Here in Florida it was report card distribution in the elementary schools where we live. My son is in Kindergarden and, though he doesn't receive actual A-F grades, a "+" means he's doing consistently well in an area, a "check" (couldn't find the symbol) means that he's learning or developing in that area and there's one that's "worse" but I can't think of it...he didn't get any, thankfully. Well my son had gone from the "+" to "checks" in, perhaps, 5 areas in the past grade period and upon first review of the report card I was saddened. Then I found the note attached that read "Just to let you know, grades were issued 3 weeks ago and your son has improved in all of the areas in which he received checks on this report card".
I started going AF during the entire school week 3 weeks ago.
Coincidence?...I think not. And, even if so, be darned if I'm not going to stick with this trend seeing that note. I mean, his teacher has no idea I've been AF-ing. But my 5 year old must notice and is benefitting from it in ways I didn't even realize. Granted this is just Kindergarden but, even with that said, think about how the benefits will compound if I continue AF-ing as he grows up.
What other things could be improving that we don't even see? The obvious: absence of hangovers, better skin quality, clearer head, etc. But we may be improving on things we don't even know about.
...something to think about!