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ODAT - Wednesday

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    ODAT - Wednesday

    Hi guys,

    Hope everyone had a great night! We're finally at hump day. I am sick as a dog but have to go into the office anyway (my boss is a real jerk, if I call insick I'll get in shit). So I'm pretty much dragging my ass - going to see if I can get into the doctor cause I think I may have strep throat. Loverly........

    but on a bright note when you feel like shit and just want to sleep you don't get a chance to drink!

    Day 3 for me (again) but I guarantee you I will be on day 4 tomorrow.

    Hope everyone is doing well and reaching their goals!

    Love and hugs,
    Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.

    ODAT - Wednesday


    Uni, where is everybody? Sorry you're sick. The day does drag on when you don't feel good. Take care of yourself. Whatever happened to the house hunting?

    I'm taking a GF to lunch today for her birthday - that'll be fun. I wondered aloud once if I'd ever drink again and she said I was doing so well, why bother, I sure wasn't missing anything. What a good friend!

    Have a good one!
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


      ODAT - Wednesday

      I'm here, Greenie.

      Love and hugs back, uni.

      "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad


        ODAT - Wednesday

        Hi ODATs
        Day 3 for me and feeling a bit off - slept better last night but then could have carried on sleeping today as well. Loads to do and not much enthusiasm - Church council AGM tonight and usually need a drink to get through it at all:H But not this one, still sticking with the 30 day plan and tomorrow is another day after all.

        Love to all


          ODAT - Wednesday

          Day #3 here, too. I slept poorly but I do better on 5-6 hours of GOOD sleep and, I think that's what I ended up with so I'm doing great. I contemplate that that may have been the problem when I was drinking. MORE sleeping and it helped me feel worse...AND it was that crappy sleeping, you know? Waking up anxious, sweating. Probably only netted out with 3 hours of GOOD sleep. Halfway through Wednesday and cruising along! Have a good one ODATs!

