Going back to work yesterday really did bring back a LOT of triggers. I had kind of a hard time, but, made it home and AF! Yay!
Lil, I had to laugh at your description of doing yard work last year!
SBetty, there is NO WAY I could run 3 miles. I'm really proud when I walk 3!

BTW, you mentioned teens on the next day thread: I survived the teen years, and you will too!

Hi, meomix!:welcome:
Lasty, I'm glad work didn't pose any extra challenges for you! I had the opposite experience. I work in a school setting with lots of kids, noise, chaos and staff conflicts. I had lots of drinking thoughts my first full day back!
Pnut, I hope you get over the cold really quick. You know, seasonal changes USED to mean that I would switch from wine to beer. (wine-winter, beer-summer). But as my drinking progressed, it was wine year 'round and lots of it! I have lots of summer wine associations I will have to work through.
Remind me: when is your race?
Dill-Started off this morning with a meeting ...a VERY stressful meeting with a parent that HATES me...can't say that the feeling isn't mutual as she came to my house the other weekend banging on my door, screaming at me on my front step...pycho!! Little tense at the begining as my principal tried to convince her how wonderful I am...as we were staring each other down...pretty sure a technique they taught us in out counseling classes but I'll tell you what all 'counseling skills' go out the door when you mess with my family!