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    :new: I'm new. I haven't purchased the book or products yet, just wanted to get a feel for how successful people feel this route of treatment is. I am tired of being tired and mad at myself for having no willpower. I'd love to pick up and leave for 28 days but have too many family responsibilities. I'm also a private person, so I don't think the group thing is for me. I like the anonimity here. I'm not very familiar with chats or forums so please forgive any paux pas. Any thoughts anyone? bom


    Hi bom, a huge welcome to you..
    Well, all I can say, is its working for me...I was at the end of my rope 9 months ago, I really was suffering from bad depression. I thought the only route to tackle drinking problems was AA and of course I didnt think I was bad enough for that.
    Anyway, I gave here a try, I bought the book, and a few supplements, and then just got on with it....I am 9 months sober and happier than I have ever been I think.
    Yes, it was still hard work, but the feeling of not being alone, really and truly helped. And the supplements helped with the cravings...
    Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
    Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009



      Welcome BOM to MWO. It has truly saved my i would say that makes it pretty much a success to me.
      I joined in Dec. 07 and still drank and just piddled around with the program...things got worse and my binges started turning into all day every day drinking. In May 08 I reach out to the wonderful people here and said...I NEED HELP !!! Then I really started following the program...doing what i was told...reading and posting daily. Since then i have been sober except for 3 short slips...I would say that the program works if you work the program.
      sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!

