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Day 2 actually for me but 1st day HERE!!

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    Day 2 actually for me but 1st day HERE!!

    You can get there


    I know how it feels to start out and feel so proud and great AF and then have a set back and feel just the opposite. A lot of us know that feeling very very well. I'm about to celebrate one year on MYO and it's been quite a year. In the beginning, I was drinking every day and had the notion that I would be able to just quit -- I soon saw that many other people had one setback (or more often several setbacks) before they finally made it, AF or MOD. So, I kept at it and and as the months went by saw that I was able to do more and more number of days in a row AF. In February I was finally able to keep going, until now, and I'm still going AF.

    So, keep going and keep reading up on others' experiences. I learned a lot from those. In time I learned that by about day 3 AF my brain chemistry would go on overdrive and I would get anxious (not unusual, I learned on here), and that's what would drive me back to my old boyfriend (enemy?) " Mr. Chardo Nney." Once I made that connection, I made strategies to get through days 3-5. Then I figured out how to get to day 6. Then day 9. and so on.

    That's just my story, and everyone has their own. This is just to say, you're not alone for not making it on the first try!! Very few do, from what I can tell. But that doesn't mean you can't do it -- you CAN.

