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Day 7 AF! Trouble Sleeping

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    Day 7 AF! Trouble Sleeping

    A funny thing happened to me on the way to work......I made it there! :H I'm on day 7!!! and I can't believe I made this far, MWO works. Any suggestions, I go to bed at the usual time, but I have a hard time getting to sleep, and I wake up alot during the night. I saw in a thread to try Melatonin, so I tried 3mg, them 6mg last night, but still having problems. I haven't exercised for the last 2 days, although I did walk my dog, (he's very persistant). I've been short handed at work and I've been getting home later than normal, working a shift and a half. I should be tired! Any suggestions?
    Only Those Who...Attempt The Absurd...Achieve The Impossible

    Day 7 AF! Trouble Sleeping

    Greetings Straw. I didn't start sleeping reasonably well 'till about day 7,8,9? Some folk's don't get their sleep pattern's back for a couple of weeks. Hang in there buddy, and keep up the good work!................G.

    'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

    Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


      Day 7 AF! Trouble Sleeping

      It's funny because I don't really feel that tired. I have a prescription for Lorensopam, but I try not to use them, because when I stop, I'm back in the same boat. But I know what you mean, nothing like a good long sleep!
      Only Those Who...Attempt The Absurd...Achieve The Impossible


        Day 7 AF! Trouble Sleeping


        My doc gave me Trazadone. It works very well.

        AF April 9, 2016


          Day 7 AF! Trouble Sleeping

          I don't know what would help you sleep, except maybe "time", BUT, I do want to say......CONGRATULATIONS ON DAY 7!!!!!!!!!!! You are the man!!!!! Way to go!!! Woohoo!!!!


            Day 7 AF! Trouble Sleeping

            i found it hard to sleep for a couple of weeks after i stopped might just take some time, but you'll get there!



              Day 7 AF! Trouble Sleeping

              You're doing fab on day 7!!!!!
              Don't worry about your sleeping patterns,ur body will get the sleep you need,it's just a little out of sorts at the minute.
              As long as you are resting i wouldn't worry to much about it as i find the more i worry about not sleeping the less chance i have of dropping off..
              I find reading the posts here for awhile tires my eyes and usually try and log on an hr before bed...
              Keep strong...
              You're doing so well.
              An inspiration!!!!

              "Just when i was getting used to yesterday,along came today"
              Bring it on!


                Day 7 AF! Trouble Sleeping

                Hi Strawman,

                Congrats on day 7 - be proud!
                It's 3 weeks for me today and I'm still having some sleep problems but I'm using an herbal product called Mellodyn which is starting to help.
                I think that time will heal us all. I am so determined to not let anything me throw me off track.

                Patience, patience, patience.........
                Congrats again.
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Day 7 AF! Trouble Sleeping

                  Yea, I feel the same way, I just don't want to get to tired and fall to the dark side. I'll try reading, that usually works. CONGRATUALTIONS ON 3 WEEKS!!!!!!!!
                  Only Those Who...Attempt The Absurd...Achieve The Impossible


                    Day 7 AF! Trouble Sleeping

                    I agree with everyone else - time will make things better. I finally had a decent night's sleep on day 14 - before that, I was taking "Simply Sleep" (tylenol PM without the tylenol!), but i didn't want to get dependent on them, AND, they make me drowsy for a long time! So patience is the key. I know it is hard, but just laying there, resting is still better than passing out and getting to work all stinky and hungover!
                    Good for you on day 7 - I knew you would do it from the moment you joined MWO!!!
                    xoxo peanut


                      Day 7 AF! Trouble Sleeping

                      Strawman 7 days is amazing. I use melatonin 5mgs with 3 or 4 four calmes forte together an hour before bed and as soon as I feel sleepy I turn off the light. You might wake up early but at least you will get a decent few hours. Prescription sleep aids make me sleepwalk.


                        Day 7 AF! Trouble Sleeping

                        Difficulty sleeping is what has kept me from staying on track.
                        I am on day 8, which is a miracle.
                        I am using trazadone for sleep. Sleepytime tea with velarian and the calms forte.
                        Also putting one of the cd's on with a headset and fall asleep with it running. Have only been waking up once in the night, which is rare.

                        Keep it up, you are doing GREAT!


                          Day 7 AF! Trouble Sleeping

                          Wow Strawman you are kickin' arse!! Go you!!
                          I find a regular routine (same bed time, same up time) and a cup of chamomile tea helps me sleep. Again, I'm so happy for're doing awesome!

