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cant get past the 3rd day

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    cant get past the 3rd day

    Why is it that I can go 3 days AF but by the time the evening comes I hit the booze again I just cant seam to get over the 3rd night, although I have to say that I dont drink as much as I did but still I would really love to be AF for at least 5 days. Does anyone else have this problem? If so would you like to see if we can get through the 3 days together:l
    :dancin: enguin:
    starting over

    cant get past the 3rd day

    ronnie;593183 wrote: Why is it that I can go 3 days AF but by the time the evening comes I hit the booze again I just cant seam to get over the 3rd night, although I have to say that I dont drink as much as I did but still I would really love to be AF for at least 5 days. Does anyone else have this problem? If so would you like to see if we can get through the 3 days together:l
    I know how you feel. That's how it goes for me almost every week. I can make it to day 3 and then I lose all will power. It's very frustrating to me as I would also like to go 5 days!!



      cant get past the 3rd day

      You can do it - you just have to find a way. What could you do differently? You really need to be positive, and once you've done it I guarantee you'll feel fantastic!

      Are you having physical withdrawals that need to be addresses medically?

      Where do you get your alcohol? Do you have it in the house or do you buy it as you want it?
      What can you do to distract yourself?
      Take it hour by hour if necessary - go to bed early, drink tons of other liquids, use a fancy glass, you have to really plan it out.

      Go on, it isn't easy but in the words of Bob the Builder YES YOU CAN!!

      Proud to be SLIGHTLY SLOVENLY.:wavin:



        cant get past the 3rd day

        Hey there Ronnie
        Good for you on your 3 days AF. It is very common occurrence to get stuck at 3/4 days. I was stuck there for many years myself. You might want to figure out what exactly triggers you to drink on that day - what emotions or physical things come into play to make you pick up that the first drink. If you can figure that out you may be able to help yourself to get past those hurdles by avoiding or planning around those things.


          cant get past the 3rd day

          Thanks for all your suport, I am going to start again with today being day 1 and I am going to make sure that I get to day 5, wish me luck
          :dancin: enguin:
          starting over


            cant get past the 3rd day

            Good luck! Do you have a plan? How about the weekend? Friday night is a HUGE trigger for me.

            Can't tell by your board name if you're male or female but I want to say 'YOU GO GIRL!'

            I stuck smiley face stickers on the calendar for AF days , ridiculous but it worked for me.....

            Proud to be SLIGHTLY SLOVENLY.:wavin:



              cant get past the 3rd day

              Il join You! xx

              I'm on day 2 today Ronnie and would love to join you on a journey to day 5!
              I've gone as far as 8 days but 3 of them were spent working through a tremendous hangover so i guess they don't count as i couldn't have taken a glass of water let alone a glass of wine.
              Once i get to a stage i just think "to feck with this"
              I'm trying hard this time and would love to have someone else in the same boat to help with the weekend....
              Keep Posting.
              You're not alone!

              "Just when i was getting used to yesterday,along came today"
              Bring it on!


                cant get past the 3rd day

                You can do this. Just take baby steps. Like they said above go hour by hour if you have to. Make a plan to do something AF on day 4. Give yourself a reward or something if you make day 5. Read and post on here. Best of luck on your journey!
                RUM IS POISON AF since 09/28/09

                "The hangover last a lot longer than the buzz!!!" quote from FloridaBoy


                  cant get past the 3rd day

                  Sweaty Betty my plan is to keep busy all day so that I will be to tired to do anything at night If it gets bad I will put a film on or come on this web site, by the way you were right to say YOU GO GIRL. Thanks for joining me anniemac together we will get through this, how are you doing?
                  :dancin: enguin:
                  starting over


                    cant get past the 3rd day

                    I'm doing okay today ronnie.Went to the health food store and bought some kudzu but they only had it in drops,will try anything to get me through this!!!
                    The girl in the store also reccommended "rhodiola" to help with my irritability.
                    So took her advice....out a fortune lol.....
                    Looked up the net and it reccommends it for depression and anxiety.
                    It's won't do me any harm....
                    Oh and ronnie,watching films is a really good way to stop yourself drinking.I watched half a dozen when i was dry for 8 days.I took early baths and most nights i went to bed with a dvd at 9pm.
                    Only when i was actually in my bed was i 100% sure i wasn't going to drink...
                    Knew i would wake in the morning feeling proud...
                    Will be watching a hell of a lot of films from now on!!!
                    (and will spend alot of time on here!)
                    We can do it.....
                    "Just when i was getting used to yesterday,along came today"
                    Bring it on!


                      cant get past the 3rd day

                      I remember one of the members used to put her pyjamas on very early and get into bed to watch TV. I still have my HB make me a hot chocolate every night, the routine helps. I also did knitting which was hilarious but kept me busy. I have about 30cm of a scarf that is supposed to have straight edges, but is zig zag....

                      I only take vitB and milk thistle, I did use L-glut for cravings and also ate loads of chocolate.

                      Yoga has been great and I've carried on doing it.

                      Ronnie - you haven't said whether or not you have alcohol at home or not?

                      Proud to be SLIGHTLY SLOVENLY.:wavin:



                        cant get past the 3rd day

                        Sweaty Betty yes I do have beer at home as my hubby likes to have 1 or 2 beers after a long day at work but he is not a big drinker and it does not bother me. Is L-glut a herbal thing? I have sorted out my weekend and it looks like I will be very busy so that is a good thing. anniemac are you still doing well, together we will get to day 5, I am on day 2 today and I am feeling GREAT, it helps that I know I have people on this site behind me so I will keep on posting.
                        :dancin: enguin:
                        starting over


                          cant get past the 3rd day

                          Hi! Kudos on the determination!! You can also try skullcap or passion flower or St. John's Wort. Don't really know how they compare pricewise. Are you taking l-glute? I think that is excellent. Take the kudzu regularly to keep your blood levels up.You're doing great!
                          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                            cant get past the 3rd day

                            Hi greeneyes, I am not taking any med. at the moment I would like to see if I can do it cold turkey as I am not one for medication I am just trying to find out about all the options do you know if you can get these meds. from a chemist or do you have to go through a GP?
                            :dancin: enguin:
                            starting over


                              cant get past the 3rd day

                              Ronnie, all those are health food store items. L-glutamine is an amino acid in capsule form and is good for cravings. Skullcap, pasion flower and St. John's wort are herbal items that are sold in capsules or extracts (liquid). They are good for calming. Have you read Roberta's book?
                              Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT

