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Moderate drinker success?
Moderate drinker success?
I don't plan to be a mod drinker, but not sure what the future holds as I'm just getting started (but the subject is interesting as I don't know if it's possible for me at least). First for me is to go AF for a long time. However, does anybody really have mod success, or is it a constant battle for that one or two drinks and then a screw up at some point during the week/month/year and back to the drawing board? Again, just interested in the comments...I'm sure it's different for everybody. Just wondering if one has struggled with alcohol in the past how this might be possible? Hopefully not a heated point, just looking for direction and discussion with the group. LT
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Moderate drinker success?
Mod success...
See our "Long Term Moderator" thread.
There is a whole barnyard full of successful Modders,
their stories,and info on how
"You too can learn to be a successful Modder in 30 days"
I think if it were "a constant battle" forever,
then it wouldn't be that enjoyable
and the person would probably rather abstain.
Abstaining and Modding may be equally difficult in the early stages.
Abstaining may be easier in some ways as time goes on,
but you have to give up something, forever, that you once enjoyed.
Modding has its own problems,
as you are exposed periodically
to something with the potential to cause you great difficulty.
It's not for everyone;
and many members will explain why it is impossible for them;
but with care, it CAN be done successfully.
~K~It is not how much we have, but how much we enjoy, that brings us happiness.
~ Charles Spurgeon
Moderate drinker success?
I wouldn't sweat the issue.
I think it's a fact that your body changes as you age, and so does your capability of dealing with AL. In the end, your own self is the only one you have to answer for.
It's going to be different for different people. It's going to be different for yourself in different decades. Life is a train ride. You can worry or enjoy the scenery, take your choice.
Moderate drinker success?
only speaking formyself
I cannot moderate my drinking. Period. As soon as I pick up the first drink thats it I am drinking. I am 47 years old so I think I know myself by now. I had 13 months and as soon as decided to drink I was right back where I started that very day. But like someone said in their post everyone is different. You have to know yourself. If you think you can drink in moderation just go out and try it. Believe me you will learn soon enough if you can. And if you can thats great. I wish i could but I can't. Best of luck.