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AF April 16

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    AF April 16

    Hi everyone! I do believe today marks 3 weeks for me! Who would have thought?! You know, I read posts on here where the writer just can't get past the first 3-4 days and I think how sad that is and how strange really. And I am only 3 weeks AF! !!! I mean, It's hilarious that I would be thinking that way, when I was just exactly in that same place just 3 weeks ago!:H It's great to know we do have the power.

    what are the work triggers for you??? I find it not so much the kids as it is the politics, parent's and sometimes teachers (mainly other adults) you have to deal with that make education stressful.SD, The triggers for me are all of the above. But mostly, being back at work, my focus is shifted to my work responsibilities. My efforts go into my work. and I don't give attention to the effort of staying AF. And stopping on the way home to pick up a bottle is a hugely ingrained habit. It's a hard one to break!

    Chops, we are happy to have you with us on the AF thread! Progress, not perfection! There is still a lot of April left to have AF!

    I know it takes time to adjust to sleeping, rather than passing out, and when it does finally happen, it is a great feeling.
    Amen to that, Pnut! One of the gifts of AF!

    SBetty, hang in there with the teens struggles! How many days for you now?

    Lil, I hope your mom's surgery brings her good results. I know how tired you must have been yesterday. I've been through similar things with my parents.

    last10, We missed you yesterday! Hope to see you today.

    Have a great day, everyone!

    Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

    If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.

    AF April 16

    Here is a quote from Determinator that I found interesting and helpful. It was in the AF Daily thread yesterday in the Monthly Abstinence thread:

    oh just a quick note on al being cunning etc. yes but ONLY if we allow it in our bodies in any quantity. that's how it becomes such a powerful adversary by using our faculties against ourselves. when it's just sitting there in a bottle it's powerless. that's why it needs billboards and TV adds full of lies to sell it! to create the false fantasies of what it's supposed to 'do' for us.

    Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

    If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


      AF April 16

      Just a quick check in.

      Dill-Thanks for that quote from Dets. I especially like the one part "when it's just sitting there in a bottle it is powerless" That is so true. As long as I don't crawl into that blottle, AL has no power over me.

      I hope everyone has a great day.
      AF since 7/26/2009

      "There is nothing noble in being superior to other man. The true nobility is being superior to your previous self."--Hindu proverb.

      "Sobriety isn't a landing but rather a journey." anonymous


        AF April 16

        Good Morning Dill, Lil and all to come!

        Dill, congrats on 3 weeks! That is absolutely fantastic:goodjob:! Also, thanks for that quote.

        Hi Lil, good to see you again.

        I must get back to work now, just wanted to do a quick check-in. I am still AF, not sure how many days now as I quit tracking. Guess, I will do that for the remainder of April.

        Take care.


          AF April 16

          Hi Dill,

          Congratulations! It's 3 weeks today for me too
          I'm so proud and happy to be able to say that - sure you are as well.

          Treat yourself to something nice (and healthy) today. You deserve it!! I'm going out tonight for a nice (wine free) dinner.

          Take care,
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            AF April 16

            Hey everybody...congrats Dill and Lavande! 3 weeks is fatanstic and I'm proud of you! I am back and doing great today/tonight...AF and feeling good I didn't drag myself down too far yesterday. Didn't feel too bad this a slight bump in the road, but now I know what a craving and trigger mean! It was the steakhouse and winelist that got the better of me (altough the wine was a downer, the steak was sure good!). Anyway, hope everybody has a great day!


              AF April 16

              Dill and Lavande - great work on 3 weeks AF!!! You have to be soooo proud of yourselves.
              I liked your comments about so many people getting stuck at 3-4 days AF - wasn't that me for the last 3 months ??? (I won't even count pre-Christmas, as i had almost given up on myself at that time!) Now, I am not finding it too difficult at all, so yes - it DOES get easier, we just have to get over that hump and that mindset that tells us that it is so hard and difficult and damn near impossible to go more than 3 days without wine. Find the difference between our wants (the reason I always gave in was simply because I WANTED the wine) and whether we really need it, and I know my body did not need it at all - it only hurts me in the end!!

              Somebody else on the forum once said something that has really stuck with me and I say it to myself quite often: "What is the worse that can happen to me today if I don't drink the wine???" Kinda puts things in perspective!

              I don't have much time - just ran into my office for a minute but have to get back to the lab and my bread baking escapades!! I added a couple of french bread loaves to the end, for me to take home to the boyz (they are just little, 100g flour loaves - very cute!!)

              Hi and best to everybody this (cold) 16th day of April!!!
              xoxo peanut


                AF April 16

                AF for me today too. Day 8. Went to a counselor today and she suggested AA.
                I;ve been opposed to that, but did try to go to the meeting she told me about only to find it was the wrong night, UGH


                  AF April 16

                  hey there..
                  sorry to check in so late....been a crazy day here in SD land....I'm off to bed...hopefully a bit less hectic tomorrow...still AF 16 days....I'll tell you was a close one...argh!!!!!
                  "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



                    AF April 16

                    SD - stay strong!! Let's finish this month together!!!!


                      AF April 16

                      Hi AFers on the other side of the world *wave*
                      You guys sound really positive! It's closing in on Friday night here downunder...but I'm off to the gym soon to exercise away the witching hour.
                      Stay strong friends!!
                      Actually, you might all be in bed by now...

