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AF April 20

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    AF April 20

    Can you believe we are already 2/3rds of the way through April?! We are going to make it!:goodjob:

    OK, so I just started this thread and wrote quite a long bit, but it got lost when I hit the submit button. The system had logged me out and that thread was lost. :upset: Does that happen to any of you? Usually I remember to copy before I hit the submit button, just in case. Sadly, I forgot to this time, so I have to start over!

    Basically what I said was: Work is really stressful at this time of year and I am hanging on by a thread. Luckily, things at home are peaceful. I wen out Saturday and pulled a bunch of dandelions out of my herb bed to work out some of my very grumpy mood. It helped. While I was doing that I saw a little volunteer dill seedling coming up from a seed off one of last year's plants! That's what I love about dill. It groes like a weed with little effort on my part!

    The toads are still trilling. I am getting stronger at resisting!:H

    Have great days, all!

    Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

    If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.

    AF April 20

    Good Morning Dill and all those to come!
    I here you about work...arg!!!
    Have you tried hitting the back button when it logs you out...that has worked for me...I hate it when it doesn't let me send a message...usually it's one of my bests too...haha!!
    2/3---who would have ever thought?!!?!?! Not me that's for sure....I still can't believe I've done it...(I'd say we) but it always seems so much easier for others and doesn't it seems like other peoples time/days go by faster:H Plus I better not speak for may have known you had better will power than I bell just rang....I better go round up some kids...and make up for my lack of doing much on Friday...yikes!!!
    Happy Monday!!
    "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



      AF April 20

      Monday Morning and feeling fine.

      Yes - just hit the back button and you should return to your post, then you can copy it and re-log in.
      Dill -nothing has come up yet in my garden - I keep going out there and giving these up-close examination of my perennial plants, hoping and praying for them. Some winters, if it is too cold, many of them don't return, and this past winter was a doozy!!

      Hey SD - 20days today and it seems unbelievable sometimes. It does seem easier for others, but in reality, it is likely just as hard for all of us!! My will power to stay completely away from sugar has certainly waned since the beginning of the month - that one is hard to do!! I really DO need that tiny bit of brown sugar on my little bowl of oatmeal in the morning!!

      Kinda stiff this morning, but shall walk to work anyway. I went out to the "pimple on the prairie" last night with BF - this man-made ski hill about 40km out of the city. Wow - do I ever need practice going up - totally trudging!! I'll need to do that a couple times a week I think!! My pseudo-mountain training!

      Hi to everybody else to come here! It will be a beautiful day here and I hope you can say the same too!!
      xoxo peanut


        AF April 20

        Hello to all,

        yes April is almost over. We're suppose to have snow flurries tomorrow but in the high 70's by the week end. Spring in Indiana.

        The week end was a bit rough for me. Had more cravings than I've had in awhile. I just take it as a reminder that I must be on guard and can't let myself get to complacent.

        It's good to see everyone hanging tough.
        AF since 7/26/2009

        "There is nothing noble in being superior to other man. The true nobility is being superior to your previous self."--Hindu proverb.

        "Sobriety isn't a landing but rather a journey." anonymous


          AF April 20

          Hey, Lil, the weekend was rough for me, too. I'm glad we made it through!

          Pnut and SD, I agree with you about how it seems easier to rack up AF days when it is someone else doing it!:H I have been amazed many times when I would see someone start out the same day as me and 30 days later I was still just on day 4 and the other person would be posting "I can't believe I made 30 days! I didn't think it possible." I would scratch my head and wonder how that happened so fast for them while I was still trying to get 4 days together. But, you are right, Pnut. It is hard for all of us. :dang:

          Pardon my language!!! But I have some strong feelings about it!:H

          Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

          If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


            AF April 20

            Ha - I love that little 'damn' guy! The facial expressions on those little dudes are sometimes so appropriate!!!
            Back from my swim and my first 500m was a record breaker - it is amazing was sufficient sleep can do for a body!!!
            Talk to you all tomorrow!
            xoxo peanut

