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Let's go on a... 4 Day AF Binge!

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    Let's go on a... 4 Day AF Binge!

    Today is day 16 for me. Hang in there, everyone. The first few days are rough, I was nauseous, shaky, jittery and extremely anxious. It does pass and the other side of this is greater calmness, more energy and much, much better sleep. If I can do it, you can do it! Strength to all of you, and to me, too, who is going to try to do 30 days!

    Last night I dreamed I had 1.5 light beers. I woke up feeling incredibly horrified and guilty! Whazzup with that!

    My best to you all.



      Let's go on a... 4 Day AF Binge!

      I can't wait to get where you the calm and the more energy. Right now all I feel like doing is hiding from the world....I feel like I can't function out "there".


        Let's go on a... 4 Day AF Binge!

        SOS! Cravings! Still AF! Thanks!


          Let's go on a... 4 Day AF Binge!

          MamaZum;597380 wrote: SOS! Cravings! Still AF! Thanks!
          Cravings cravings go away!
          Come again another day!
          Mama Z's gonna have an AF day!

          (sung to the tune of "Rain Rain Go Away!)


            Let's go on a... 4 Day AF Binge!

            MamaZ....are you ok??? Getting passed those cravings???? Keep busy....keep posting!!


              Let's go on a... 4 Day AF Binge!

              Day 1 for me again too

              Hi everyone,
              I've tried this twice before, 6 days the first time and 4 days the second time. Today is another day 1 for me. However, I'm determined to change a couple things -- first, I will absolutely post every single day. Before it seems like I would do it for a day or two and then think I didn't need to come here and I do now know it really helps. Secondly, this time I am going for 30 days. Before I was wishy washy and just sort of thought I would go AF forever. I know, too funny, 6 days wasn't quite forever!

              I guess I have a third thing too -- I will make a list of every single reason why I want to stop drinking. I think that will be good to keep adding to and going back to whenever I'm tempted.

              The very best to you all in this so very difficult but so very worthwhile venture. I'm so glad you're here.


                Let's go on a... 4 Day AF Binge!

                Best to you also, Time! You can do this....we will help you! I also went 6 days and then drank until I blacked and passed out. Today is day 2 for me. The one major thing that I am working on changing is having a POSITIVE attitude about quitting al. That is the thing that helped me quit smoking....I was actually EXCITED about quitting and I am trying to get that feeling about being AF too!!!


                  Let's go on a... 4 Day AF Binge!

                  Dangerous situation

                  OK, so I bought 200 ml of vodka!! I am a wine drinker, so
                  I did not open it yet. Most importantly, I do not want to disappoint u guys!
                  I am having a really hard time right now!

                  I know I should not have bought it, but eventually there will be AL in the house anyway. So, this is a test.

                  Fin! What a great poet You are! LOL. Thank You! I am sending a Get Well Soon Hug to your girlie!!!

                  How about:
                  Cravings, cravings go away!
                  Who the F*** needs you anyway!


                    Let's go on a... 4 Day AF Binge!

                    Mama ~ don't open that bottle! I know you said this is a test and you are going to pass this test. Is there any trigger that occurred that made you buy the bottle? Or did you just want to test yourself? You can do this! You are a strong person. Keep remembering how good you feel AF.

                    Hang in there!!!


                      Let's go on a... 4 Day AF Binge!

                      Choppie and all!

                      I bought it because I was literally hypnotized (my feet walked on their own) by the Liquor store. There, I wanted to get my wine, for just "in case", but got a vodka instead, so i do not drink it.

                      As of now, I dumped my kids Orange Juice instead of sick is that?


                        Let's go on a... 4 Day AF Binge!

                        Rock on, BlueSky for the comment. Am still vigilant in this fight against Al and feel SO much better today, you're right. Thanks!


                          Let's go on a... 4 Day AF Binge!

                          Mama!! I don't drink vodka either, but if it was the only al in the house and I wanted to get drunk, I would sure drink it. I don't think this is a good test for you right now. That's only my opinion but I'm worried about you. Please consider pouring it out???


                            Let's go on a... 4 Day AF Binge!

                            Hi everyone you are all doing so well hang in there!! I dont seem to be craving AL was on a high over wkend but this wk am feeling realy tired and headachy and having bad dreams. ive never gone AF in over 10 years so maybe am getting off lightley! Wishing you all a great AF evening and look forward to your posts tomorrow xx


                              Let's go on a... 4 Day AF Binge!

                              Please don't drink it. When I had been A/F for six days I went to the store and bought 12 bottles of cabernet because I told myself I needed to fill my wine rack which looked bad with no wine. That very night I started drinking again. It's taken me another couple months to decide to try again. Today is Day one for me again.
                              Don't feel alone because you're not and you are doing so well. Dump that vodka please.


                                Let's go on a... 4 Day AF Binge!

                                MamaZum: We are all behind you, but I agree get rid of the vodka. It is amazing how our head tricks us into thinking we won't touch it though. That is just too hard a test for any of us right now. Just think --tomorrow is day 3 we are doing great. Hang in there. Time2 live good for you for gettng back on track.
                                Can anyone tell me why I keep getting a burning pain in my stomach, near my belly button - can that be my liver? I am starting to worry. this is day 8 for me - is there a connection? It started yesterday but is worse today. Thanks for any input guys, I am so glad I found everyone.

