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cant get past the 3rd day

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    cant get past the 3rd day

    Welcome ext you have better willpower than me i cant mod. so u know u can do it keep it up and god bless s


      cant get past the 3rd day

      :happy:Hi Stashia, what are you going to do to keep busy tonight, my night is nearly over here for me as I have got my PJ's on and I am feeling GREAT that I have got through tonight as the 3rd night has always been my downfall, I cant wait to get to 5 days, how about you how do you feel? love ronnie x
      :dancin: enguin:
      starting over


        cant get past the 3rd day

        Oh boy, I sure do have that problem. Cannot make it past day 3 or 4. Alot of times cant make it past day 2.

        I've given alot of thought as to why. My conclusion is that by day 3/4 you are feeling normal again. The guilt, anxiety, depression, shame, has worn off, and you forget just how bad you felt after "the next day". Its amazing how soon we forget. Alot of Denial is involved. (Maybe I dont really have a problem, and just being too hard on myself. Alot of other people drink, so maybe I am ok too)

        Nobody on here wants to feel like they are not normal and there is a problem. I know I certainly wish I had never taken that first damn drink of alcohol at all of 13 years of age. Where would my life be now, if I had never drank??? Would I still be a waitress at 41 years of age, or maybe I would have pursued my dreams and have been the artist I always wanted. Im still stuck at 13 years of age in my mind. A 41 year old child with stunted growth due to alcohol abuse.

        Sorry, just venting today. This alcoholism crap is so damn hard, confusing, frusterating, and depressing.


          cant get past the 3rd day

          Hi Overit, I was about the same age as you were when I first had my first drink and I am the same age as you are now. If you have a dream of being an artist then go for it, it is never to late to chase your dream, I should know I moved over here (Australia) from the UK only 2 years ago and this has always been my dream. They can come true if you want them to!! But hey no need for any sorry's you can rant as much as you like we are all here for each other. But yes I do agree that it is hard work to stay AF even if I have just done it for 3 days but it is the longest I have been AF for quite a while. love ronnie
          :dancin: enguin:
          starting over


            cant get past the 3rd day

            Thanks Ronnie. I always wonder if anyone reads what I write, LOL!

            I will remember what you just said, about it not being too late. As long as you remember what you wrote, about it not being too late.

            I hope you can get the monkey off your back, I hope I can get the monkey off my back as well.

            Have you thought about Antabuse? I have not gotton any yet, but I am seriously, seriously considering taking it. Right now trying to educate myself all about it, but on the Antabuse thread people on there are saying its a miracle for them. Maybe for us too (?)


              cant get past the 3rd day

              The only thing that I am taking at the moment is vit. B as it helps with stress (which I get alot of) I am hoping to mod after this and perhaps only have a drink when invited out or have people over but I am taking it one day at a time so I will have to see how I feel. I am going to give it a shot at cold turkey first of all but the impression I get is the Antabuse is quite a strong med. I really think you should do a new thread and ask questions on it before you decide to use it. Let me know how you get on Good Luck XX
              :dancin: enguin:
              starting over


                cant get past the 3rd day

                Passed day 3...woo-hooo

                Hi All,

                Made it to day 4!
                Was sooo tempted to buy wine last night and actually jumped in the car to go and buy some,thinking my usual "feck it,i'm alone on a fri night i deserve it"
                And y'know what i done?
                Drove an extra 20 mile to my nearest health food store to buy some l-glut and came straight home!
                Felt empowered driving past the offy on my way home.
                Was thinking "you won't beat me u b*****d!:moon:

                Feeling good today,up early busying about,washing windows and stuff.
                My house has never been so clean!
                Heading now to visit my bestest friend ever in the world (we grew up together)
                She too has a serious drink problem and we always started our drinking at 4 on saturdays,with a few beer then wine.
                I am having a coffee today.
                Feeling strong.
                Dunno if it's the l-glut & kudzo im taking but i don't really feel like having a drunken feeling today....
                Jesus this is a miracle for me!
                Ronnie you've nearly day 3 over.Gud on u,i knew we cud do it,u will feel elated tomorrow!!
                Overit2007,,, would seriously reccommend that L-glut...y'day i was ready to cry for want of a drink and today i'm just not that bothered..Long may this last!
                "Just when i was getting used to yesterday,along came today"
                Bring it on!


                  cant get past the 3rd day

                  Yes in spades to movies, and also, READ, my friends: with a book in your two hands, and, your mind within its pages, it's not so easy reach vfor a drink. And reading is the one thing it is impossible to do while drunk (not like those others things we think we can do whie drunk: say, oh, drive, write, take care of our families, love and make love)...

                  When I went through a break-up long ago, a friend recommended that I work my way through a series of books by the same author (John LeCarre, Ursula LeQuin, Jane Hamilton, Miss Jane Austen, wtc.). Wonderful advice: not only did it distract and enrich in itself, but with boojk upon book before me, I didn't suffer the pre-emptive, disabling anxiety about the upcoming "last one", so common to us all. Also I felt as if i were in constant comunication with a dear intimate. In time, that dear intimate began to feel like me, as well as the author.

                  We are all going through a break-up with booze. Think of it as that most seductive and abusive faux-lover who feeds only your self-hatred, andcomes whimpering back,. again and again, with the same false, facile and increasingly flagrant lies about how sorry he/she is about those bad times, how he/she misses those (increasingly rare, and distant!) good times, how he/she will never betray you again, baby....

                  And for inspiration in finally spurning the sad jerk, think of Dylan's "Positively Fourth Street":

                  "You've got a lot of nerve, to sdy you are my friend.
                  When I was down, you just stood there grinning!
                  Yes, you've got a lot of nerve,
                  to say you've got a helping hand to lend:
                  You just want to be on the side that's winning!...
                  I wish that for just one time, you could stand inside my shoes,
                  And just for that one moment, I could be you!
                  Yes, I wish that for just one time,
                  you could stand inside my shoes:
                  Then you'd know what a drag it is to see you!"


                    cant get past the 3rd day

                    Hey Cloven - I was struck by what you said about drinking and reading. Tell you the truth, my habit is (was) a night time habit, book in one hand, glass of wine in another - plus ciggies. I could stay up for hours doing that!!! I still read ALOT, but not half as much as when I drank a bottle of wine every night. Everybody's different, eh?
                    I agree with the "break-up with booze" sentiment. Always, the last night I drink before going on an planned AF stint, I tend to get very sad. Must change that!!! Should be happy, happy, happy, to be getting rid of that bad relationship!
                    xoxo peanut


                      cant get past the 3rd day

                      Great Post...

                      Very insprirational Cloven!
                      Shall re-read often.

                      Thanks for sharing..
                      "Just when i was getting used to yesterday,along came today"
                      Bring it on!


                        cant get past the 3rd day

                        Hey well done!!! ive just got home bin out all day couldnt wait to get back for words of encouragement though! Am gonna have a bath then do some written work for a photography course ive taken up walk dogs etc. id love to get stuck into the wine but will be glad i didnt its gonna be another Lurvely day. lol sxx


                          cant get past the 3rd day

                          Anniemac GOOD GIRL!!! we are still hanging in there going strong. I come from ireland but lived in england for years. I cant say weekends are never going to be the same because i cant fe**ing remember what they were like!!!


                            cant get past the 3rd day

                            Hi birds of a feather! Made it to and almost through day 6! It's the first day I actually feel human...emerging from that cave! The tiredness, depression and general misery is lifting. I took my son out for the day to Dublin and had a great one to one day with him. It's the first saturday morning I was able to bring him anywhere in a long time. Normally I just wouldnt plan anything because I would always be too hung over from Friday night. It's a beautiful evening here so intend to spend some time in the garden and wear myself out...obviously I would much prefer to have a bottle or several of wine, but I will reach for the lawnmower instead! Thank you all for all your help and good luck everyone on this remarkable journey...:l Juno


                              cant get past the 3rd day

                              WOW I cant believe that I have got past day 3 and nearly day 4 when I got up this morning I felt BRILLIANT one more day and I have made my goal, I did'nt realize that I have this much willpower. :thanks: I would like to thank everyone who has help me get this far especially you anniemac, by the way you are day 5 now and a very big WELL DONE GIRL to you, what are your plans or goals now?

                              Stashia how are you doing? what are you up to tonight? and good luck on day 4. Juno I bet it was great to spend some quality time with your son Well Done.

                              Overit - how is the research going for your meds.?

                              All my Love ronnie :l
                              :dancin: enguin:
                              starting over


                                cant get past the 3rd day

                                GREAT going, Ronnie! You made it past the Thirsty Third and now are on the Terrible Fourth (lol).

                                You're ahead of me by a day. Day 4 has been my downfall so many times... But I'm feeling more hopeful this time.

                                I'm letting you lead the way, Ronnie - so hang in there!
                                Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin

