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AF April 19

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    AF April 19

    Morning All!

    I was hoping for sunshine this morning, but it's cloudy out there. At least not the howling wind that was running all over the place yesterday. I tired - those darned kids in my basment woke me at 2:15 and I didn't get back to sleep for an hour! I have a race at 9 this morning - less that an hour away. Well, not a race, but a 5km fun run. Then I will walk the 11km home - that will be a good 10miles for today. Now, if I could just wake up!!!

    No probs staying AF last night, although little wine-thoughts are entering my head lately. I've a friend who drinks beer, but only when out, never at home and definitely never alone. I wish I could do that. There are times when I'm out and everybody is having beer, and just one glass would do me fine. I would like to try that next month, no wine drinking at home, but a cold beer after a run (great rehydrater!! ha!!)

    Must go do some stretching before heading out. Hi to everyone to come and have a wonder, relaxing sunday!! Don't work too hard!
    xoxo peanut

    AF April 19

    Hey Peanut, I hope you have a great run! Sounds like you're in great shape! Glad to hear you're doing well. I'm on day 9 AF, and loving everyday of it. I started working out and I'm losing weight and firming up, feels great to feel stronger. It's sunny here today and I'll be working out in yard, getting some fresh air, getting things done. What use to work is now turning out to be fun. Hope you have a great day, and don't rehydrate to much!:H I hope everyone is having a great and relaxing Sunday!
    Only Those Who...Attempt The Absurd...Achieve The Impossible


      AF April 19

      Toad Love

      Hi pNUTTY one! You are probably out running, or soon will be, as I am typing.

      Honestly, I am just jealous. You are doing great and losing weight. (I'm a poet and didn't know it. ):goodjob: to you, pNUT.

      Here's a funny trigger: Yesterday afternoon I was in a foul mood and really craving a drink . It was sunny and warm and beautiful outside. I tried to calm myself by focusing on the sound of the spring mating call of the toads around the pond behind my barn. Each Spring, for one week in April they make this high pitched trilling sound. It is a sound of nature that I really enjoy and it lasts but a few short days each year. I can really get lost in it if I close my eyes. I realized after a moment: The toad's were a trigger!!! I used to love to sit on the dock with a glass of wine and take in that sound on a sunny, warm afternoon/evening. :nutso:

      Triggers definitely come in all shapes and forms! Well, I'll be making it through toad mating season AF this year. Yeah, now if that doesn't sound like a weird statement, I don't know what does!:H

      Anybody else struggling with seasonal triggers?

      Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

      If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


        AF April 19

        Hi, Strawman! Cross-posted. :goodjob: on 9 days!!! Excellent! And, yes, funny how the old chores are more fun these days...

        Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

        If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


          AF April 19

          I think my biggest trigger might be my Husband. Oh Dear.
          Proud to be SLIGHTLY SLOVENLY.:wavin:



            AF April 19

            Yea, my wife can be a trigger but if I'm AF, and behaving then it makes her more relaxed. I'm a closet drinker, which I don't disclose to anyone and I'm surprised I'm saying it here. Anyway, on warm sunny days I like to get buzzed in the garage when working outside and work around the yard, or so it appears. MUCH better without the drink these days!!!
            Only Those Who...Attempt The Absurd...Achieve The Impossible


              AF April 19

              Morning Pnut, Dill, SM, SweEty-

              First off...OMG you ever slow down??? I bet your legs move in your sleep:H
              You must be like a size 2!!!!! (She's probably a 0--who am I kidding)!!! I can't believe how much walking and running you do....don't get me wrong I think it's great and you're amazing...heck I get winded just going to the fridge for another popsickle each night!!:H
              Great job...keep it up!!!

              Dill--I have seasonal triggers too!! When you talk about the frogs...I don't think what I'm hearing is frogs...but when I sit out on the deck at my lake cabin and just look out onto the lake and it's so peaceful and you can hear (whatever animal sound that is) drink of choice in hand...I honestly know how hard this summer is going to be for me. Thankfully the weather still sucks here so I don't have to worry about it right now...hahahaha!! You know...being at home alone has been the biggest trigger...that's when I did most my drinking...put my son to bed and this has been the hardest...I don't like people to see me drinking/drunk...even family really that much.

              SweEty--that's funny--my EX--hubby continues to be one of my BIGGEST triggers!!! GRRRR!!!

              SM--Awesome job on day 9---you rock!!! Your wife is a lucky lady that you are giving this a will make every aspect of your life better!!
              Peace out AF April Crushers!!!
              "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



                AF April 19

                Oh you guys!! SD - I am not a petite person - always heavy muscles, thus have used exercise to keep my body size in order!!! Believe me - size 11 is me!! It is such a battle for me, but this no drinking is helping. I would run so much better if I was lighter, I'm sure. Anyway, all this walking - it is training. It will probably take me at least 4 hours (most likely more) to do my leg of the race in the summer, so I have to practice being on my feet for a long time. My galpal walked back from the race with me, and she still has 3.25hours to go today (she is doing the whole 125km race herself!!) It does tire the legs out. BF is going to give me a foot rub right now - he's such a sweety!
                Have fun out in your yards everybody - loved the mating toad calls story Dill!
                xoxo peanut


                  AF April 19

                  Hello All,

                  Strawman-Congrats on 9 days!

                  Dill-You cracked me up with your mating toad story! :H:H:H

                  Speaking of triggers-Every third week my hubby works nights. That was one of my favorite times to drink. At home, alone watching a movie on DVD. HB is retirering in 2 weeks and next week will be the last time he works nights. The last time I will have any evenings home alone. Maybe that's part of why I've been having such a difficult time lately.

                  Anyway, Pnut, SD, Sweaty-You all are sounding positive.

                  Hope everyone has a good evening.
                  AF since 7/26/2009

                  "There is nothing noble in being superior to other man. The true nobility is being superior to your previous self."--Hindu proverb.

                  "Sobriety isn't a landing but rather a journey." anonymous

