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ODAT - Friday

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    ODAT - Friday

    Morning ODATers and it's a wet and one here in England. Day 5 AF for me and although I went to sleep easily last night I then woke after about an hour and found it really hard to get back - is this normal?!? Took a valerian herbal tablet at about 2am which may have helped although dreams were weird. Don't feel tired today though and actually do feel quite good:goodjob: Can't remember the last time I did 5 days AF so great.

    Hope all of you have a good day and keep strong and happy.


    ODAT - Friday

    Hi MM

    Good for you on day5....well done!
    I'm on day3 and feel very much like shit.
    Really grumpy,but i guess it's to be expected.
    Going to head to the health food store and invest in some l-glut & skullcap to see if it helps.
    I'l try anything!!Then going grocery shopping (a killer when i cannot buy wine)

    Sorry to hear the weather's bad were you are.It's actually sunny here...for a change..
    I've stripped all my beds this morning just to give me a lot of ironing to do this evening to keep me busy.
    My kids are away to ther dads tonight and it's goiny be a killer for me not to drink...
    Have planned bout 2hrs ironing,bath,pjs,then retreat to bed with a dvd.
    (How exciting)
    Roll on day 4..
    Cuz my day 3 just ain't feeling too good right now...
    BUT,,,,reading all the posts on here tell me it will get better so im gony hang in there (allbeit with a very thin thread))) lol

    Take Care
    "Just when i was getting used to yesterday,along came today"
    Bring it on!


      ODAT - Friday

      congrads on making it to day 5!
      I'm only on day 2 now but there's no alcohol anywhere near me and I'll run a mile if I see any!!
      The only thing that worries me is if my friends want to go out later this week...
      But I think I'll be ok... there are so many lovely people on this site who are here always for support.
      Keep up the good work!
      MUCH LOVE x


        ODAT - Friday


        Bright and sunny here and a bit chilly!

        Mad mummy, sleep patterns take a while to "normalize". It is my understanding that you have to take valerian about 2 weeks before it is really effective. Melatonin might be better for you for a "once in a while" thing. Or try the calms forte or some passion flower. I'm jumping up and down for you on day 5!!!

        Annie! Day 3 is great. Be sure you hydrate and eat well today to stave off the cravings. Ironing, ugh! At least you have a dvd for later...

        Welcome lucyloo! Good job on day one behind you! Out with friends can be hard so make sure you have a plan- have you seen the toolbox thread? You can always not go. I skipped a few parties early on.

        Hello to everyone to come and happy Friday.
        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


          ODAT - Friday

          I'm going on DAY 8, and I get goosebumps just thinking about it :alf: I can't believe I made this far, but if I can do it anyone can!!
          Hang in there! It does get better! If it helps, I'm taking Sam-E, L-Glut & Milk Thistle, advice from threads I read on MWO, and this has really helped with cravings and mood. I feel great, and the cravings are very minimal. I added the Milk Thistle after a couple of days, and this mix is magical for me. That grumpy, crappy feeling will go away. I think when we stop drinking, it's like we've lost a friend, but you have to remember that not all friends are good friends. I've also had trouble sleeping, and I was told not to worry about it, as long as your resting, and getting some sleep is still better than passing out in bed! So last night, I did a little exercise, which really helps gets rid of the stress and helps the mood, and I took 3mg of Malatonin, went to bed with a crossword puzzle, and fell right to sleep. I woke up a few times, and I didn't worry about it and relaxed, and I fell right back to sleep. I think it takes a while to get back to normal. Drinking is like that, if I don't think about it, and dwell on missing it, I do ok. I can't believe I'm talking you in England & Ireland, how cool is that! It's going to a beautiful day in Maine today, and I'm loving it, tomorrow's going to rain, so I'm going shopping!
          You Can Do This!!! Think Positive!! Just take a deep breath and let go!!

          Go Anniemac Go!! Go Madmummy GO!! Go Lucyloo Go!! Yeaaaaaaaaaaa!!!
          Only Those Who...Attempt The Absurd...Achieve The Impossible


            ODAT - Friday

            Mad Mummy....I'm on day 5 too!!! YAY for us!!! I have been having trouble sleeping too.....well, I sleep really good but I wake up a lot....bathroom trips from drinking all that diet cranberry juice!!! I think that it will get better!!

            Anniemac....I felt like shit on day 3 4 is better and day 5 is MUCH better!! You just hang in there!!!

            Strawman!!!! Congratulations on day 8!! You are truly an inspiration to us following you!!!!


              ODAT - Friday

              Hi Guys & Gals

              rodeo rose....go you!!!...congrats on 5days and thanks for your words of wisdom that day 4 will be better...fingers crossed.
              strawman...i read your first post and you sounded alot like me,stopping on the way home,,,you're a feckin dab hander at this game,good on you,keep strong.
              Tonight will be a deadner for me but i am not going to buy alcohol!
              Woo Hoo me!!!!

              Have a gud un!
              Take Care
              "Just when i was getting used to yesterday,along came today"
              Bring it on!


                ODAT - Friday

                Hi guys,

                I haven't checked in a while, I've been super busy and super sick. I have the luck of having the flu and strep throat together. Hard to get rid of the strep when it's being irritated by the flu. Yuck. Good news is I don't feel like drinking at all. My daughter has been with her dad all week and is kind of upset about it but I didn't want her to get sick. I am picking her up today though and the crappy thing is she wants to play and mommy just doesn't have the energy. I am hoping I can convince her to cuddle on the couch and just watch a movie - a little down time. She's old enough that she should understand I'm not feeling well and that's what I need but sometimes even though they understand it, they are kids so their mind is still in play mode.......oh well, looks like it will be a crappy weekend for me but at least it will be AL free.

                Good luck all!

                Love and Hugs,
                Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                  ODAT - Friday

                  ODAT all. I'm in some real trouble. Spouse is out of town for a couple days which is a huge trigger for me. I'm working on my tools to stay focused, and planning to get to bed before 9. I've been in a foul mood this week so escape is too tempting.

                  I'm making big plans for Sat morning though. I need to get some yard work done, and also work on my Japanese studies, both things I like to do a lot and take a lot of energy. Maybe I'll get some extra sweets for my bachelor dinner tonight to see if that will distract me. Feeling swervy!


                    ODAT - Friday

                    Day 1. It's been a bad week. I'm seeing that I just can't handle certain emotions. Well, I knew this - but didn't realize how much I use booze as a crutch to NOT feel stuff.

                    And being unemployed means I'm alone most of the time... It's really not natural, but what to do? I've even skipped my last 3 photo club meetings. I will go to SPCA tomorrow, but that's just for 3 hrs.

                    I'm just getting more & more depressed. But I still don't think it's "clinical" depression - just "circumstances" depression. Feeling like my life has just passed me by... and I don't know what to do about it. I know that how I've been living is NOT... Living!!

                    I'm going to try to concentrate on not drinking again. I really need Something POSITIVE to happen in my life...

                    (Sorry for the pity party - again! But I'm just saying how I've been feeling...)

                    Congrats to all of you with some days under your belt - you Are inspirational!
                    Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin

