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My 1st AF Friday night.

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    My 1st AF Friday night.

    Sitting here with a bottle of beer. BUT..........

    It's ALCOHOL FREE!!! Woohoo!!!!

    How are the rest of you doing on this fabulous Friday???

    My 1st AF Friday night.

    Hi Rodeo,
    Well it's Saturday early afternoon here in Australia, but what the heck. AF beer.... well it has to be a whole heap better for you uthan 5.3% stuff. Keep going with it!!
    How am I going? Well got the 'flu from some inconsiderate who coughed on me last week!
    But I'll be up and bouncing around by Monday.
    Hope to see more of your posts.


      My 1st AF Friday night.

      Hi rodeo! Your first AF Friday? Well, if it is any help to you, I am AF tonight, too. It was a bit of a struggle(not too bad), but I've made it to 10:00 pm and I'm heading off to bed soon. It was worth the struggle! I'll be going to bed sober and waking up without a hangover. How great is that!

      Hang in there!:goodjob:

      Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

      If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


        My 1st AF Friday night.

        Rodeo - I my first too. It's early here in California, and just about to go out to dinner with a friend. I'm on day 4, and will keep thinking about how great it is to wake up without a hangover. I know I can do it!!!!!! Hope you're lovin' that AF beer. Talk you all later!


          My 1st AF Friday night.

          Hi Rodeo, I'm AF too. Went to my first AA meeting tonight. Surprised how many people were there. Went OK and two ladies talked to me after it was over and gave me their phone numbers without hesitation.
          Keep up the good work.


            My 1st AF Friday night.

            Hi Rodeo,

            Good for you on your first AF Friday night. Stay strong and keep close.
            AF since 7/26/2009

            "There is nothing noble in being superior to other man. The true nobility is being superior to your previous self."--Hindu proverb.

            "Sobriety isn't a landing but rather a journey." anonymous


              My 1st AF Friday night.

              Rags....I hope that you feel better soon, you should with that positive attitude that you have!!! Dill, it's wonderful that we made it thru a Friday night sober!! You go get some rest and wake up without a hangover...woohoo!! Sandy, enjoy your dinner and congratulations 4 days that's totally awesome! Wine, I'm so glad that you went to your meeting and met some nice people...good for you!!! I say WE ALL ROCK!!!


                My 1st AF Friday night.

                Great job Rodeo! Keep up the good work! I am right there with you!


                  My 1st AF Friday night.


                  Great job!.
                  I am right there with you, Day 1 is almoast over and I am looking forward to Saturday - Day2 . I am so glad you joined the MWO!
                  Just believe in yourself, ok?

                  Good luck,


                    My 1st AF Friday night.

                    Hi All,
                    I made it through dinner AF! My friend was surprised that I didn't order my usual glass of chardonnay, and told her I'm trying to get my healthy self back. No more questions asked! I have to say that the hours between 6 Pm and 9 PM are the hardest. MamaZum - Congratulations on Day 1!!! You're going to feel GREAT when you wake up!!! Yay to all of us!!


                      My 1st AF Friday night.

                      Well done evey one my first fri sober too isnt it great!! talking to everyone soon past the time till the shops were shut last nite so thats a HUGE help have a great saturday xx


                        My 1st AF Friday night.

                        Mama....YAY for you making it thru day 1!!! NOW look at you on day TWO!!! You go girl!!!

                        Sandy, you totally ROCK making it thru dinner without alcohol!!!


                          My 1st AF Friday night.

                          Hey guys,we're all rocking this weekend,,,so far so good.
                          Sat night ain't going to be easy either but i've promised myself that i'm going to watch the footie with my son and bf without having to close one eye to focus!!!
                          Or repeatedly ask "who's in the red & white"
                          Have a good sat...
                          Pats on the back for us all...

                          "Just when i was getting used to yesterday,along came today"
                          Bring it on!


                            My 1st AF Friday night.

                            Stashia.....YAY for you for making it thru your Friday night!!!! On to Saturday night....bring it on!! We CAN do this!!!

                            Annie....I hear ya!! I used to do the same thing...close one eye to focus...ugh!!! So nice to not be drunk isn't it????


                              My 1st AF Friday night.

                              too right rodeo

                              ....y'know my friend and i used to think it hilarious how we both sat thru tv programmes with our family and neither one of us could tell the other what happened.We used to laugh it off saying it was a "one eye job"!
                              How not funny is that?

                              "Just when i was getting used to yesterday,along came today"
                              Bring it on!

