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ODAT - Monday...

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    ODAT - Monday...

    Hello ODATers!

    Kind of glad I'm starting this thread. Because this is Day 4 for me. A day I haven't completed in a very Looonnng time.

    So posting, I hope, will mean I must get thru this day AF. (Altho, I've been known to post with high hopes, only to come back with red face and booze breath! ugh.)

    Making list right now of things I have to do. As we all know, keeping Busy is key. Altho, for me, it can be double-edged sword. Since keeping busy means me being out & about... passing by liquor stores...

    That said, I "think" I'm beginning to feel better emotionally. (I'm lucky in that I never have had physical withdrawals...) But feeling more optimistic is a Biggie.

    Good luck, all - and have great day!

    Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin

    ODAT - Monday...

    Hi Savon 19, Hey WELL DONE on getting to day 4 you should be really proud of yourself and give yourself a big pat on the back, when your passing a liquor store just say to yourself that you are far to busy to stop and keep on passing!!! Keep up the good work I know you can make it to day 5 good luck xxx
    :dancin: enguin:
    starting over


      ODAT - Monday...

      Hi Ronnie, Hi Savon. Yes, lets all try hard to have a sober Monday. Mondays are actually one of my hardest days, as I bartend! (Yes, I hear you all laughing). Actually when you have your mind set hard, and your will set, it is possible to stay away while even pouring drinks. I think I am going to head to the health store after work tonight. I want to pick up some L-Glutamine. Still not sure what it is really, or what it does. But anything is worth a shot.

      Happy Monday Everyone!!!


        ODAT - Monday...

        Hi everyone

        Kids back in school after the Easter holidays and its great to be back in a routine again. I dont get near the computer when they are around.

        Beautiful sunny spring morning here and its great to be starting the week hangover free.

        Good luck Savon, YOU CAN DO IT. OverIt I have read that putting the l-glut under your tongue really helps when the cravings are bad.



          ODAT - Monday...

          (Thanks, guys!)

          I remember you mentioned you bartended, OverIt... and was amazed then and am amazed NOW. Maybe smelling it while not able to drink grosses you out?

          Have you ever walked into a liquor store where they've just broken a bottle? The smell is so strong & Atrocious - you wonder if it's permeated your clothes when you leave?

          But, still, I think that takes Incredible Willpower to be around it all day... and not partaking!!

          Guess you've seen your fair share of stupid drunks. You should share some of the worst ones with us... to inspire us!
          Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


            ODAT - Monday...


            A beautiful monday it is! But not for long. The storm front is moving this-a way.

            Had people over for dinner last night. Easy AF. By 8:00 we had cleaned up and started a board game. Fun night.

            Savvy, GOOD GIRL!!! 3 days behind you! WOO HOO!! You know you can do this, you deserve it!

            Hi ronnie, overit and rustop!

            L-glute is an amino acid and it really is helpful with the cravings. Take a couple there times a day to keep it in your system and dump under the tongue for those "special" moments.

            Have a great day!
            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


              ODAT - Monday...

              My first post...

              Today is day 12 AF... Went into detox on April 8th, and so far so good. I am glad this site is available to me, it has been very helpful. The Doc that released me agreed with me on taking L- glutamine, it works!!!..My question is.. I have this dull headache and , my eyes hurt since getting out of detox, Is this part of recovery/still withdrawal? Not enough to take anything for pain , just annoying.I feel great otherwise, so much energy, and sleep like a baby, appetite is TOO good... UGHHHH!!!:groupluv:
              Thanks to all who have given me their time!!!


                ODAT - Monday...

                Happy Monday All.

                I'm rooting for you Savon. Keep going. Pink I had a headache and eyes feeling "non-round" for a while after I stopped drinking. Keep up drinking to be sure it isn't dehydration. For me Ibuprofen worked, and lots of mint tea, and it went away after a week or so.

                I made it through my bachelor weekend without drinking. Woowoo. That's the first time I've done that. I was so hyped last night that I did it. This morning, however, my anxiety is back about work. Has anyone found anything that's a quick mood boost? I think I'll go get a starbucks.


                  ODAT - Monday...

                  Just back from some errands. I'm getting Addicted to this site - lol.

                  Boss - had to say... see, you're stronger than you think you are!! :wd:

                  Coffee can work both ways for me. It can give me energy... but if too much, can make my mind race & I feel anxious.

                  You know more about vitamins, etc. than I do - but I know that B12 can give you quick lift. I've heard that some rock stars have been known to get a quick shot before going on stage...
                  Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


                    ODAT - Monday...

                    Hi guys,

                    Af for me today - NF too. Can't wait till tomorrow!
                    Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                      ODAT - Monday...

                      Hey everybody. Made it through Monday bartending very easy. My mind was set today on not drinking, and also I ate a TON of food. Something about having a very full belly really wards off the desire to drink for me. Guess I dont feel like stuffing anything else in, LOL.

                      Savon, bartending HAS been very hard for me and working around alcohol has been hard due to the easy access I have. I am the MASTER sneaky sneak at drinking at work, although I must admit, some of my co workers know I am a drunk. Its kinda like the elephant in the room, everyone just brushes it under the rug. But one day I know my luck will run out.

                      I stopped and got the L-Glutamine after work!!! Yes, I have heard to put it under your tongue for the cravings. I am eager to try this trick. I got the extra strength kind 1000 mg.

                      SAVON, I would love to share any of my drunk stories. Some would have you laughing, some would have you crying, but most would leave you wondering how this girl still happens to be alive.

                      Big hugs.
                      I LOVE MY SEROTONIN AND BOOZE SCREWS IT UP!!!!!


                        ODAT - Monday...

                        Hi Pink! I just noticed that this is your first post. Why dont you post your own "thread" so everyone can welcome you on here! You will find lots of support and friendship here from people who really do understand what you are going through. Wonderful thing, this tool is always here for you, day and night.

                        I LOVE MY SEROTONIN AND BOOZE SCREWS IT UP!!!!!


                          ODAT - Monday...

                          Pink, welcome. (I think I've seen you on chat before.) I am also from Ohio. Jump right in, and feel free to ask questions here on the boards, or PM (private message) me.


                            ODAT - Monday...

                            OVERIT - pls read!

                            When I said post some of your drunk stories... I didn't mean YOURS personally!!! (That would be so Rude!!!)

                            I meant the things you've seen while bartending! OTHER people. I'm thinking you must have observed many drunk people do strange things (while You've been sober, bartending)...

                            Sorry for that miscommunication!
                            Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin

