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I think its time........

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    I think its time........

    Sitting here with a glass of chilled wine, its almost 12 noon, im enjoying my wine, however, another day of nothing, so i thought id join this site.

    I think its time........

    Hey Lucy - Welcome! You must have landed here for a reason - I hope you find what things you are looking for...



      I think its time........

      Hi Lucy.
      Happy to have you here.


        I think its time........


        Just know in my heart, drinking has to stop. I promised my son a trip to London today to Britain at War, he went to bed so excited. Of course ive had to let him down in favour of my chilled wine. Says it all dont you think?.


          I think its time........

          Yes, your choice is a can weave a different one..just stay here nd read how others do it. I hope you can find a way....your son will benefit, too.


            I think its time........

            I am...

            reading others tales. Its almost looking in a mirror version. Difference is uve managed to stop, im not there yet.


              I think its time........

              Welcome to MWO !!!!
              We are all in this together and together we can heal.
              sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


                I think its time........

                Hi Lucy!

                Do you want to stop or just be "normal" whatever that is .... :nutso: First of all, well done for a) switching on the computer, b) googling whatever you did (for me, it was KUDZO 'cos I knew I had a problem) and c) registering and joining us so - :goodjob: - you've come a long way in a short time today!

                Don't beat yourself up - the exhibition will be there tomorrow. Instead today, pour the rest of the wine down the sink (you can do it - I did it only last week 'cos I felt totally pathetic being beholden to a chilled bottle of wine in the fridge when I stand 5'8.5" tall and am 10st something (more than I should be :H) so you can do it.

                Then, when you can, sit down with a cup of coffee and have a good look round this site. Get a good feel for the place - you'll see you're not alone :groupluv: Try and make a plan - whether it's getting some strength to go ODAT (one day at a time), looking at getting supplements (I'm on TOPA via the RIVER online Pharmacy) - generally get a plan together.

                Get today in order - make today the first day of the rest of your life, then go onto the Britan at war website and buy the tickets and commit yourself to take him tomorrow or Friday.

                Look after yourself first and then you can look after others. It will be worth it. :lxx


                  I think its time........

                  :welcome: Lucy! Glad to have you here. Keep reading, keep posting and ask any questions you have.


                    I think its time........

                    LucyFem! You're in a good place here. You'll find TONS of similar stories to your own, I'm sure. Have you gotten the "that's nice" feeling to not feel alone in your situation yet? will, soon, if not. Welcome and we'll look forward to seeing you here often. The more often the better, in my case!


                      I think its time........

                      Welaome Lucy

                      I was af for 8days then messed it up over easter.Didn'y drink wine,which was my downfall,bought 24cans of beer,drank them over the holidays,day and night!
                      and drank the last 4 yday at lunchtime.Let my kids down and did nothing with them all over easter favouring alcohol instead.
                      Feel a horrible selfish person right now and (as you probably do)feel eaten up with guilt.
                      But,back on the wagon today!Suffered a sleepless sweaty,shaky night last night and still not 100% today but im on the wagon again.
                      No drink tastes as good as feeling a wonderful parent does.
                      Trust me.
                      You've come to a good place.
                      Wish i had of logged in over easter instead of favouring a trip to but beer....
                      Keep in touch!
                      Take Care....

                      "Just when i was getting used to yesterday,along came today"
                      Bring it on!


                        I think its time........


                        took your advice, yep, poured the rest of the bottle of wine down the sink... and went to Britain at War today with my son. He and I had a fab time. Bought my soft drinks and now just going to have a quiet weekend. Shopping has all been done, housework, sons haircut and all School Uniform ready for School on Monday.


                          I think its time........


                          its amazeing how much one can get done in the day when the heads clear and focused.


                            I think its time........

                            Well done Lucy!
                            LTG AF January 13, 2011


                              I think its time........


                              Thankyou all. x

