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AF April 21

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    AF April 21

    Am up early and don't know if it's a breach of protocol but can I start the AF "daily" post for today?...I kind of need a boost. Tried to start my mid-weekly AF run and failed last night. Back on board today! Good luck to all of us!!! Where are those vites and supps?....

    AF April 21

    Hi, Yo! Thanks for starting the thread! We all need a boost every day! Glad you are back on board. There are still 9 days left in April that can be AF.

    I started March attempting to have an AF March. I blew it on day 8. Then it was start and stop until the 26th. With only 5 days left, I vowed to make "the rest of March" AF. I did it! Then kept going. Thanks to Pnut starting this thread, and everyone who contributes and special friends on this site, I have made it this far. I plan on being 35 days AF on my birthday: April 30th! It's my b-day present to myself this year.

    Hey, SD, Pnut and Lil, We are getting close to our goal! Yesterday was glitchy, but I'm getting better at pushing the thoughts away, how about you? The weekend was quite difficult, but we made it. It had to make us stronger, don't you think?

    Have a great day, everyone!

    Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

    If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


      AF April 21

      Good Morning Yo and Dill,
      Hardly seems possible that it's April 21! Have to post quickly as my husband is waking up and he'll be wanting to get going. Glad Yo go this thread going...I was lurking waiting for someone to start it. Didn't want to start this Monday without at least a quick post. All is going well here. AF and feeling find.


        AF April 21

        Good Morning Yo. Dill & Sante, Glad to see everone is up and about. Dill, nice birthday present to yourself, Keep it up!! It is hard to believe it April 21st already, I have a ton of work to at work, and getting things done home. Busy, Busy, must keep Busy. My wife asked what was going on, I've been in a good mood, I'm getting things done aroung the house, I stay awake during the movies we watch at night, "What are you on drugs or something?" And I told her, "No, I'm off them!" What a difference, feeling good & running smooth! It's my DAY 12 AF !!!!!!!!!!! WOOHOO!!!!!!
        Only Those Who...Attempt The Absurd...Achieve The Impossible


          AF April 21

          Good morning!!!!

          Day 3...(would be day 7 but, I had 2 beers on saturday DAMMM) I feel good this morning...buts its early I'm sure something make me snap!

          I have a busy day...some laundry, clean hosue a bit, pick up son from school and hit JCPenny for his First Communion Suit...(nothing like waiting till the last minute)... stop at the grocery store then head home to start dinner.....

          I hope everyone has a great AF day!!!!!!

          "I'm safe.. up one can touch me...why do I feel this party's over?...."

          "no're my do I feel this good SOBER?!"


            AF April 21

  's only 8:20 here....Yo...way to get us up and moving this morning...holy buckets this thread is hopping already!!! That's awesome!!! :goodjob:
            Day 21---Wow---I'm not sure what to do on May 1st??? Do you drink because you made it or do you wait until there is a 'reason' a celebration or something?? Or what do you do after 30 days?? What's even will be a Friday night...sad I'm planning ahead huh?? I guess just wait and see....
            My son made me feel like a million bucks today...a came out of the bedroom wearing a'sring outfit' and a new pair of 'fun shoes'...girlie ones....he comes and hugs me and says....holy wa mom!!! You look so hip hop today!!! So in 1st grade world...I rock today!:H
            Happy Tuesday---may you rock in whatever world floats your boat...mine happens to be that of a 7 year old!!
            "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



              AF April 21

              Good Morning All! It's day 3 for me here and yes, the rest of April will be AF for me and then beyond. Congrats to everyone here on such a fine job! Here's to another beautiful AF April day!


                AF April 21

                Hello gang - wow! Pretty active thread today. Yoga - thanks for starting things off today!

                Everybody sounds so positive and upbeat!! 3 weeks AF and am feeling great. I am actually sleeping these days!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not solid through the night, but no longer laying there getting frustrated. I have a dentist appt at lunch time today, so I drove to work and am feeling like a lazy bum!!! I guess I sometimes need a break though. Had my SI joint put back in place a the chiropractor yesterday and feeling a bit tender, so I will try to stay on my feet as much as possible and avoid to much sitting today.

                Strawman - loved the story about your wife's comments!! So glad you are feeling so great!! And good for you on Day 12!!!

                Dill - I did the same thing on the first of every month since September - "this month, I will be AF, this is month", and I would go 3-4 days, I once went 10 days, and then caved. What is it that we say to ourselves to make it ok to give up?!?! Because I would give up very easily. And what is it about the times we do get these good stretches in -I believe we finally just make our minds up that this is what we really want, and let's face it, if we really want something, most of us usually try hard to attain it. Oh - who knows -I'm just happy to be AF this month and feeling good.

                By the way Dill - let's celebrate your birthday with cheescake, ok?????

                SD - I am dressed in a nice dress today for spring - although it is rather gloomy out there.
                So -what to do, what to do??? I recall questioning that when I went AF last June. I realized that I had wanted to Mod, but going AF did not teach me how. I know I have a social event on the 1st. I also know that I may try going Mod in May simply by not allowing myself to drink at home, only have a drink or two when out - but I am so afraid that I will just want to drink more afterwards. I guess time will tell. Given my intensive training efforts, I CANNOT fall into any daily drinking habits. I have a 40km trek on the 9th of May (so no drinking the week before) then a 14km trail run in Edmonton on the 23rd. So I have good reason to stay sober. I've been enjoying gettting up early on weekends and getting out there!!

                Sante - can't remember, but have you been AF for april too? Nice to hear from you!
                Jamms - busy is good, very good!!!
                Chopper - you'll be 12 days AF by the end of April - something great to aim for, yes?

                OK - better get to work here - lazy bum that I am. Must get out of chair!!!
                xoxoxo peanut


                  AF April 21

                  Hey everyone
                  haven't been around -- my computer crashed and I couldn't get a new one until yesterday. Good to hear from everyone. Today I will be AF.
                  :lilheart: "Love is large, love defies limits. People talk about the sanctity of is by definition sacred. Not some love between some people but all love between all people"
                  ~Jennifer Beals~:huggy


                    AF April 21

                    Today, April 21st, 2009.....I will be alcohol free!! And I will be HAPPY about being AF!! I will no longer mope and cry, I will paste a smile on my face, give love to everyone I meet....and I will be PROUD of myself.....for I am doing something to better my life!!!


                      AF April 21

                      Hi Everyone (for the second time),

                      Yes, Peanut, I've been AF since March 30. Like you, I anticipated problems sleeping, so I take my wee bit of topa (25 mg) at night together with a week bit of gabapentin (not part of MWO but it does the trick) and I generally have no problems.

                      I'm planning to stop the meds in April, if I feel up to it. Right now, I'm not sure that I will as I've been feeling a little "crisis" of confidence. Nothing to do with the AL, specifically, and more to do with getting older and transitioning to retirement. (I've been transitioning off and on for over a year now!!!) Who ever said retiring was "fun"? For me, it's more like learning how to live all over again...and on top of it, without AL!

                      Oh well, have a sunny day to all and those to come,



                        AF April 21

                        Holy explosion Batman!! :wow: Look at everyone on the thread today! What a great way to bring in the end of April.

                        Yoga-Thanks for starting the thread this morning. It sure seems to have gotten everyone up and jumping.

                        Dill-Did you say you were going to be 35 on your B-day? I think that's right cause I think we're the same age. :H

                        "What are you on drugs or something?" And I told her, "No, I'm off them!"
                        Strawman-I love that quote. Congrats on your 12 days.

                        Santa-Good to see you.

                        Jamm-Busy, busy, busy. Helps keeps us out of trouble. LOL!

                        SD-At the end of my first 30 days, I celebrated with mint chocolate chip ice-cream yumm! What are your plans after you 30?

                        Chops-I started out in the middle of a month. And then went on to the next. stay strong.

                        Pnut-you crazy, wild running woman! It wears me out just hearing about your day!

                        1morechance-Welcome back! You have been missed. How are you doing? Glad you got your new computor.

                        The week has been going much better for me than the week end. Craving over the week end but as Dilly said-yust makes us stronger when we get through them. It is such a lift to come here and see everyone being so strong and positive.

                        Have a great day everyone.
                        AF since 7/26/2009

                        "There is nothing noble in being superior to other man. The true nobility is being superior to your previous self."--Hindu proverb.

                        "Sobriety isn't a landing but rather a journey." anonymous


                          AF April 21

                          Hi Rodeo how are you doing? And Santa-cross post
                          AF since 7/26/2009

                          "There is nothing noble in being superior to other man. The true nobility is being superior to your previous self."--Hindu proverb.

                          "Sobriety isn't a landing but rather a journey." anonymous


                            AF April 21

                            Hi lil!! I'm doing great right now!!! And it sounds like you are too!! This is going to be a FANTASTIC day!!! For ALL of us!!


                              AF April 21

                              I agree with Rodeo! Today's been superb. Have been researching building a garden box in the yard. We live at the beach so the soil is horrific for growing but this would create an environment for veggies to grow. Feels hand-in-hand with efforts of "bringing death to Al" life to vegetables!...I know, a stretch. But it would be a great new hobby.

