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ODAT - Monday...

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    ODAT - Monday...

    OK, Peeps! (Gee, I didn't even eat any this Easter!... )

    Today is kind of a special day for me, Day 4. Special because I haven't made it past Day 4 in probably a month.. or more? (I've lost track of time!)

    I'm feeling much more positive (thanks in large part to youse guys!)... I feel like I can focus on the reasons why I don't Want to drink (not just why I "shouldn't").

    I'm always cautious about "crowing"!! Don't want to come back here with tail between me legs... as I have so many times... ugh.

    Hope all you ODATers have a great Monday!
    Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin

    ODAT - Monday...


    Savvy WOW imagine the feeling of jumping and clearing the day 4 hurdle! I know you want THAT!!!! Stick close today! Good job on 3 days!!!

    My kabobs were absolutely wonderful! I haghly recommend them.

    Gotta run an early errand. Have a geat Monday!!
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


      ODAT - Monday...

      That is Great news Savvy. Rock on!
      "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


        ODAT - Monday...

        Grats Savon! Keep going! Day 4 is the worst, it gets better only AFTER that...

        I love kabobs but I hate grilling in the rain. We know it is Spring here in the northwest, because the rain is warm enough to no longer form ice on the car. And yes, I do grill in the rain, but I don't like it.


          ODAT - Monday...

          You can do it SAVY!!!!! Get past Day will just feel so great in the morning...I LOVED the next morning!!!!! I just concentrated on that!!! Post often!!
          "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



            ODAT - Monday...

            I am sorry to say that I'm on Day one again. I am sick of this stupid roller coaster.........

            Sorry Savy! I don't mean to bring you down, that's amazing!!!

            I am going to make it to day 4 this week. I need to do this, mad at myself for last night.
            Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


              ODAT - Monday...

              Hi All!
              Savy - I agree with SD on this one. Think how great you will feel tomorrow morning knowing you conquered the seemingly unconquerable Day 4. It will give you such strength!!!!

              Too much rain going around by the sounds of it!!! But, we are not made of sugar, so may as well get outside and curly up (or in my case fizz) your hair and have some fresh air. No rain here, so yard cleaning is in order (ooky! dog!)

              xoxo peanut


                ODAT - Monday...

                Hello all! Getting late here but wanted to post a couple...
                Great job Savon! Shall we make it 5??? 4 in a row feels good and I'm excited for the morning! I even went the day without being too "foggy headed" from my initial WDs. Boss even said good job once ?!?!
                Universe - hang in there...I can't speak of the roller coaster as I haven't been strong enough to even quit AL until now, so keep up the efforts. It took me several times with cigs and then I finally found the key and have been free of that for some time, so I am convinced some failures are not the end of the world...just one step closer in figuring out how you tick out how to get yourself to quit.


                  ODAT - Monday...

                  Thanks, all, for the words of encouragement! (Makes me realize how hard it's been that it's attracted this attention!)

                  Yes, last - I'm going for Day 5 (actually, shooting for 1 WEEK now...). ODAT!!!!

                  PUHleeze, last, tell me the "KEY" to quitting smoking! I have unopened box of nic gum sitting here. I was "supposed" to quit April 1st... but haven't even really attempted it yet.

                  I knew that while I was still drinking, NO WAY would I stop smoking. But now...?? Maybe I can! Especially if you tell me THE secret!!
                  Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


                    ODAT - Monday...

                    savon try reading the book "the easy way to stop smoking " By allan Carr... read it with an open worked for me...i stopped for 1 year...then will i was stupid to think I could just have I will read the book again... you can get on amazon .com

