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A Reflection on Boredom...

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    A Reflection on Boredom...

    (it came up on another thread)...

    I'm only on Day 3, but I mentioned (as have others) that one of my triggers is BOREDOM.

    It made me remember that after a certain number of days AF (not sure how many - but not many...), things suddenly change from feeling bored to feeling like the day is Too short and can't get everything done that I want!

    It's weird how that works. The first 3-4 days seem to Draaag by, then... that "change" occurs. Maybe it's because those first few days, your head is still cloudy, even tho' you're sober, and you're obsessed about how to fill your day w/out AL.

    Then when you get to that point of clarity, you realize all the things you want/need to do!?

    Maybe it's also related to the fact that depression from AL lifts after a few days, and you have more Energy, so you want to do more?

    Either way, I wanted to write this down both for myself (to make it REAL), and for others who are just starting out.

    I suppose it is also about thinking that you're not just NOT drinking, you're Becoming something better.

    I know that for me, the thinking process is Very important. If I go about it like I'm "denying" myself some pleasure... that doesn't last!

    ...just some thoughts.

    Hope everyone enjoys their day!
    Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin

    A Reflection on Boredom...

    Thanks Savon -- Good thoughts and was the least boring day (heading toward end of day 3). Actually felt really good, optimistic and had quite a bit of energy. Right on par with your comments!


      A Reflection on Boredom...

      Hmmm. It is interesting how much better you feel on day 4-5. Unfortunately for me, that usually leads to thinking I can drink again. I'm not sure why. Probably just the part of the addicted brain getting louder.

      I don't have trouble with boredom. I never seem to have enough time in the day whether drinking or not. Part of that may come from age. I am in my mid 50's and it seems to me time is going faster than it used to. Again, I'm not sure why! But regardless of age, I've never been one to struggle with boredom. I have a lot of interests and hobbies. I do think that when I am AF I am more aware of things I ought
      to be doing, and I get them done, rather than ignoring them.

      Interesting to stop and think about this. Thanks!

      Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

      If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


        A Reflection on Boredom...

        Hi Savon. I know we are both Florida people. For me, living close to the beach, driving around in the hot sun here, is a huge trigger!!! My mouth starts drooling for a nice huge glass of chardonnay, preferably outside in our beautiful Florida sunshine! I know its just an excuse, but I swear living in "Paradise" does make is especially hard. Boredom and sunshine, a double whammy. 3 days is great, keep it going!


          A Reflection on Boredom...

          I know the feeling, one of the reasons I continued to drink was a fear of living a boring life. Well, I can honestly say that the life I was living while drinking was truly boring. EVERYTHING revolved around the next drink. Would I be able to drink wherever I was? How do I avoid driving? Will anyone notice? In the end the usual result is that I would choose to stay at home and drink because anything else was too difficult to organise. That was boring.
          Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
          Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


            A Reflection on Boredom...

            [quote=savon19;591068made me remember that after a certain number of days AF (not sure how many - but not many...), [b]things suddenly change from feeling bored to feeling like the day is Too short [/b]and can't get everything done that I want!

            Starting - you know... I even said it myself without realizing it!! What I said shows that Boredom is caused by drinking!!

            WOW - that's kind of a revelation. I am not so much bored when I stop drinking at first as I am just at loose ends, not knowing how to fill in that time I was drinking!! As soon as my head clears, THEN I realize all I can do...!! Gosh, I was kind of putting the cart before the horse.

            (Booze makes you Befuddled!! :H)

            Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


              A Reflection on Boredom...

              Absolutely Savon!
              It does take some time to create a new life being sober, but the possibilities are endless when you do?
              Get that imagination going girlie!!!
              Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
              Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                A Reflection on Boredom...

                Starting - you know... I even said it myself without realizing it!! What I said shows that Boredom is caused by drinking!! "things suddenly change from feeling bored to feeling like the day is Too short and can't get everything done that I want!"

                WOW - that's kind of a revelation. I am not so much bored when I stop drinking at first as I am just at loose ends, not knowing how to fill in that time I was drinking!! As soon as my head clears, THEN I realize all I can do...!! Gosh, I was kind of putting the cart before the horse.

                (Booze makes you Befuddled!! :H)
                Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin

