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Let's go on a... 4 Day AF Binge!

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    Let's go on a... 4 Day AF Binge!

    Hi Everyone!

    This is a piggy back off of Mamma Zum's thread over the weekend.....

    Who would like to join me to get through the week? I'm talking Monday through Thursday. Having a specific thread to return to for support was REALLY helpful this weekend.

    Let's have a great week!


    Let's go on a... 4 Day AF Binge!

    OK, count me in! And it may seem easy... since I'm just finishing up Day 3, BUT I haven't made it past 4 days in quite some time. This will be a good way to make Sure I do!!

    (I like the ODAT thread, too - because, really, that's how we have to think: One Day at a Time...)

    Good luck, Finally - and all who join!
    Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


      Let's go on a... 4 Day AF Binge!

      I'm with you. I REALLY want to string 30 together; this would be day 15-18. Time does NOT fly in this situation! Looking forward to supporting each other!



        Let's go on a... 4 Day AF Binge!

        Count me in. I went 9 days and caved. Too much stress...need to find another coping mechanism.


          Let's go on a... 4 Day AF Binge!

          Thanks for joining in Savon, Crazyforwine, & Winefree! I like the idea of stringing several days together at a time and hopefully keep connecting them together. It's kind of like taking it one day at a time (which we are) but with a few added bonus days as a goal. Last week I was able to go 4 days AF, but then drank the next 4 days in a row. For some reason, I thought it would be harder to be AF on the weekend, but it's actually more difficult for me during the week. (I am just more likely to binge on the weekend, once I start.)

          If we can make these "mini goals" for ourselves, I think we can do this!

          Have a great day tomorrow!


            Let's go on a... 4 Day AF Binge!

            Finally, I knew the weekdays would be harder, since I have a stressful job. I made it through the weekdays, but fell this weekend secondary to a stressful meeting with my husband(he left me and told me he isn't coming back). So I said what the hell.
            Well I need to get back on track and I'm ready. Glad to do it with you.


              Let's go on a... 4 Day AF Binge!

              Hi all hope you all had a good week end Back to work will miss wine to relax at end of day! Cest la vie!!


                Let's go on a... 4 Day AF Binge!

                Hi fellow 4 day AF bingers! (that doesn't look it's spelt right!)

                Thanks for starting the thread, Finally, 'cos this is my aim in my battle - to be 4 days AF and to be a 3 day modder-girl - so, the girl from delmonte, she says :yay: - count me in! And for you CRAZY - it'll get you to day 18 so - go for it!
                :groupluv: Happy Monday to you all - let's do it! :lxx


                  Let's go on a... 4 Day AF Binge!

                  Count me in too! Need to get started on another 30 Day stint cos modding just isn't working out for me.
                  If alcohol made you happy I should be the happiest person alive! I'm not.


                    Let's go on a... 4 Day AF Binge!

                    Come on then Blue sky 'cos it's a Blue Sky where I am today in the UK - let's go for a 1 day AF binge today and see where it leads us! xx


                      Let's go on a... 4 Day AF Binge!

                      I'm on board! Got to day 5 last week and then tossed the weekend away. But am back and happier for 1's always rough for me. Not the DOING it...just how I feel while I'm makin' it through. Love the "let's go on an AF binge" philosophy...good way to think about it.


                        Let's go on a... 4 Day AF Binge!

                        OK, folks. THIS IS IT. Day 4.

                        Don't know about tomorrow... but TODAY is AF!!!!!

                        I won't say this has been the most Fun binge I've ever had - but at least I Remember it!
                        Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


                          Let's go on a... 4 Day AF Binge!

                          OK, everyone, how are we all doing? savon, I know that feeling of trying to pass by the liquor stores. There are five really nice wine stores within 12 blocks of my feels so strange not stopping in, but it gets easier each time! I wonder if they miss me...

                          You can do it! I am determined to make this day 15. I know it's not even 9 AM, but still. I am struck this morning by how fast time goes by, the news stories about Columbine High School and the Central Park jogger (20 years ago for her!) and I really don't want to miss my life, so much has already gone by in a haze.

                          Let's do it!



                            Let's go on a... 4 Day AF Binge!

                            I'm all for a 4 day AF binge. I made it 6 days and then blew it totally yesterday. Today I am feeling weepy and guilty and I hate myself. I'm considering not going to work and just hiding in bed.


                              Let's go on a... 4 Day AF Binge!

                              Count me in...I am on day 2 today, but that is after drinking on Saturday. Let's do this together!

