Oh I so wanted to come home from work and have "just 4 or 5" beers. Figured what the heck, that won't give me a hangover in the morning.....I almost had myself talked into it. Then I realized that I just don't need it! Plus my BF met me at the door when I got home with my diet cranberry juice in a wineglass with some ice and a strawberry on the side!!! How could I resist that??!!! SO....another down with no AL!!!
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Let's go on a... 4 Day AF Binge!
Let's go on a... 4 Day AF Binge!
Oh I so wanted to come home from work and have "just 4 or 5" beers. Figured what the heck, that won't give me a hangover in the morning.....I almost had myself talked into it. Then I realized that I just don't need it! Plus my BF met me at the door when I got home with my diet cranberry juice in a wineglass with some ice and a strawberry on the side!!! How could I resist that??!!! SO....another down with no AL!!!
Let's go on a... 4 Day AF Binge!
Hi Everyone - I'm on Day 1 again. We had a reception at our house last night, and I was pouring glasses of wine for everyone, and before I knew it, I had one in my hand for myself. Uuuuggghhhhh! MamaZ - Good for you, pouring that bottle down the sink... Choppersmom and Rodeo - Hi again! I'm on the West Coast too, just entering the witching hour... Good luck to all of you!!
Let's go on a... 4 Day AF Binge!
Mama, good for you. Sad for me to realize the 200ml would be just a starter for the evening.
I am on the East Coast, CT.
I had the beast tempt me yesterday, but I fought him off and today kept busy with 2 AA mtgs. So still on the 4 day binge AF,woohoo.
Let's go on a... 4 Day AF Binge!
Rodeo, you do have a fantastic friend!
Sandy, hi there! It's ok to be at day one again. Keep coming here and we will keep you motivatedI am on the West Coast too, and I believe Rodeo is too. We can get through this witching hour.
Finally, Yippee for half way to Day 4! My day 4 is tomorrow, but I am going on with you guys.
Charlygirl, good job on Day 4 :goodjob:
Hi to Ragsdoll and MamaZ and Winefree and all others to come! Talk to you later
Let's go on a... 4 Day AF Binge!
OK, I blew it again tonight. Old habits are hard to break!! I am just so used to making dinner with a glass of wine in hand. Tomorrow is another day, and I was so happy with my 6 days of AF, I'm motivated!! Easy to say now. The witching hour is killer for me. Will try again....
Let's go on a... 4 Day AF Binge!
You all would not believe how grateful I am to have you around!
I know I just found a lot of understatnding friends. Priceless!
Day 3 tomorrow,
i fell asleep while putting the kiddo to bed...AF!!!!!
We are actually half way thru this AF BINGE adventure. Good night all! See ya tomorrow.
Let's go on a... 4 Day AF Binge!
Hey guys! what WAS I missing?!?!?!?
Mamma Z - SO, SO, SO, proud of you - can't say. I know how proud of myself I felt when I poured 2 bottles of wine down the sink that were sat winking at me .... and I thought, "no, I'm 42, I'm bigger and better and you - so there you go" - mind you, they didn't cost as much as the vodka - but :goodjob: Mamma Z - well done!!!!!!!
Hey - SandyW - don't beat yourself up. Cooking is not cooking without a glass of wine in hand - but I must recommend the tipple that RODEO's friend is giving her - a glass of sugar-free cranberry juice (in a wine glass of course :H) and it's just like a grown up drink! I go though litres of it on a weekly basis! That and light grape juice!!!!!!
Well, guys, it's 7.07 am here in the UK - must get my arse in gear and get my girlies to school - hope your little girl FINALLY is feeling better :l.
Have a good day!!!!! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Let's go on a... 4 Day AF Binge!
Hey PhotoG!
I am 42 (lol...going on 21...so I can drink) also and an Insomniac! Vodka was only 200 ml, cheapest one ....for4.50 $ !! How lame is that?
But I made it, and I really have to ""blame ""you AF bingers for that! THNX, XO
Let's go on a... 4 Day AF Binge!
Hey, Mama, am used to being "blamed" for everything round here (LOL) so I'll add you to my list anyday of the week!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think the buying of a cheap bottle then was just to test yourself then and - you've passed with flying colours! Well done my friend! I think there is always something lurking at the back of us that sometimes, for some unexplicable reason, rears is ugly head and makes us think twice ... thankfully for you it was the act of buying the bottle of vodka, then the act of not opening the bottle of vodka and then the most important act of getting rid of it. That was a huge test and a massive hurdle. Whenever you feel low or weak - just remember how easy it would have been to have opened that bottle .... but you didn't.
Try and get some sleep darling !:lxx