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AF April 18

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    AF April 18


    Dill must have slept in today!!!!!:H

    Good Morning those who are taking on this April month by storm!!!! I did it last night by falling asleep on the couch watching Sponge Bob on by 7:00!!!! Watch Out WORLD!!!

    Well I'm off to take my son to see his dad...and then back here to CLEAN THIS HOUSE!!! Holy buckets and snow stopped and a tornado hit!!!!:H
    Happy Saturday to all to come!!!!
    "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."


    AF April 18

    Hi AF gang! Day 18 here - yay!!!

    SD - I just love how upbeat and positive and happy you are!!! And Sponge Bob?!? Ha!!! I recall the first time I saw that when my kids were little - I had ask "what is that?" about so many characters!! I think that was when all those weird cartoons started. Whatever happened to Bugs Bunny - my fave!! (actually, BF watched BB regularly on YouTube!!)

    Wake-up Dil!!!!
    Runnermomma - come visit, ok?
    Hi to everyone else to come too!!! Hope you are all doing well, after the usually challenging friday night!

    I went for a 15km (9 miles) walk with my galpals at 6pm last night. Didn't get home until after 10, as we went out for eats after. But I couldn't believe how TIRED I was. I had eaten half a salad at the restaurant, which maybe wasn't enough to refuel me. Or, maybe walking the 3.5 miles to work, on my feet in my lab all day, and then the walk - I couldn't do anything. I had a HOT bath, and I was feeling so week, I was actually shaking!!! BF rubbed my sore feet and I think i was asleep before he left the bedroom! Maybe today it will be a swim only, as I don't think I can use my legs much. Some stretching is in order. I tell ya', all this exercise is killing me! Although, I just report, I am down 8lb today since the beginning of April!! Could never do that no matter how much exercising or dieting I did when I had a litre of wine down my gullet every night!!!

    OK - off to stretch! Have a great, productive saturday. House cleaning is on my agenda too!
    xoxo peanut


      AF April 18

      Dang SD, You are full of energy this Saturday morning! Hot date with Sponge Bob huh?

      Beautiful day out here today, sure makes it hard to stay inside and study - but the end is drawing near; and besides, I will reward myself by going to the park this afternoon.

      Hey Dill and Peanut!! Yall are rockin this month out, right??

      Hope yall have a good Saturday!


      "It takes a lot of courage to release the familiar and seemingly secure, to embrace the new. But there is no real security in what is no longer meaningful. There is more security in the adventurous and exciting, for in movement there is life, and in change there is power."
      -Alan Cohen


        AF April 18

        I didn't sleep in! I am just 'fashionably late' today! Thanks for getting us started SD. And ditto to the comments about how wonderfully upbeat you are. You know, Sponge Bob isn't a bad way to spend your evening. HB and I rented "The Little Rascals" and watched it. I only sort of watched it, because I was on and off on MWO.

        Pnut, if I didn't already know what kind of a nut you are, I'd be asking you that! You mean to say you walked a total of 12.5 miles yesterday, not counting being on your feet at work?!!! OMG! Remember how I used to exercise vicariously by reading your posts? Well, I couldn't keep up today. I'm worn out! I did like the hot bath and foot rub part. And what with being AF, you actually get to remember it!

        And WOW! 8lbs! I think I picked up at least a couple of them for you. I've been eating sweets like crazy since AF, and haven't gotten into an exercise routine. I guess 2 lbs isn't bad, but I have to turn it around now.

        Hi, Cat, How's it going? Are you still totally AF? You are one strong woman, I know that much!

        Friday night was a bit of a rough patch, and I am kind of grumpy today, but I am going strong.

        Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

        If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


          AF April 18

          Going to dinner with a girlfriend tonight for the first time since I went AF. Husband is home with the kids. Will be hard but I'll stay AF. I made sure to pick a restaurant not near the bar scene in Dallas.


            AF April 18

            You can do it, superrunner!! Order Soda and Lime or some such thing - it is much more thirst quenching and rehydrating anyhow!
            xoxo peanut


              AF April 18

              Hey Cat!
              I'd take any date about now...Sponge Bob is even looking good
    !!! Slim pickins here in SD!!!! LOL!!!
              "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



                AF April 18

                SD - Girl, careful what you wish for, I'm sure even Sponge Bob would develop bad habits eventually...hehehe

                Hey Dill - I craved sweets like a mad woman too! And yeah, still totally AF - most days I feel great about that and really proud...but some days it just pisses me off. I read somewhere (???) that this can go on for up to two years? hmmmm...don't know where i read that...

                Another beeeautiful day out! And I must be inside studying cardiac dysfunction in children...seriously??

                Hope you all have a wonderful day!!!

                Cat Belle

                "It takes a lot of courage to release the familiar and seemingly secure, to embrace the new. But there is no real security in what is no longer meaningful. There is more security in the adventurous and exciting, for in movement there is life, and in change there is power."
                -Alan Cohen


                  AF April 18

                  Hey, Cat, GREAT for you! I saw you on the Shout Out thread.

                  I have decided to take a stand against the sweets. I think I can do it. Three weeks of eating every sweet I could get my hands on is stopping today! I have decided to eat little snacks of veggies or protien to take the edge off my hunger throughout the day. Wish me luck! And please keep posting on our AF April threads. I know it helps Pnut and SD and myselft to hear from you from "the other side"!

                  Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                  If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.

