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ODAT - Saturday

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    ODAT - Saturday

    Good day ODATs! It's almost afternoon but the first that I've been able to get to the computer or not be watched.

    A brighter, better day in England today with the promise of sun later (oh joy). Family going off in all sorts of different directions today and, of course, at different times so I am stuck at home either waving them off or dropping/picking up at station etc.

    Day 6 for me to day and a good night's sleep last night - thank goodness. Need to think about running later on this afternoon and see if it is better without Al in the system - have been following the link about trouble in the gym which is really interesting hearing about how everyone else is affected or not as the case may be.

    Have a great weekend all of you - Anniemac, hope your ironing plan worked out last night, been thinking of you.


    ODAT - Saturday

    Hi Mad Mummy and all ODATs -

    Day 2 here. I am feeling more hopeful that I can be AF... (I think I can, I think I can, I Think I CAN!)

    I need to pull meself up by me bootstraps! My hope is that after some AF days, I'll begin to get out of funk I've been in... for Too long.
    Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


      ODAT - Saturday

      You go Savvie - you're doing good

      You're right, you can do it - keep going.



        ODAT - Saturday

        Hi guys,

        Still feeling like a bag of caca here - I am hoping that tonight I can just relax and get some sleep and try to feel better tomorrow.

        This flu bug is killing me.........

        Hope everyone has a great saturday!
        Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


          ODAT - Saturday

          Day 6 for me too Mad Mummy!!! I bought some AF beer last night because the first thing I like to do on a Saturday morning is pop open a Corona. Soooo, I thought the AF beer could replace the far so good and I believe I will be just fine!!! You are doing great by the way!!! Are you abstaining for good or moderating??? I haven't decided what I want to do yet....I just know that right now I am abstaining.

          Savon...congratulations on day 2!!!! How are you feeling??? I was in a funk on day 3, crying, down in the dumps....but everyone said day 4 would be better and it was!!! Hang in there!!


            ODAT - Saturday

            Hi Mad Mummy, Savon and all to come

            Like you MM, I'm on chauffering duties today but thankfully they are both now out of the house so I can get near the computer!!! Had visitors this week, thankfully non-drinkers and was at a wedding yesterday. I was driving so it was easy to stay AF. Savon tell yourself YOU WILL, power of positive thinking.

            A beautiful day here too so I think I will take the doggies for a walk. Enjoy the rest of the week-end everyone.



              ODAT - Saturday

              Hey Rodeorose (just love that name)

              Just doing 30 days to see what happens, prove that I can do it and relearn what life can be like without hangovers etc..... Think moderating is my aim eventually.

              Good luck!



                ODAT - Saturday

                Hello Rustop, a walk with the dogs sounds wonderful....maybe I will do that today too!!!!

                MM...I think that is what I am going to do too. I want to show myself that I can (eventually) drink a glass of wine without having to down the bottle for the effect. I want to teach myself that I do not have to get drunk to be ok.


                  ODAT - Saturday


                  Off to shred some papers at free shred day and then to meet friends at a little neighborhood festival. Toting my water bottle. Being AF is sometimes like being NF (carrying around cigs, lighter, etc, squishing them in your pocket). I don't have to worry about a cooler, flask or whatever or drinking draft beer at some ridiculous festival price, driving home...Such a bother. Going to a new place for early dinner with other friends. I won't bail out because I got drunk at the festival and I can afford a nice dinner because no AL at either place. And I'll feel great tonight and tomorrow!

                  Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                    ODAT - Saturday

                    Wow Greenie....all the things you said are just like me! Having to worry about taking AL with me, getting drunk and flaking on plans, having to drive home drunk without getting caught or's horrible! Why do we put ourselves thru that???


                      ODAT - Saturday

                      Day 4 woo-hoo!!

                      Posted this on a dif post but wanted to keep u all up to spec so copied it.Sorry if you have already read)
                      Made it to day 4!
                      Was sooo tempted to buy wine last night (as i got my ironing red up faster then i thought,lol )and actually jumped in the car to go and buy some,thinking my usual "feck it,i'm alone on a fri night i deserve it"
                      And y'know what i done?
                      Drove an extra 20 mile to my nearest health food store to buy some l-glut and came straight home!
                      Felt empowered driving past the offy on my way home.
                      Was thinking "you won't beat me u b*****d!:moon:

                      Feeling good today,up early busying about,washing windows and stuff.
                      My house has never been so clean!
                      Heading now to visit my bestest friend ever in the world (we grew up together)
                      She too has a serious drink problem and we always started our drinking at 4 on saturdays,with a few beer then wine.
                      I am having a coffee today.
                      Feeling strong.
                      Dunno if it's the l-glut & kudzo im taking but i don't really feel like having a drunken fuzzy head today....
                      Jesus this is a miracle for me!
                      Thanks to all who told me y'day that day 4 would be were all 100%.
                      madmummy & rodeo go girls...
             3 is a bollocks,be prepared for it,day 4 is worth how shitty you may feel 2moro..

                      "Just when i was getting used to yesterday,along came today"
                      Bring it on!


                        ODAT - Saturday

                        YAY for you Annie!!! That is sooooo totally awesome!!! I am so darn proud of you and I can see that you are proud of yourself too!!! Can you come clean MY house???!!


                          ODAT - Saturday

                          Rodeorose;595195 wrote: YAY for you Annie!!! That is sooooo totally awesome!!! I am so darn proud of you and I can see that you are proud of yourself too!!! Can you come clean MY house???!!
                          Y'know what rr,if you lived nearby i probably would!!!!

                          "Just when i was getting used to yesterday,along came today"
                          Bring it on!


                            ODAT - Saturday

                   California close enough??!!! lol!


                              ODAT - Saturday

                              Happy Saturday All!

                              Savon keep doing it. I'm rooting for ya!

                              Good job Annie and Greenie!

                              I made it through last night. My spouse is away and I always lose it when in bachelor mode. I didn't this time. It worked to eat a great dinner and make a special sweet dessert. I think it's the sugar cravings in the evening that push me back to my old habits. So Strawberry Shortcake with Cool Whip "Free" for me.

                              I'm working a lot on diet and food changes. I'm more and more convinced that "cravings" come as much from food as from AL, and the solution is fiber and eating in a way to regulate blood sugar. I'm pretty hyped as I've lost 10 lbs since my drinking days.

                              I don't count days because I sip wine sometimes, but my last binge was President's day so it's been about 2 months for me.

