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Af April 15

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    Af April 15

    Hi Everyone, April is half way over. We're on the down hill from here on! (I mean that in the good way!)

    Going back to work yesterday really did bring back a LOT of triggers. I had kind of a hard time, but, made it home and AF! Yay!

    Lil, I had to laugh at your description of doing yard work last year!
    last year-what with a drink in one hand and a ciggy in the other. I know we aren't supposed to compare, but, I WASN'T THAT BAD!:H I had one hand free, because thankfully, I never took up smoking!

    SBetty, there is NO WAY I could run 3 miles. I'm really proud when I walk 3! Hey, you know, I get tired of starting the thread all the time. Maybe you could start it out for us before you go to bed sometime? You are going to bed when we are waking up!
    BTW, you mentioned teens on the next day thread: I survived the teen years, and you will too!

    Hi, meomix!:welcome:

    Lasty, I'm glad work didn't pose any extra challenges for you! I had the opposite experience. I work in a school setting with lots of kids, noise, chaos and staff conflicts. I had lots of drinking thoughts my first full day back!

    Pnut, I hope you get over the cold really quick. You know, seasonal changes USED to mean that I would switch from wine to beer. (wine-winter, beer-summer). But as my drinking progressed, it was wine year 'round and lots of it! I have lots of summer wine associations I will have to work through.
    Remind me: when is your race?

    Dill-Started off this morning with a meeting ...a VERY stressful meeting with a parent that HATES me...can't say that the feeling isn't mutual as she came to my house the other weekend banging on my door, screaming at me on my front step...pycho!! Little tense at the begining as my principal tried to convince her how wonderful I we were staring each other down...pretty sure a technique they taught us in out counseling classes but I'll tell you what all 'counseling skills' go out the door when you mess with my family!
    SD, if you made it through yesterday without drinking, you are definitely going strong!!!

    Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

    If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.

    Af April 15

    Morning Dill - 730 pm here! Yep, if the thread isn't started before I retire I can start it.

    My eldest Teen is in miserable/angry mode. He's not doing homework and its all my fault. Ho Hum. I just feel sad for him, but ignore it as much as possible.

    SD- you do sound good, and as far as the house goes I really do think que sera sera. I pulled out of 2 house purchases at the last minute because of gut instinct and I was right both times - one had a completely crazy neighbour and the other had very well disguised structural problems. The house I settled on was 'the one', but it can be a frustrating process.

    Hi to all to come.

    Proud to be SLIGHTLY SLOVENLY.:wavin:



      Af April 15

      Hi guys - back to work with me today. I know now you feel Dill!!
      I don't know why i just didn't take the whole week off as a holiday, I have enough holiday time!!! And, the weather turned cold, and I decided halfway to work to hop on a bus. Just not dressed warm enough. Coughing all the way too, but I am much better. I slept quite soundly all night, with no sleep aids or cold meds or anything at all. So my sleep was true!! That is a wonderful change. I know it takes time to adjust to sleeping, rather than passing out, and when it does finally happen, it is a great feeling.

      So here we are half way through April. I am amazed I (and all you too) have stayed AF. Well, not amazed, but proud and happy. I just can't understand why sometimes we can do this, like right now, but for the last few months, it was so hard. I guess we just have to buildup our strength and resolve and just DO IT!!!

      Hey SBetty - those darn teens!! I have lived through 3 of them, my middle one put me though hell. I still have a 17yo boy at home (plus my BF's 17yo), but he's pretty good. No really bad phases for him, and he really is a very agreeable fellow!

      SD - day 15 for you too!! Aren't we all superstars!!!!

      I have to keep working, catch up with alot of office work then off to the lab.
      By the way Dill, my race isn't until August 1, so i have time yet. Now that the snow is mostly gone, I am hoping the trails will dry quickly and I can start some serious trail running!

      xoxo peanut


        Af April 15

        Dang...are you kidding me???? I've been on here reading so many tomes today....trying to get a minute to post on these threads....I can't believe I haven't got to this one yet...I've read it 100 times NOW....SORRY!!!!
        Pnut I agree--I too am amazed at how far (we've/I've) come this month!!! I owe you guys so much!! You are all so encouraging and supportive!!! Thanks so much!!!!
        SweEty--Can't relate to teens yet..mine is only 7...but has the energy level that keeps me running like I have 3 kids, I swear!!!
        Dill--what are the work triggers for you??? I find it not so much the kids as it is the politics, parent's and sometimes teachers (mainly other adults) you have to deal with that make education stressful
        70+ women in 1 wonder we turned to alcohol...hahahaha!!!!
        Whoop Whoop Day 15!!!
        "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



          Af April 15

          Sorry that I haven't been checking in for AF are all doing wonderfully...congratulations! I have not been completely AF for April. I have had three days where I had AL. Although, I kept it to a minimum of two drinks on each occassion. I, unfortunately, let myself being busy and overwhelmed get the best of me. I am back and feeling very inspired by you all. Onward and upward for me.


            Af April 15

            Good Evening all,

            Dill-I hope your day was better than yesterday. You're doing great. Just start making yourself a plan of action for the summer. I'm not much of a tea drinker but I think I'm going to start drinking sun tea this summer. That sounds like a pretty good noAL summer drink.

            Pnut-Congrats on 15 days. Good to see your sleep pattern is getting straightened out. It feels good to get a good nights sleep instead of passing out doesn't it?

            SD-Congrats to you on 15 days as well. You are rockin gf!

            SweEty-I have 2 girls so I don't know how the teen years compare to boys. I do know all 3 of us would be PMSing at the same time and THAT was a scary place to be. lol!

            Chops-On word and Up word. You can do this.

            I'm tired tonight. My mom had cataract surgery so I spent most of the day over there. This is her second surgery and luckily she only has 2 eyes so she's done. I have big hopes that she will be able to see much better once her eyes have healed.

            I hope everyone has a great night. I'll talk to you all tomorrow.
            AF since 7/26/2009

            "There is nothing noble in being superior to other man. The true nobility is being superior to your previous self."--Hindu proverb.

            "Sobriety isn't a landing but rather a journey." anonymous

