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AF April 21

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    AF April 21

    Hey Yoga....I live by the beach too so yes I know how crappy (sandy) the soil is!!! I rent and don't think my landlord would appreciate me tearing up his landscaped backyard to plant a garden but oh how I would LOVE to have one!!! There's just so much peace where green things are growing!!!!


      AF April 21

      On day 17 AF and enjoying the fabulous Dallas weather today. Hope all are well!


        AF April 21

        Runnermomma ~ Congrats on 17 days!!!! Way to go! Enjoy your beautiful day!


          AF April 21

          Wow!! Congratulations on 17 af days....that is totally awesome!!!


            AF April 21

            Hey everybody! Ya'll are all in fine spirits today!! Please send some + vibes my way!!! I am stressing the **** out!! This semester is coming down to the wire and it is gonna be a photo finish I tell you! I have checked out, in my mind I am on a plane to somewhere in the southern hemisphere! And that mindtalk/ driving me CRAZY! BUT, I cannot listen - any encouraging words?

            I'm so glad to hear everyone is doing well! Keep it up!

            JAMMS!! Hey! Nice to see you again!

            Hey to everybody else! .


            "It takes a lot of courage to release the familiar and seemingly secure, to embrace the new. But there is no real security in what is no longer meaningful. There is more security in the adventurous and exciting, for in movement there is life, and in change there is power."
            -Alan Cohen


              AF April 21

              TIPS: not really. It was just time for me and that is that. I think you have to be at the point of being SO sick of it, and I was. For months before I finally stopped, I lurked on MWO. Some mornings I would just break down crying b/c I was sooo sick of drinking. It would be that whole morning resolve thing, only to later break down and decide that I was going to drink. So that's just my 2 cents. You just have to really want it - it does not make it any easier. It's hard the first few weeks, really hard, and very emotional. I had to be quick at diverting my attention. I probably looked like a lost child wandering around my house at times.
              Cat, Do you remember writing that to me on the MWO program thread when I asked you how you did it and if you had any tips? Those words helped me a great deal. Maybe they can help you now! Remember how desperately sick you were of it all? You don't need that! You have been doing great. You're just going through a rough patch. Stay strong. Be 'quick at diverting your attention'. :h

              Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

              If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                AF April 21

                keep trying-you will succed. I'm on day 4 AF-I have alittle nagging devil in head thats trying to get me to have a drink, but I'm not doing it. Instead I'm in this chat room.

