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Worried about weekend already.

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    Worried about weekend already.

    Today is day 3 AF and I'm already worried about what to do with myself over the weekend. Usually I would wake up about 6am, have half cup coffee and say hell with it, I'm popping open a beer (about 6:30am mind you). Drink beer after beer till I pass out and then wake up and start drinking again.........for the entire weekend. Do you guys have any suggestions about how to not drink over the weekend??

    Worried about weekend already.

    hi rodeorose,

    Do you have a dog? Maybe you could take the dog for a walk and if you don't maybe you could go for an early moning walk, then when you come back you could have your coffee then. This will fill in some time - making sure you are not bored and at home all day seems to help.


      Worried about weekend already.

      bdd, I thank god that my kids are grown and out of the house. They don't have to see their drunk mother on a daily basis. Holidays are bad enough when they have to see me.....and I love my kids tons, it's just that I'm drunk the whole time they are here and barely remember the visit. It must be really hard on you with a little one around.

      Millie....I do have a dog! And I live by the beach so I think the walk in the early morning would be a great idea, then come home and have coffee, breakfast. Then I have to take the dog to get shots so that will take up a little more time. And THEN??? Maybe I'll sleep the rest of the day?????!!!!


        Worried about weekend already.

        dont worry about a day that isnt even here yet work on the here on now .. come to the site read more posts and stay as busy as you can clean house ,wash doggy ,drink lots of water, tea ,soda,, eat and eat .. that another key stay full of food and take care of yourself
        :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
        best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


          Worried about weekend already.

          Hey Rodeo ~ looks like you are starting to form a plan to stay AF this weekend. Walking the dog, good breakfast, dog to the vet are all great ways to stay busy. Do you have any projects around the house you have been putting off? Is there a movie you want to go see? Keep forming the plan, write it down, and do it. I know it can be easier said than done, but you can do it! :l


            Worried about weekend already.

            AF 3 Days???!!!


            You're doing well so far rodeo.3 days is a great acheivement!
            I too seem to manage to go to bed early and stay af easier thru the week but when the weekend hits i think"to feck with it,it's the weekend,the whole world is drinking".
            But,having been af for 8 days i decided i would reward myself"it was easter"so i drank for four nights/days in a row.
            Boy did i suffer last night with the sweating,shaking,anxieties and not blinking an eye.
            Depression had set in also as i had spent my easter in a drunken foggy haze and didn't spend a sober moment with my family.
            Today,still very down i tried to make it up with my kids,(10,11,16)They didn't really wany talk to me.So much for their holidays!
            Anyway just sharing that you're not alone in your weekend battle.
            I too am dreading it but im determined to get through this one sober.
            No drink is worth how sh***y i felt y'day and 2day...
            I have to remember this feeling when i get struck with the friday feeling.
            It is just another day,after all....

            Be strong & keep posting!
            "Just when i was getting used to yesterday,along came today"
            Bring it on!


              Worried about weekend already.

              Hey Rodeo,

              Some great suggestions have already been made here, I am always a sucker for a really good movie. I also like to keep my youth about me and go movie hopping. I don't promote misbehavior, but I think it is harmless and it will keep you out longer.

              Do you have any friends that are AF? If so give them a call and make a date for dinner or walk on the beach. If friends are hard to come by, maybe check your local paper for some activities going on in the area that could keep your mind busy. My local area hosts different types of dances or bingo, which doesn't display my youth but I love it sooo much! I also find I can get lost in a bookstore or library really easy.

              I agree with chopper, you need to make a list of things YOU want to do and stick to it. Also, you might want to stock up on a nonAL drink for you to sip when the urge hits.

              You can do this, many of us have struggled and conquered! The true reward of the journey is not always the outcome but the lessons you learned alongside the struggle. Look forward to hearing about your weekend on Monday!


                Worried about weekend already.

                Yes, make a plan and stick with it. I've actually written down, like, 8am shower, 9am get milk & bread, 9:30am, laundry, etc. Then I check off each thing as I do it. I've had to do that more than once and it works for me. Sometimes I get off track like I'll have 2pm rake and I find I'm weeding but who cares? I'm not drinking!

                You can do this.
                "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad


                  Worried about weekend already.

                  Is there anywhere within a couple hours driving distance that would be fun to go see? Even if it's a hokey one tank trip it can kill a day quickly and make drinking impossible for a big chunk of time. You might even be tired enough to go to sleep when you get home if it goes well. . .


                    Worried about weekend already.

                    I actually did the same thing Becoming did. Made a list with times on it. The very first thing was MWO-5:30-post in the newbies nest. Excercise-7:00, shower-8:00. It really does work. And at the end of the day, I was proud that I had acheived (at least) most of the things on my list and was AF as well.

                    Don't forget there is a Sunday shout out thread. I still look forward to posting on that on Sundays. Good luck. You CAN do this.
                    AF since 7/26/2009

                    "There is nothing noble in being superior to other man. The true nobility is being superior to your previous self."--Hindu proverb.

                    "Sobriety isn't a landing but rather a journey." anonymous


                      Worried about weekend already.

                      Mr. T, I have to worry so that I won't be caught "off-guard".....when I quit smoking I had a plan for the weekends which were a hard time for me and it sounds like I can incorporate a lot of what I did to quit smoking to help me quit drinking! "A Plan" is a wonderful idea....and I love the suggestions from everyone! I don't have any friends because I would much rather stay home, hide from the world and drink rather than spend time with people. My BF won't be home during the day on the weekend to help (of course he still drinks so maybe that will be better?) Stocking up on the AL free drinks is a great idea....I love the occasional O'Douls too. I'll just have to remember what I did BEFORE I became a drunk......


                        Worried about weekend already.

                        I agree with what everyone has said. Making plans is the only way to get through the weekend AF. I know that one of my triggers is boredom. I am on day 4, this weekend will also be a test for me, but I am determined to stay AF. I have done it before by making plans and I intend to do it again. Already have my plans in place.


                          Worried about weekend already.

                          Exactly, making plans and staying busy. Get out and garden, that's what I started tonight after work. So much to do in the yard to get ready for the summer and mowing the lawn.
                          Clean the house, paint a room, just keep busy, busy,busy, post in the forums, read a book..............YOU CAN DO IT!

