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Business Travellers?

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    Business Travellers?

    Hello... As the title reflects, I am a "road warrior" / frequent flyer / business traveler. I am also brand spankin' new to MWO. I am interested in talking to other business travelers about their experiences / challenges. Any comments / thoughts?:new:

    Business Travellers?

    Hi there,

    I am a business traveller as in Cinders. I have had lots of challenges as I'm in sales and when we travel there are always dinners with clients or sales conferences and the alcohol flows. I'm not going to lie and say it's easy, cause it's soooooo not. In 2 weeks I have to go away again although this time I get to take my BF with me who knows about my challenges. I am hoping that with my L-Glut and the kudzo that I will do okay. His support will also be helpful.

    Welcome to MWO - you will find the support here amazing. Another idea if you are concerned is to take antibuse. I haven't done it yet but it is next on my list. And I know that it works well for many others on this site as it just takes away the option. My only problem is I can't order it online here, Canadians have to have a prescription - which sucks because I don't have the guts to talk to my doctor. However it seems I may not have a choice.

    Good luck, and welcome again!
    Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


      Business Travellers?

      Hello Ketel! I flew 100k+ for a number of years up to about 2002. Since then I've had to learn to cope with walking past row 3... I could write the book on waking up and staring at the hotel ceiling pondering what city or country I was in, and worse, whether it was evening or morning. Alcohol can be a huge crutch if your circadian rhythms are out of whack from jet lag, and not a good crutch to use at all. Ask anything. People here will chime in.


        Business Travellers?

        Thanks for the comments thus far... As I said, I am new here and just beginning to learn my way around. I haven't made any changes yet but I am hoping to adopt at least a more moderate approach to my alcohol intake. I know that it has become more of an integral part of my "on the road" life than I would like it to be over the past few years. I have some pretty strong work-a-holic tendencies and have convinced myself that my habit of going out for dinner and a few glasses of wine each night is a "healthy" way to restore a little work-life balance. I know there are healthier ways to spend my time and I have decided that it's time to start looking. I also enjoy the socialization benefits of leaving my hotel room each evening and having conversations with people living this same kind of lifestyle, which makes it a little more challenging to me. I guess I'm hoping for both advice and encouragement as I start out on this journey of creating a healthier life on the road, both physically and mentally. (Then I can work on the home life!).:thanks:


          Business Travellers?

          Welcome to MWO !!!!! I do public speaking around the US and in Europe ...all I can say is watch out for the motels with the mini bars. I have almost been done in several times by them. I now check ahead to make sure there is no booze in the room or change to another motel so I won't be tempted. Also airport delays can send me to the bars so I have my PC handy and come to this safe place to chat abit...It has saved me countless times.
          sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


            Business Travellers?

            Hey Ketel - I'm reading a book at the moment and the drink of choice for the author WAS a Ketel One's by Augusten Burroughs, called Dry - great read.
            Anyway, I also used to travel a lot for work and with no-one to answer to & the loneliness it was very easy to drink way too much. God I had some aweful times thanks to al in hotels around the world! When I stopped I would always find the gym at the hotel & go there at the end of the day. Alternatively I'd get a massage or facial - they helped me sleep & woke up feeling much better. I'd also be back at the pool or gym before breakfast the next morning.
            When going out to dinner I'd just order soda water...


              Business Travellers?

              welcome ketel! fellow road warrior here. mostly by road these days but it's all hotel rooms at any rate. I used to be drawn to the hotel bar like a moth to the flame, it was great (so I thought) no matter how plastered I got I simply had to stagger back to my room with no driving. ugh. i sure don't miss long drives with a hangover. now I spend time in my room on MWO via this laptop! between that and exercise I'm being pretty healthy on the road now for over a year.
              nosce te ipsum
              (Know Thyself)

