OK, so I just started this thread and wrote quite a long bit, but it got lost when I hit the submit button. The system had logged me out and that thread was lost. :upset: Does that happen to any of you? Usually I remember to copy before I hit the submit button, just in case. Sadly, I forgot to this time, so I have to start over!
Basically what I said was: Work is really stressful at this time of year and I am hanging on by a thread. Luckily, things at home are peaceful. I wen out Saturday and pulled a bunch of dandelions out of my herb bed to work out some of my very grumpy mood. It helped. While I was doing that I saw a little volunteer dill seedling coming up from a seed off one of last year's plants! That's what I love about dill. It groes like a weed with little effort on my part!
The toads are still trilling. I am getting stronger at resisting!:H
Have great days, all!