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AF April 14

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    AF April 14

    Hi everyone! It's back to work for me today. I'm afraid that's going to be cutting in to my MWO time! Grrrr. But, hey: we're almost HALF WAY thru April!

    last10, I saw on juno's thread that you wished you could see all your old posts. You can. All you have to do is click on your name at the top of a post. It opens a pop up. You choose 'view posts' and it will take you to all your posts. Hey, how was going back to work? Did it cause any old triggers?

    Sweaty, I'm glad you joined us. I know from the past that once you decide on AF, you do it! We need that determination on this thread! I had been curious how your modding was going. Thanks for the update. Hey, I read somewhere else on here that you are training for a marathon? How's that going? I am not a distance runner, but Pnut is.

    Lil, we're very happy to have you 'jump in'! Thanks for joining us!

    SD, it's back to work for you, too. I wonder how that will go. Honestly, I am worried that the focus I was able to have while on my break will be compromised. I might have triggers. Yiikes! No, I have to have my AF April!


    "I kinda have to be in those situations, as it is my "drinking club with a running problem" and I am the beer meister."

    That made me chuckle! Good for you, not letting your AF status keep you out of the game!

    Something I've noticed and will have to watch out for: Now that the seasons are changing, I get new drinking thoughts that are related to seasonal activities. I just got the hang of AF in cold weather, but now we're headed into warm. New territory in a way. Has anyone else experienced this?

    Have a great day!

    Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

    If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.

    AF April 14

    Good Morning everyone,

    Now that the seasons are changing, I get new drinking thoughts that are related to seasonal activities. I just got the hang of AF in cold weather, but now we're headed into warm. New territory in a way.
    Dill-I know exactly what you mean about new triggers with the changing seasons. I bought an mp3 player and loaded it up with happy feeling, up songs. I plan on listening to it while I'm doing yard work. I plan on getting a lot of yard work done this year. It was a bit hard last year-what with a drink in one hand and a ciggy in the other. :egad:

    It's rainy and cold here. But my daffo'DILL's are blooming so it must be spring!

    Sd,SB,Lasty10,Pnut-Hope you all have a good, first day back to work, after Easter break.
    AF since 7/26/2009

    "There is nothing noble in being superior to other man. The true nobility is being superior to your previous self."--Hindu proverb.

    "Sobriety isn't a landing but rather a journey." anonymous


      AF April 14

      Hi Hi, Dill - I'm training for a 5k (3mile) - my knees would never take a marathon lol! I've been grumpy today, but am putting itdown to PMT. Dragged myself to a Yoga class which helped.

      Lilmea - we have the same weather all year round, so can't blame seasons for any cravings. I do really like to sit out on the terrace and watch the sun go down with a beer in my hand. I find an occasional AF beer (Becks) does the trick, but I know there's a lot of MWO people who wouldn't touch the stuff. I don't have a yard, but admire anyone who does and looks after it!


      Proud to be SLIGHTLY SLOVENLY.:wavin:



        AF April 14

        Hi Sweaty,
        The dog is adorable!


          AF April 14

          As are you! Thank you, he needs all the praise he can get as he's a particularly skinny little Italian Greyhound. He really does freak folks out....

          We haven't 'met' yet - Hello! I'm in the Southern Hemisphere so am off to bed - enjoy your Tuesday.

          Proud to be SLIGHTLY SLOVENLY.:wavin:



            AF April 14

            Hey everybody! Work actually is making this easier (don't know about work functions??) triggers! Sounds like everybody is doing well here today and that's great...still more work to do this evening at home but wanted to check in. Have a great day/evening and I will be in touch tomorrow! LT


              AF April 14

              Hi gang,

              Day 14 and going strong!!! Yes Dill, we will make our AF April - I just know it!! As for seasonal changes? I think the AF beer will be a life saver for me. I really don't mind it, and in fact, I think I prefer it on hot days - nice cold beverage without that sideway feeling the real stuff gives me.

              My cold has changed directions and instead of moving OUT, it has moved UP, into my sinuses. Took another holiday day here, as at some point while cleaning up in my yard yesterday, it hit me and I had to lay down - I wonder if the snow mold got to me or something!!! So I shall try to get alot done today and get back to work tomorrow.

              SweatyBetty - your dog IS cute - I like funny looking little dogs actually. I wonder if I should put a pic up of my little dog - he is a Jack Russell and pretty typical looking. Poor thing, he has slowed down so much (he's just over 11yo) that I don't think I can take him running anymore!! Even my longer 2-3 hours walks are too much for him!

              Lilmea - the rain always does bring good things. I sort wish it would rain here already, it is so dirty in this city, with all the gravel they put down in the winter on the icy roads. Brown Town, we call it!

              I must go off to the store, but BF has my bank card!!! Grrr..... He is leaving work to bring it to me right now.

              xoxox peanut


                AF April 14

                AHHH Two weeks today!!!!
                What the heck??!?!?!
                Dill-Started off this morning with a meeting ...a VERY stressful meeting with a parent that HATES me...can't say that the feeling isn't mutual as she came to my house the other weekend banging on my door, screaming at me on my front step...pycho!! Little tense at the begining as my principal tried to convince her how wonderful I we were staring each other down...pretty sure a technique they taught us in out counseling classes:H but I'll tell you what all 'counseling skills' go out the door when you mess with my family! But I THINK it ended ok....not AS MUCH tension as when it started...I think she realized how wrong she was and just how wonderful and always right I am :H :H

                Lil, SweEty, Pnut--Cold beer, hot day=SD SMILING!!!! Summer is going to be a challenge!!! Yikes!!! Plus not working....yowszer!!!!!!
                SW--Your doggy is cuuuuttee!!!!
                L10--nice to hear from you today!!!
                Pnut---good gracious...go to the doctor It's trapped inside of you:H
                Have a good Tuesday!!!
                "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."


