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AF April 13

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    AF April 13

    Hello everyone. How are you all doing? It is my last day of break and I am going to enjoy it! It looks like rain outside, but that's OK. I have plenty to do inside. I may tackle a closet or two today. I have to get away from spending so much time on the internet! LOL!

    last10, what kind of beach do you live near? Ocean or lake? I walked along the shore each morning that we were on vacation in Fla.

    Lil, thanks for sharing your dream/nightmare. I literally laughed out loud when I read that!

    Pnut! You ARE a strong woman! I don't think I would challenge myself with a drinking situation like you described at this point. You're amazing! It's great that your pals are all on board with you. know...the value bottle, to save money...and just stood there and stared at it in disbelief!!! Almost gagging!!! How did I drink that whole thing...and probably more on occasion?? I had absolutely NO PROBLEM WHAT-SO-EVER walking away!!!! I was disgusted!
    SD, that was a perfect reminder. Thanks! It is interesting the perspective changes we have when we accumulate even a little bit of AF time. Your posts have been so uplifting. Thanks!:thanks:

    Have a great AF day, everyone!

    Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

    If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.

    AF April 13

    Morning everybody (in the States) afternoon or evening to the rest of us! Dill, I'm on the Indian Ocean in Africa. Actually enjoying some rain today finally! Back to work for me and AF #4! Hope everybody has a great day! I'll check back in later with ya'll!


      AF April 13

      Hi Hi, day 1 of 28 for me. I liked how I felt when I did 30 days and wasn't happy with how I was 'modding'. 10pm here and I haven't much to say - sorry!

      Proud to be SLIGHTLY SLOVENLY.:wavin:



        AF April 13

        Hello everyone,
        I was gone for the first 2 weeks of April so I hope you don't mind me jumping in here in the middle of the month!

        Dill-I read this in another post and it reminded me of your dream. "Just because you had a nightmare shouldn't stop you from dreaming"

        SB-What kind of dog is that in your avatar? I think one of my cats is bigger than he is! LOL!

        Sd, Pnut-Always glad to hear from you guys.

        Last10-Congrats on 4 days. It got easier for me after those first 4 days. So hang in there!

        It's cold and rainy here so I'm postponing the grociery shopping until tomorrow. If all else fails there is always laundry to do!

        I hope everyone has a great day.
        AF since 7/26/2009

        "There is nothing noble in being superior to other man. The true nobility is being superior to your previous self."--Hindu proverb.

        "Sobriety isn't a landing but rather a journey." anonymous


          AF April 13

          AF April 13-
          Hey there everyone!!

          Dill--Last day of break for me too--I should go into school for a bit today...I have no idea what I'm doing for guidance lessons tomorrow...maybe I'll just wing it!! "Let's talk about feelings"
          How is it we have blue skies here at it's rainy everywhere else??? That never happens!!

          Congrats L10 on 4 days...I agree with everyone...after 4 it gets easier!! :goodjob:

          SweEty--good to see you this to a good start on day 1!!!

          Lil--Hop on board!!! I have tons of stuff to get done b4 tomorrow...I just don't know if I will...I really just want to be lazy!!! Laundry is done though, so at least we'll have clean clothes!!

          Well I better go get ready for the day!! I'll check back later!!
          "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



            AF April 13

            Lucky April 13!!
            Everybody's doing well today!!! I took the day off work to make an extra long weekend. Plus, the boyz are on spring break this week, so I thought I'd keep my eye on them for a bit. I had planned to get up early, but BF went to work this morning and I fell back asleep, and wham-o - suddenly it was 11:11am. Aiy!!! Why am I sleeping soooo much?!?! I just can't seem to get enough!

            Rainy all around it seems. It is trying to be sunning there, so I shall go out and try to do some yard clean out, take the old 19yo kitten outside with me too. Last10, Sweaty and Lilmea, nice to see you here. This thread has helped me immensely this month - keep checking in and let us know your progress.

            Dill - I kinda have to be in those situations, as it is my "drinking club with a running problem" and I am the beer meister. I was in the liquor store on saturday stocking up for those crazy runners, and hey SD - I also stopped in front on the S.African wine section (my fave) and shook my head looking at that big bottle of Two Ocean's that I used to polish off by myself. Kinda disgusting, you're right.

            I am going to get dressed, make a go-mug of green tea and get outside. i have to be good with my eating habits today, as I went against my homeopath's advise and had 2 cups of Kona coffee with cream and sugar yesterday (my first coffee in 13 days), at probably 9 mini-eggs, and ate mashed red potatoes at dinner, all no-no's according to my guru!!

            Have a lovely day today!!
            xoxo peanut

