parents constantly are telling what a different person I have become and they love it! They tell me they believe this change has been so positive on my son! And that my overall self esteem, self worth and confidence has increased by leaps and bounds!! My mom pulled out a picture of my son and I taken back in October last night....I couldn't believe it....the difference was right there in my face!!! Amazing!!!
                So...DAY 11 here...on my way to 2 weeks....and I miss it....but every morning....I'm so glad the night b4 I had the strength fight it O(more)DAT!!!
                "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



                  ODAT - Saturday


                  Today is DAY 1 again Messed so badly last night. My sweating, shaking and nausea are back. Do you have any idea how long this will last?


