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Let's try this again!

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    Let's try this again!

    Day #1 again, this Monday after Easter. My today-me is jealous of the me I was last Friday after 5 days AF and I really KNOW why I go AF...yukko sweats and anxious heart and head. Can't wait until this time tomorrow when typing is shakey hands, and thinking is cloudy brain. Ug. That's okay, though! Am up, going to make coffee, supps already been taken. It can ONLY get better. Good luck to all today! Let's do it!

    Let's try this again!

    Oh yes, it does get MUCH better Yoga!
    Write down all the feelings you are experiencing now and if you feel like drinking again, read them. It might just help you to clarify why you dont want to go there any more.
    Also, jot down the way you feel when you are AF, that should help your resolve too.
    Good luck!
    Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
    Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


      Let's try this again!

      Hi Yogamomma!

      Day 1 for me too. I drank the whole weekend.

      "Can't wait until this time tomorrow when typing is shakey hands, and thinking is cloudy brain."........that is so true. I am sweating a lot too, nausea is constant today. It is only 10:30 am, but today for sure will be AF.

      Hang in there! We can win.


        Let's try this again!


        Hey! I am curious, did you get through the withdrawals by day 5 last week? I'm surprised that you are feeling so yucky after some drinking after 5 days AF. Maybe you drank more than your body could handle after so many days without it?

        I went 5 days AF and had several beers over the weekend, even as many as 6 on Sat., 2 yesterday. Today I feel great though. Part of it, I think, is that I've made a rule to avoid vodka like the plague (my preference), otherwise I'm sure I'd be feeling yucky too.. Maybe you could choose a weaker variety of what you drink?

        A bit of advice, if you are feeling shaky, coffee is probably the last thing you should be drinking! Good luck gettin' back into the groove!
        "With forward movement, you are bound to encounter turbulence." - I dono


          Let's try this again!

          2 Startingover...I did exactly that, when I read your message. Opened up the "stickies" application on my computer and typed out some thoughts. Good good suggestion.

          2 Zum...hope you're feeling better now. I'm at, oh, 92% I'd say. Am finally getting to stop and eat lunch and that helps. Head a little clearer. Getting there...

          2 Rejuv...yeah, should have thought about the caffeine thing. The warmth sounded soothing. I probably need to steer clear of vodka, myself. I drink it with Red Bull energy drinks (the sugar free kind) and it's lethal...I think that, along with some wine, did me in yesterday. I go to sleep (well, perhaps pass out) buzzed on both the alcohol and the caffeine and it makes for horrible sleep. That's gotta go.

          On my AF trend so far so good!!! Good luck!


            Let's try this again!

            Good point, Wally. Yeah, I guess it's like when you're drinking as a lifestyle choice, you continue that "never fully sober" thing and are numb all the time. Then when you quit and then opt to heavily drink on an occasion...BOOM! There's that hangover.

            ...looking at your "googley-eyed monkeys"...that's what I felt like this morning! Har!


              Let's try this again!

              HI, All

              Hi, Everybody!
              It looks as if Easter weekend was hard for a bunch of us. I took my step-dad to the hospital last night, and then went home and drank wine. Bummer. I had been getting used to looking in the mirror and not seeing the bags under the eyes! But, here we all are, back to Day 1. I'm in for at least four days..... and will certainly keep in touch. Good luck, everyone!


                Let's try this again!

                hi everyone...I also had a lot to drink yesterday..was at friends for easter dinner !! But I know what my triggers are !! I will work on them this week !! I'm relaxing today took the day off and will start the gym and healthy eating i just want to rest ,watch movies and eat popcorn...

