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    #202 (permalink) Today, 03:22 PM
    Member Join Date: Feb 2007
    Location: Nottingham England
    Posts: 19
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    I'm a "worth another tryer"


    Followed the MWO program without the Topa two years ago x soon slipped back into old ways, kidded myself, all the excuses.

    Realised the other day (shocking!) I am drinking 3 bottles of wine a night, every night, excluding the one glass my partner has with dinner (kidded myself his glass was really big! still is only one glass out of three bottles)

    Checked suppliments, going to try with topa this time.

    Topa, excercise, CD's, determined! Desperate! get into the pool and take your feet off the bottom!



    I am right there with ya - tired of the excuses. This is my first try with a program of any kind. Good luck with the Topa - I see my doc next week to discuss.:goodjob:



      Good Luck AngieUK

      :welcome: (BACK!). My drinking history would quite easily be 1.5 bottles a day if allowed + (depending on what time I started drinking) or secretly drinking vodka if I wasn't allowed the wine by hubbie so decided in January this year when I found this site that I was DETERMINED to do something about it. Bought TOPA via RIVER Pharmacy and am on 100mg a day - I can honestly say it's working for me. TOTALLY reducing the cravings (hasn't done anthing for my weight but that's what weightwatcher's for :H!!). I'm keeping on the TOPA for the timebeing and am awaiting a delivery of the NAL (the 1 tablet you take 1 hr before drinking as it takes away the "HIGH" of the wine).
      :happy: go for it Angie!!!! :l xxx



        OMG, angie - that your partner had REALLY big glass of wine... was too funny!

        (I'm probably searching for humor in everything.. since I've been without for a while.)

        And, yes, you ARE worth it!!!
        Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin



          Welcome back. If a hard headed Swede like me can get sober, i am sure that you can.
          Topa is good for many people. i have side effects so prefer Baclofen. PM me if I can help. Whatever it takes to help you stop drinking....It is sooo worth the work !!!!
          sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!



            savon19;592759 wrote: OMG, angie - that your partner had REALLY big glass of wine... was too funny!



              PV - TOOOOO funny!

              And your name is... too. I think immediately of scallops... that make me PV.
              Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin



                Savon - have you had the same experience of scallops that I had?!?!?!?!?

                PV - LOVE your sense of humour!!!!!!




                  Welllll, photo, I learned after Three times eating scallops (wasn't really sure what it was, so I had to "research")... that scallops have something that Truly make me projectile vomit.

                  Twice I was driving on HIGHWAY and had to pull over on side to.. PV. But that was only the First part. You can perhaps imagine the 2nd.

                  One of those times, I was with girlfriend. I politely made it to back of car so she wouldn't see. She suggested we stop at a McDonald's to get coke, thinking that would help. Well, Part Deux began!! She told me later that I even Looked different - my face had changed somehow.

                  Jeesh - maybe I shouldn't be saying this in case I was captured by terrorists! They would now know how to Torture me!!

                  It's like soon after I ate them, my body said NO. In every way imaginable.
                  Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin



                    It's always worth another try.
                    Stay strong.



                      Glad you liked the pic guys it's just something that's been floating around on the net for years :P

                      Angie: There's many of us in the same situation. Let's give it a go

