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Surprise benefits of going AF

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    Surprise benefits of going AF

    Hey all...long story here but, stick with outcome and I wonder if similar things have happened to you:

    Here in Florida it was report card distribution in the elementary schools where we live. My son is in Kindergarden and, though he doesn't receive actual A-F grades, a "+" means he's doing consistently well in an area, a "check" (couldn't find the symbol) means that he's learning or developing in that area and there's one that's "worse" but I can't think of it...he didn't get any, thankfully. Well my son had gone from the "+" to "checks" in, perhaps, 5 areas in the past grade period and upon first review of the report card I was saddened. Then I found the note attached that read "Just to let you know, grades were issued 3 weeks ago and your son has improved in all of the areas in which he received checks on this report card".

    I started going AF during the entire school week 3 weeks ago.

    Coincidence?...I think not. And, even if so, be darned if I'm not going to stick with this trend seeing that note. I mean, his teacher has no idea I've been AF-ing. But my 5 year old must notice and is benefitting from it in ways I didn't even realize. Granted this is just Kindergarden but, even with that said, think about how the benefits will compound if I continue AF-ing as he grows up.

    What other things could be improving that we don't even see? The obvious: absence of hangovers, better skin quality, clearer head, etc. But we may be improving on things we don't even know about.

    ...something to think about!

    Surprise benefits of going AF

    Good for you and your son, Yoga - really nice to hear and inspiring


      Surprise benefits of going AF

      the love the LOVE FOR LIFE
      :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
      best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


        Surprise benefits of going AF

        :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
        best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


          Surprise benefits of going AF

          Thanks tlrgs for the words re: my son. I mean, it's only at the Kindergarden level so no REAL big stuff (though important building blocks) but the teacher indicates that he's focusing better, better at getting his work done on time, better at taking direction...hmm...isn't that ironic. That's how I feel not at 3 days AF this week! Har!

          Joking aside. Probably he's more settled after not having to share mommy with the bottle.


            Surprise benefits of going AF

            That is really an unexpected but welcome surprise. I am sure you will be so much better at being YOU in every way now that you are getting sober...way to go !!
            sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


              Surprise benefits of going AF

              Just wish I could find that "me" in here that loves to clean. I'm more motivated AF but...not to clean the ceiling fans! Ha!


                Surprise benefits of going AF

                Yogomomma, please know you are right in assgning your son's progress to your own: as you said, "not having to share his momma with a bottle." If he's past needing a bottle, so are you! At this point you are most of his world, and as you can now re-engage with the world, sober, through you and your new re-engagement with him, he will have so much more of a world in which to grow.


                  Surprise benefits of going AF

                  Very inspiring Yogamomma! Keep on being a sober and proud mommy!


                    Surprise benefits of going AF

                    It's cool because he's like a little friend, at this point, instead of a baby any more. And I think of him as such (though I'm definitely the mom). But would you treat your friend poorly? say, come back in a bit? or why don't you go talk/play by yourself? or go read that book to yourself?...instead of spending time with the friend. So much clarity when Al's not being distracting.


                      Surprise benefits of going AF

                      Wow, Yoga....that is really exciting!!! And NO I don't think it's a coincidence!!! Good for you....and good for your son!!!


                        Surprise benefits of going AF

                        hi yoga - I feel more in love with my kids when I'm AF.
                        well done for you & your little man.

