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AF April 17

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    AF April 17

    Hi, Friends, Here goes another day.

    Yesterday was hard but with your help, I made it through! I also went to my Dr. yesterday. She is the one who prescribed my campral. It was hard last summer when I finally decided to admit my drinking issues to her. I still don't like the fact that there is a 'record'. Of course, there's a pharmacy record, too. Both bother me. But it was important enough to me to just live with that. I wanted to quit and wasn't getting anywhere on my own. The campral did help, but it can only do so much. My resolve wasn't strong enough, so I started and stopped for awhile. I probably couldn't have done that even, without the medication. The periods of AF made me realize how much I really wanted it, and each one increased my strength a bit. Does that make sense to anyone? I guess it was all part of the process, the process which is ongoing. I know I am not 'out of the woods'! Vigilance! Anyway, my Dr. visit yesterday was great. She was very happy to see how well I am doing and asked me how I'm doing it. A big part of that answer, of course, was MWO. She had never heard of it and said she would google it to see if she could recommend it to other patients.

    I don't have time write to each today, I have to get out early for a blood test. Liver function.

    But I do have time to say :goodjob: to SD for making it through a rough day!

    and :welcome: to Lavand who shares my start date and :welcome: to winefree and congrats on day 8 (yesterday's) and angelcakes on the other side of the world!

    Have a good day all!

    Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

    If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.

    AF April 17

    Good Morning All,

    Welcome :welcome winefree: Congrats on 9 days.

    Anglecakes!!- It's always so good to see you-even from way over there.

    Hello SD, Pnut, Chops, Lavande, Last10 and Dilly-Wheew! Pnut-baking bread??? LOL!!

    I've been checking out those electronic cigs. Chops I checked out that site you posted on another thread. They're suppose to be really good when trying to stop smoking. I'd like to be NF by the end of the summer. Going NF scares me almost as much as when I decided to go AF. But I hope to use what I have learned here at MWO to help me stop smoking. It too will be a process.

    I hope everyone has a great day!
    AF since 7/26/2009

    "There is nothing noble in being superior to other man. The true nobility is being superior to your previous self."--Hindu proverb.

    "Sobriety isn't a landing but rather a journey." anonymous


      AF April 17

      Dill-I completely understand!! I didn't understand how bad I actually wanted ( I don't want to say needed) to drink...and it scares the heck out of me to even think about even attempting to do it without my topa, even though I know the drive and the want is there more than that there has been so many more AF days and I know how good it feels....and it's not so scary....and you know what....I can get though those crappy days without it...that anxious, tense, stressful feeling DOES go away!!! You just have to find something else...I now understood what you meant yesterday about picking up a bottle on the way home...that's the first thing I thought of doing when things got 'rough' yesterday! Will that ever go away!!?!?!
      Lil--I heard about those electronic cigs on the radio--what's that all about??? Do they really work???Isn't smoking getting SUPER expensive these days??? I saw that too on the news or 10 bucks in NY....yikes!!!!
      Well the morning bell just rang....better get going....hello to all those to come!!!
      Day 17 and the weekend....hold on tight!!!!:H
      "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



        AF April 17 want to quit smoking??? Yesterday was my 5 month anni of being smoke free!!! I joined Become an Ex at first, now I am on Club EX which is also a stop smoking website. I used the patch and it worked really well for especially considering I'd been smoking for 34 years. We all (on both stop smoking websites) think the electronic cig is not good.....but whatever works? I LOVE not smoking!!! And believe me....if I can do certainly can!!!


          AF April 17

          Hey pnut--thanks for your words of encouragement on yesterdays (16) thread!! That was sweet!!! I'm in it for the long haul now sista!!!
          Angel--You too---thanks---this has been a VERY VERY positive thread to come to each day!!! One of a main reasons this goal has been attainable to/for me!!!! (possibly...hopefully....4sure!!!) :hug:
          Someone make me work today!!!! sheeesh!!!!
          "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



            AF April 17

            Morning Dill, Lil, SD, Rodeo, P'Nut and all to come! Just a quick check in to say :goodjob: to everyone. Let's keep up the great work.

            Dill, your post makes complete sense and I am so proud of you!

            Lil, I am trying to quit smoking too. I am not sure if I will try the electronic cigarette. One of the anti-depressants I am on actually helps a person quit smoking. I am seeing the results of that now. Smoking doesn't appeal to me any more and I usually won't even smoke a whole cigarette. I am going to finish my pack and that will be it for me!

            Rodeo, congrats on the 5 months NF!!! Way to go!!!

            Have a happy AF day everyone!


              AF April 17

              Hello everyone,

              Having a great day, I hope!

              Dill, I'm glad you had a good visit with your doc, that's important and should help you continue your success. I, unfortunately do not have a Doc who is comfortable dealing with these issues. I've known him forever, I think that may be part of the problem. Anyway, being the supremely private person I am - I decided to plot my own plan to quit drinking, after doing a lot of research. Thankfully it's worked for me.

              Next month, when I'm feeling even more stronger & confident than I am now I'm going to address the nicotine issue. It's yet another monkey I need off my back. I'm reading and making my plan now so I'll be ready to beat that demon, once & for all. I've made many attempts in the past but failed.
              Not this time..............I'm going to win the battle

              Have a great weekend everyone and keep up the good work!
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                AF April 17

                Hi peeps!
                Busy in my lab today, so not much computer time. I'm baking bread again, just a small set, but I've added those little french breads again to check loaf forming techniques, and will give them to my running/walking buddies tonight after we finish our 2-3 hours walk. Thing they'll appreciate that!! Everybody is always so hungry after those long jaunts!

                Dill - glad your doctor visit was so satisfying. Let's hear it for fabulous liver test results!!! How long until you get the results. I always wonder how long after quitting drinking that there is a noticeable improvement in liver health. I go for my follow-up with my homeopath on the 29th, and I'm hoping he can hear my liver better this time after 4 weeks of abstaining!!

                Lilmea and Chopper - what the heck are electronic cigarettes?!?!? I don't watch TV so tend to be behind on anything that comes in the form of a commercial!! I also should consider quitting - I only smoke 2/day, at night, before bed, and i could probably just do without them - it is habit, that's all.

                SD - day17 and the weekend, but this weekend does not scare me at all. My resolve is still so strong!! I still do WANT that wine, but I would hate to come and report that I didn't make it. I want this success so badly!! Somehow, coming here every day makes me more accountable for my actions. Know what I mean? Glad you have decided to get through those crappy, stressful times without reaching for the bottle - I know how strong that urge is!!!

                Lavande - glad your plan is working for you. Your resolve to beat the nicotine monster sounds so strong - I believe you can do anything you put your mind to!!

                Rodea - I started smoking at 13yo - and am now 47yo. Hmmm.... Not that I was a regular smoker as a kid, but by the time I was 17 I was. I tried to quite on my 40th birthday, but was on holiday out on the coast with my sister's family, and i was like a bear - almost ripped the door off my van!!! I gave up..... Tried again with Zyban, and that worked, but as soon as I was in a social situation (which I had avoided for a long time), and a friend was sitting across from me smoking, it all went to hell. The beer+ciggy problem! I think maybe I will try again, and start with no smoking on week nights when I only have the two anyhow!!

                Best git.
                xoxo peanut


                  AF April 17

                  So glad to find you all on this thread. I finally figured out how to sort by who does the initial post. Look forward to keeping up with everyone's AF April progress. Way to go, all!

