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New and hoping!!!

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    New and hoping!!!


    Hi everyone:

    I'm new to the program, have read the book and bought the supps. Got started with the cd's today and will get going on supps tomorrow when I get my little pill boxes all organized! Topa is on order but am waiting for the shipment, it probably will be a couple more weeks but I wanted to start with what I had.

    Since the birth of my 2nd baby (7 months ago) I have found my drinking getting more and more unmaneageable. I have lots of excuses (rather high-powered full time job, 2 kids under the age of 3, not much happening as far as self-care/social life....blah blah blah).

    The excuses are sounding pretty lame these days and when it comes right down to it I'm rather "living the American dream" so I don't know why I'm finding the wine bottle to be such a constant companion.

    I want to get moving on this issue BEFORE I start having really bad impacts - on my relationships, my family, my work....I have been exceedingly lucky up until now - no missed or impaired work, no DUI's, no significant problems with hubby....but I know it's just a matter of time when I'm downing 5+ bottles of red wine per week.

    I guess today is AF Day #1, I hope to have many more soon!

    New and hoping!!!

    Hello Scrubbly!



      New and hoping!!!

      :welcome: Scrubbly ~ nice to have you here and look forward to getting to know you. :goodjob: for having a plan in place.


        New and hoping!!!

        Cogratulations-I'm new to the program. However, I was that young mom 30 plus years ago-I worked hard-partied hard-gave my girls all the material things- but because of drinking and working I didn't give them me....and today they are very resentful-it hurts. I was always ready to party-find the next guy--things would go bad-now I realize -booze was always in the picture when things went to hell. I'm 57 y/o now and I don't want to become an old drunk that pees my pants and make an ass of myself. I've done enough damage to my loved one. I look forward to hearing from you-keep up the good work


          New and hoping!!!

          Welcome Scrubbly :welcome: And Congrats on your first day.

          There is a toolbox thread in the montly abstinence section which has really good information on handling withdrawal and cravings and setting up a long term plan. The newbies nest is also a good thread to join when your first learning your way around. Read, post and ask questions. Good luck and I'm looking forward to getting to know you.
          AF since 7/26/2009

          "There is nothing noble in being superior to other man. The true nobility is being superior to your previous self."--Hindu proverb.

          "Sobriety isn't a landing but rather a journey." anonymous


            New and hoping!!!

            Hi CHARLEYGIRL,
            I'm new too. Just skidded right past the intro, to a couple of threads of I have to figure out (read the instructions RP), how to find out if I have any feedback.
            I'm thinking this will be an excellent place. No judgement, lots of support..
            Guess we will help each other through to the person we want to be...


              New and hoping!!!

              Welcome Scrubbly!

              Your post pretty much mirrors my life! My kids are about 20 months apart, both under 4, I work full time, and drink (or maybe I should say drank since starting MWO) lots of wine, or anything els that happens to be around....although wine is definitely my drink of choice. I've discovered so many things through this program, this site, my physician, and my now ex-therapist. Good for you for making the choice to help yourself make changes to make your life better. Keep visiting this site. Read the book more than once. Post messages. Ask questions. Everyone here is so supportive of one another!

              Good luck on your journey! Feel free to PM me if you have any questions or just need some support! :welcome:



                New and hoping!!!


                Thanks everyone for the welcome. It was hard to post because it made everything REAL, yaknow???!?

                Poly and charleygirl it sounds like we have much in common-unfortunately!! Thanks for making me feel a little less alone.



                  New and hoping!!!

                  How are you doing? I'm not very good at navigating the sire yet. Practice will make perfect.


                    New and hoping!!!

                    Still figuring out the site. Not over the habit of couching my problems in very evasive terms. Who me? Drink? just a bit.
                    It is taking me a while to try and be upfront and honest here. I really am impressed by the honesty out here.
                    I haven't even started the book or checked into much at all.
                    I'm on now, and have been in the past, most of the meds mentioned for anti-everything.
                    I really can't drink because I have a huge pain issue that has to be addressed. I risk losing the only treatments that let me have a life, when I can't just stop. How dumb is that?

                    I've quit so many things...this feels like just a big habit.
                    I need to hang out on an island without access....unfortunately, that doesn't seem like the best plan.

                    I seem to remember most of the meds used to end the cravings, said don't use with alcohol. It causes your brain to dump a big load of serotonin, with ssri's doing the same.
                    Topomax is not an ssri correct? thinking it's anti-seizure?
                    Nice to meet y'all, I'll be back


                      New and hoping!!!

                      Good luck to you. All sounds familiar but we can do it. Px
                      Short term goal 7 days AF


                        New and hoping!!!

                        Hi scrubbly!

                        You're here and that's all that matters! We're all here for our individual reasons and the more you read each and everybody's story's the more you'll see 1 thing in common ..... we've got the same battle which we just can't seem to fight, not matter what, and some of us just feel useless and ashamed and, do you know what, there is no need to. If you're like me, even my nearest and dearest (including my hubbie and my closest and bestest girfriends) don't know my battle don't know my problem but here I know I can get support and I know that I'm not the only one.

                        So, phew, that's off my chest!

                        I hope you enjoy looking round the forums/threads. Read, post, reply - get to know people - if, again like me, you're like "but I don't do forums ....." I know it's a bit daunting - you'll soon find it reassuring and at the end of the day we don't "know each other" - it's not like we're going to bump into each other in the supermarket or anything - you'll get a lot of help and support and advice from people all over the world - it's truly amazing.

                        I'm on TOPA and can't recommend it enough. It's really helping me be AL free Mon-Thrs and modding 3 days a week and am waiting for a delivery of NAL. Feel free to PM me anytime if you want any advice re the medications or anything else.

                        Hope you find some help!:goodluck: :lxx

