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Day 1

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    Day 1

    Hi Juno, Welcome!! Keep going, you can do it!! Today's day 5 AF, and if I can do it, anyone can! Read through the threads, that's what keeps me going. When feel the "HeeBee-GeeBee's" coming on, this is the place to be! Today for some reason...probably because I'm sober , I feel great, lots of I feel today, is how I THINK I'm going to feel when I drink! Hang in there and you'll feel this way too. Visit my thread, "Day five, under control" Think feels good. Get out of that cave and enjoy the day, do something constructive, just breathe deep and let go!
    Only Those Who...Attempt The Absurd...Achieve The Impossible


      Day 1

      Hi Photogirl. Thanks so much for your words of support and inspiration. I cried and laughed reading them. I am beginning to realise just how wonderful this place is but I know it's not going to be easy. It is day 2 though which is better than day 1! I'm tired but ready to embrace what it takes to emerge from this dark place. I'm wary too of triggers (this is Ireland after all so any excuse!) so I'm on the alert! I look forward...


        Day 1

        Hello cacky. Thanks for the big welcome! very appreciated. I'm bracing myself for the lows in the coming days and waiting for the supplements to arrive. I know how the craving can raise its ugly head again when you least expect it (sneaky beast!). I look forward to the journey here..Juno


          Day 1

          juno;591747 wrote: :new: Hello..I have just started this journey today. Very daunting. Don't know my way round yet but hopefully i will get's like standing at the mouth of an enormous darkened steps..I have tried other routes in the past to help me quit drinking, but failed, so here I am..Day 1 again! By the way my name is "Juno" and I live in Ireland..
          Hi Juno I am new also, this is my first day too , at least for awhile, I actually didn't drink for 5 days, a week ago but then started again , I stop for a week or three and then feel better after a week and so I start again,
          I would love to quit for good and am so ready to quit drinking it has been ruining my life and body and mind , I have stopped before but never really seriously , now I am determined to quite for good . I think this web site will help alot !


            Day 1

            Hi Strawman. I know what you mean by thinking you will feel that joy when drinking! It's such an illusion. If we ate anything that made us that sick we'd never touch it again! Go figure. Your enthusiasm and energy gives me hope. Day 2. Dare to dream...Day 3? I think if I learn my way round here it really is possible..Thanks for your advise..


              Day 1

              Hello Blee. Your story is very like mine. I stop for a week or two, think I've kicked it, then celebrate by getting hammered! The cycle starts again. It's brought me to my knees and I'm not the person I want to be at all. It's ruining everything and life is just passing me by. I feel that this site with all its wisdom, experience, support and sincerity can actually work and I've tried other routes. Which didn't. I sense a genuine sense of caring here between people with a common goal. I wish you the very best of luck on your journey and maybe we help eachother on the way...Juno

