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Let's go on a... 4 Day AF Binge!

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    Let's go on a... 4 Day AF Binge!

    Hi Everyone,

    I'm doing well, having just finished a litre of diet Tonic water and eaten a large salad with shrimp! Now I'm eyeing a brownie....but no AL!

    Hope you all are holding up and feeling good!



      Let's go on a... 4 Day AF Binge!

      O.k..... kids are in bed. I'm back. Today is now my 4th day in a row AF. It was tough. My daughter is sick. My son cried the whole way home because he wanted to "drive" home. It's been raining all day. I have an open bottle of wine from last Thursday. Very tempting. Didn't touch it though. I've increased my topa to 100 mg. this week and now taking the l-glut which is actually really helpful.

      I am so happy to see so many of us have gotten on board with this thread! Being AF during the week is really tough. Having all of you here is sooooo helpful, so THANK YOU!!!!

      PHOTOGIRL.....just wanted to let you know that when I first joined this community, your posts always made me laugh and feel like this was a "no pressure" board. Like it was o.k. to screw up, hide the booze, relapse, not beat myself up, start again. I like that. Thanks!!!! You made me feel like this was a place I could keep coming back to even if I couldn't stick to a "plan" from day one, so I just wanted to give you a public shout out!!!! You rock!


        Let's go on a... 4 Day AF Binge!

        Hi Finally and all.

        Finally, I hope your dear girlygirl feels better soon. As for your little guy wanting to drive, that is too funny. Mine is 7 now and since he was 3 yrs old, I let him sit on my lap and steer the wheel in the cul-de-sac. Of course..only when he listens and I am sober!!! (None of the above is a very frequent occasion! )



          Let's go on a... 4 Day AF Binge!

          Finn! Can you pour the rest of the wine down the sink right now. It would be bad after 4 days in fridge anyhow.


            Let's go on a... 4 Day AF Binge!

            I DID IT AGAIN! (DrinkTracker)

            Hello all my dearest AF Binge Friendly Creatures!

            Well, I do not know how to start. I am used to put a Zero on the DrinkTracker every morning after drinking, with best intentions in mind, only to come back later before going to bed and change it to # of drinks I had that day. Since my last baby was born 7 yrs ago I could count my AF days on my 10 fingers.

            Today, I did it again! Filled out "Zero" for today. Guess what? I do not have to change it tonight!!! Hoorray!!!!

            I am wrapping up my Day 1 AF and thanks to all of you I made it!! I know there still is a bumpy road ahead. I am prepred for ups and downs. Hopefully more ups because physically, I do not feel sick at all, probably because I slowed down a lot during past few weeks. But the cravings.....ouch, they are killing me!

            Finallymadeit, your recommendation of L-glut and Milk Thisle works very well. Thanks so much! I do not have a Topa yet as I am scared to go to the doctor and confess about my drinking.

            I cannot wait to hear from all of you tomorrow how you are doing.
            Thanks sooo much again for all the time and support you all are giving out.

            With XoXos, MamaZ :thanks:


              Let's go on a... 4 Day AF Binge!

              Good Morning day 2 of our day 4 AF binge!!!!!

              How are we all doing then?!?!?!? Well done last night everyone! I've just checked all your threads - unfortunately I couldn't last night as hubbie was working at home since 5.00 pm (most, most unusual) but kept AF and pleased that you all sounded strong.

              Firstly, FINALLYMADEIT2, :thanks: for your kind words - they were really special to read - it's so nice that you feel someone somewhere out there is getting some support from what you type - I know I have from the threads/replies that people have posted and, most importantly, it just makes you feel that you're not alone or this complete and utter :nutso: that you've got going on in your head 'cos you feel you're battling it on your own - 'cos you're not - that's the beauty of MWO I find.

              MAMMAZUM - :goodjob: - are you feeling PROUD of yourself today?! I bet you are. Depending on where you are (can't remember now where you're location is) but I've got my TOPA off the River pharmacy. I don't know if my GP would/could prescribe it here in the UK but, like you, I didn't want to go down that road ....... I went onto the forums re the medication and did some research and actually have found the TOPA has worked for me. It's worth looking into if you're interested in pursuing this route.

              So, to YOGAMOMMA, SAVON19, DOVE, WINEFREE, BLUESKY, CRAZYFORWINE, STASHIA, RAGDOLL, SANDY, RODEOROSE - hopefully I haven't missed anybody else whose joined our 4 day AF binge but if I have - please forgive me ops!: I hope you all had a great day yesterday - hope you all have a great day 2 today - keep up the good work!!!! Just think - at the end of today - we'll all be 1/2 way there - how good is that?!?!?!?

              we can do it!!!!!!

              Have a good day! Keep in touch! :lxxxx


                Let's go on a... 4 Day AF Binge!


                I failed y'all with the 4 day-er. Will be on day #1 again. I think my reasoning, and this is NOT sound reasoning, was that I felt so crummy from my weekend bender that I could just drink a bit last night and JUST get back to feeling better...the old hair of the dog fallacy. Well, I DID feel better but only temporarily. Not beating myself up over it but I can't be on Team Day 2 AF anymore. On for day 1, tho. Can't wait for increased clarity in peace over the next couple of days.


                  Let's go on a... 4 Day AF Binge!

                  Hi AF bingers!

                  Good to be back on track and not hungover.

                  Finally Made it - follow Mamazums instructions and dump that wine! - You will be tempted by it before the end of the week if you don't! I did 30 days recently and there is no way I could have done that with any wine in the house let alone open in the fridge!

                  That 7lbs that I lost on my AF stint seems to have crept back on while I was modding for only 10 days over Easter. That's incentive enough to go AF again. Think bikinis on holiday!!! I have been raiding Easter eggs but I'm sure the wine is mainly responsible.

                  Savon, keep on going. By sticking at 2-3 days you are constantly putting yourself through the worst of it. It's true that it gets easier.

                  Have a great day everyone.
                  If alcohol made you happy I should be the happiest person alive! I'm not.


                    Let's go on a... 4 Day AF Binge!

                    Hi Yogamomma

                    Just cross posted with you.

                    Don't get despondant, you are here and addressing your issue with alcohol. By being more aware of how much you are drinking and your triggers you are making important steps. Today is a new day, make it Day 1 and go for it!

                    Think how bad you felt yesterday. If you go AF you will NEVER feel like that again!
                    If alcohol made you happy I should be the happiest person alive! I'm not.


                      Let's go on a... 4 Day AF Binge!

                      Hiya af binger's! I reckon this is a really important thread. Great idea folk's, and best wishes to all!................G.

                      'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                      Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                        Let's go on a... 4 Day AF Binge!

                        Made it thru day 1 of course because I was on to day 2! Hang in there threaders!!!


                          Let's go on a... 4 Day AF Binge!

                          Rodeo ~ congrats on getting through Day 1. Regardless of a hangover, it was still AF! :goodjob:

                          I am starting on day 3 today and I am feeling great and confident. Hang in there everyone, we can do this! :l


                            Let's go on a... 4 Day AF Binge!

                            Ahhh Chopper...way to go!! Day 3 that is totally awesome!


                              Let's go on a... 4 Day AF Binge!

                              Good Morning All!

                              I'm home today taking care of my sick girlie girl. (And she is quite the girlie girl!) I hate the thought of dumping the wine...... am I allowed to cook with it? I love to cook. I hate to waste it. Does that count? Maybe I should just dump it. :upset:

                              I'm about to sip on some green tea. (I'm out of coffee.... another:upset Doing laundry, cleaning up a bit, and then may go out later to get a manicure to celebrate my 5th AF day. :happyheart:

                              Thanks Guitarista for your encouragement! It's nice to hear from a "seasoned" member of the community! Yogamomma, the nice thing about this program is that you can always start over and come back for more support and love! MamaZum, if not for you, this thread would never have been started. Thank you! You inspired us all. Keep on coming back! I also suggest ordering the topamax from River pharmacy. Sounds like it is a pretty reputable place to order from. I don't think I could do this without it. You are doing amazing! 2 AF days for you in the past week! Yippee! Blue Sky, do you plan to go back to modding after this 4 day AF binge? I am on the fence as to where I plan to go once Friday hits. I am committed to at least getting through Thursday. I feel so great right now. I've slept so well in the past 2 weeks that I've modded/been AF. No binges for me in over 2 weeks now.

                              Sorry this is long.... I could go on and on..... I am feeling such a "high" from finding new "friends" online that are so supportive. Wish I could hop on a plane and meet you all! (Then again, maybe that wouldn't be such a good idea.... may end up drinking together :H)

                              :goodjob: everyone!


                                Let's go on a... 4 Day AF Binge!

                                This is day 1 for me again. Feel horrible. Can't sleep. Can't eat. Tried to force some eggs down. Never again do I want to feel like this. Congrats to everyone that's doing good. I hope I can make it without getting sick. I'm always deathly afraid of having a seizure when I detox. Have B4. Take care.
                                Starting over again

