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Day 3 AF have a question.

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    Day 3 AF have a question.

    I feel so damn GRUMPY!!!! Is this normal????? I'm worried about everything and have a poopy attitude and that is so NOT like me!

    Day 3 AF have a question.

    Yes, it is perfectly normal to feel grumpy in early sobriety. Also the poopy attitude and worry. It will subside as you go along.

    Being irritable is a huge concern for many and may cause a relapse. Just be aware that what you are going through is perfectly normal.

    Typically after day 4 you will start to feel a bit better. Eat healthy foods, get lots of rest; and try to get in some fresh air by going for a walk.

    Hang in there!


      Day 3 AF have a question.


      Don't worry, just go with the flow. Your body is in a state of confused turmoil right now and making adjustments. It's true, you will feel better after day 4, I certainly did.

      Hang in there, pamper yourself a bit and be confident that tomorrow will be better

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Day 3 AF have a question.

        Hey Rodeo. Am on day #3, too, and I've had the grumpies, too. Mine were yesterday, tho, but we have them to "look forward to" during this detox process. I just tried to acknowledge that it was happening and not let it take control. And, hey, everyone's allowed to be grumpy every now and then. Day #4 ahead for both of us and it can only get better!!


          Day 3 AF have a question.

          Thank you so much all of you! I knew that I had a problem with alcohol but to tell you the truth, I didn't think that I would have actual withdrawal symptoms. I have a headache on top of the grumpiness, I'm tired and I actually cried at lunch today because I feel like I have a ton of problems on me right now and I feel like I can't deal with it all. You promise day 4 will be better???


            Day 3 AF have a question.

            Hi Rodeo, I promise day 4 will be's totally normal to have the grumps, I'm usually pretty happy but everything irritates me from Day 3-5...but being irritated and clear headed is better than being hungover/guilty/shamed etc.
            Stick it out, drink lots of water (try a squeeze of lemon for variety)eat good food & consider how kind you're being to yourself...because you deserve it.


              Day 3 AF have a question.

              Rodeorose;592980 wrote: Thank you so much all of you! I knew that I had a problem with alcohol but to tell you the truth, I didn't think that I would have actual withdrawal symptoms. I have a headache on top of the grumpiness, I'm tired and I actually cried at lunch today because I feel like I have a ton of problems on me right now and I feel like I can't deal with it all. You promise day 4 will be better???
              My first 'serious' attempt at sobriety I had lots of tears and headaches that lasted for approx 14 days. I remember lying there on the couch around day 3 and I just bawled my face off. Just cried and cried. I was absolutely horrified living in 'reality'. The problems that had been building up for years seemed magnified.

              Please know that dealing with life is much better and easier when you are sober. Things will continue to escalate when you are drinking. I was famous for 'putting it off' until tomorrow. What a rude awakening when I sobered up!!!

              I promise you; you will feel better after day 4. AND it just gets better and better. There will always be bumps in the road when dealing with crap - but like I said, it is much easier sober.

              One day at a time. :l


                Day 3 AF have a question.

                Ok, I'm putting all my faith in you guys and I am looking forward to tomorrow. I am going to workout at Curves tonight....maybe that will help a little bit. Thank you all, I feel somewhat "normal" now and I believe this will pass!


                  Day 3 AF have a question.

                  It's funny because as I read your post I so remember feeling so bitchy on day 3 or 4 and posting about it, yet I just wrote a post saying how great I felt before I "fell off the wagon" on day 5. Funny how our minds work. I feel like not drinking is kind of like mourning the loss of a loved one. There are days I feel like they (or I) am in a better place and other times I want them (or the bottle) back, no matter how painful it might be. I am learning so much from everyone on this board. Who knows..... one of these days, I might even attend an AA meeting, even though I've sworn I'd never do so. This forum makes it all seem...... NORMAL. We're grumpy and normal, and I am pretty confident that it WILL get better for all of us!

