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ODAT -Sunday 19th April

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    ODAT -Sunday 19th April

    Hi ODATers

    Having done 30 Days AF I have tried 10 days modding. It hasn't gone well. If I have one glass of wine I wake up in the middle of the night with a somehow empty bottle beside me. How did that happen? It's the speed I drink at that is the main problem. I have written and posted my rules on the modding section of the site but I seem completely incapable of sticking to them. :upset:
    It hasn't helped that my dear mother and brother came to visit this week for 4 days...I always drink when they visit and we had other friends and family for dinner parties over the Easter weekend.

    So It's time for a reality check. Back on Day 1 of another 30 Days AF. I go on holiday at the end of May and my plan is to stay sober til then...think how much weight I will lose!
    If alcohol made you happy I should be the happiest person alive! I'm not.

    ODAT -Sunday 19th April


    with u all the way as u seem to be for me. thankyou. x


      ODAT -Sunday 19th April

      Hih Bluesky and Lucy, Sorry to hear your modding hasn't been as successful as you'd hope. I'm like you, 1 glass just never happens.

      Anyway as you say Day 1 and here you go - just picture yourself in the bikini at the end of May (hopefully not in the UK or you'll have goosebumps as well!!!).

      Day 7 today for me and feeling OK but not good mood with people today, don't know why, just woke up like it - still the sun is shining and it's a Sunday so I'm going to try and improve.

      Luv to all


        ODAT -Sunday 19th April

        G'mornin all ODATers.

        Blue Sky - that's Great that you did 30 days. I just had to look at yesterday's thread to check to see what day I'm on today... Couldn't believe it's only Day 3 (I thought yesterday might have been)!! I guess time is kind of in slow motion while AF.

        So... Day 3... with ominous Day 4 tomorrow. Trying to hang on to my positive thoughts, and let the negative ones just move on through!

        Hope all have a lovely Sunday.

        (Whoops - Mad Mummy -- we just cross-posted, but I had to edit to say BIG CONGRATS on Day 7... or should I say ONE WEEK!! :wd
        Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


          ODAT -Sunday 19th April

          Hello ODAT's ....after my Little League parade yesterday a bunch of us went to the boat club for lunch and so the kids could play before they had to go back to the field for there night games.....before I know it I was drinking a coors light...after 3 days AF.....
          I went home took a nap and then went to the night game.....what an ass I am.... Back to Day 1

          "I'm safe.. up one can touch me...why do I feel this party's over?...."

          "no're my do I feel this good SOBER?!"


            ODAT -Sunday 19th April

            Day one for me too gang. I'm aiming for 5 days this week and then go on from there. Have to go on a work trip the 2nd of May and I'm hoping to get a bunch of AF time in before and during the trip.

            The thing that totally sucks is that as a Canadian I can't order anything on river pharm and I really want to try antibuse or stock up on more Topa or something but I am unable to do so -frustrated.

            oh well, L-Glut, here i come.
            Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.

