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What can I expect the first week?

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    What can I expect the first week?

    I am getting ready to start the program - CDs and supplements are ordered and I see my doctor next week to discuss the Topamax. I don't like taking meds and am worried about side effects of the Topamax. I am also a bit worried about withdrawl - although I did quit drinking for 4 weeks a few months ago and it wasn't too bad physcially - just the constant craving.

    I drink everyday usually between 2-4 glasses of wine, but lately we are heading more towards the 4. I think this is because I have shared my concern with my husband (he read the book too) and feel like I can be totally out with my addiction. Can't wait to see wine as a nice accessory to food as opposed to the main course.

    Any advice on what to expect or suggestions?:new:

    What can I expect the first week?

    Welcome Meowmix,

    You might also want to read the toolbox thread. It's in the montly abstinence section. It has a lot of advice on dealing with cravings and making a plan of action. You might also want to check out the newbies thread. It's a nice place to start and has other newbies and some not so newbies.

    Are you going AF or Modding? There are threads for both of these plans with plenty of supportive people.

    As far as withdrawal-drink lots of water, try to rest and eat a little something. After the first few days it does get better. Read, post and ask questions. Good luck to you.
    AF since 7/26/2009

    "There is nothing noble in being superior to other man. The true nobility is being superior to your previous self."--Hindu proverb.

    "Sobriety isn't a landing but rather a journey." anonymous


      What can I expect the first week?

      Hello Meowmix,

      If you quit recently and it was OK, you'll be fine. I was drinking a lot more than you and the only physical problem I remember was not being able to sleep. That did drive me nuts for a while until someone here recommended melatonin, and that worked for me until my sleep pattern sorted itself out naturally.

      Good luck with the doc!

      AF since December 22nd 2008
      Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


        What can I expect the first week?

        Thanks Marshy and Lilmea,
        it is nice to have some support. I haven't even started yet - I won't until the weekend when I don't have to go to work the first few tough days - and I am overwhelmed with emotion. I really want to do this so why do I feel so lost and sad and scared? I cried all the way through a bottle of wine last night. I am planning to work the plan just like the book dictates and am hoping to mod, but am willing to go for AF if need be. There is a great deal of addiction in my family - mom has been AF for 37 years - so I get that I may not be able to mod and will be grateful for whatever form my freedom takes.


          What can I expect the first week?

          Just remember to relax, go easy on yourself, you'll need youself as a friend. I'm 5 days AF and loving every day of it. It can be hard with cravings and just changing life style, but it's worth it. I found this site a couple of weeks ago and started reading the threads, which really helps when you have the "HeeBee-GeeBee's" . It's nice to have a place to go to where people understand and know what it's like. Visit my thread "day 5, under control"
          Only Those Who...Attempt The Absurd...Achieve The Impossible


            What can I expect the first week?

            (answer from a different thread)

            Forget about the shame! There is no shame in what you are doing! Feel good about yourself, be positive. Your a beautiful person, and don't let anyone tell you different!! There are a ba-zillion people going through the same thing, look at all of us on this site alone...and we're not alone And you don't have to tell anyone what you're doing or why, do it for yourself, because after you get going, you'll feel so good, you won't care! Now go for it !!! Go Meowmix Go!! Go Meowmix Go!! You can do it! Just take a deep breath and let go!:wave:
            Only Those Who...Attempt The Absurd...Achieve The Impossible


              What can I expect the first week?

              Thanks Strawman! your encouragement brought tears to my eyes! Damn, here I go crying at work again : )


                What can I expect the first week?

                Thanks for being there for me! You'll be fine! And guess's day 5 AF, and I made it home without a drink!! Amazing!!
                Only Those Who...Attempt The Absurd...Achieve The Impossible


                  What can I expect the first week?

                  Good for you strawman, I;m on day 6, unbelievable, I only wish my husband was here to celebrate with me.
                  Meowmix, you will be able to do it if you went 4 wks just recently. I haven't even been a week in years and I'm almost year. I only hope and will continue to strive for the 4 wks you have under your belt!


                    What can I expect the first week?

                    Hi Meowmix....we sound very similar (as many here) - Wine is also my passion and its grown to where I usually finish the bottle most days. Start around five and just keep pouring til bed.....I did 45 days AF about 1&1/2 years was good but very intense, introspective and time consuming....but I was proud of doing it, which was a good replacement for the shame.

                    I am trying to string together the first 2 days and finding it very hard this time. I think I may need more mental muscle. anyway, I will keep track of you and see how we do. Good luck getting going! By Monday, I hope we both have a few AF days under our belt.


