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can anyone help please?

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    can anyone help please?

    Hi Everyone
    I've just joined this site, i was sober for 6 years with AA and have huge respect for the AA pinciples but just can't face going back, does anyone know another way out of the bottle. I had a drink about 5 hours ago and the jitters are awful but i don't want to drink again.
    I'm really scared of falling off the wagon again!!

    can anyone help please?

    Hello vogue, and a big :welcome: to you!

    Sorry for the way you are feeling right now, most of us know it all too well. It will go away. 6 years is fantastic! You should be very proud of that!!

    Have you read RJs book and are you considering this program? That is one way.

    You might try meds from your MD like topamax, nalexotrene, antabuse, and anti-depressant, anti-anxiety, etc.

    AA worked for 6 years, any particular reason you don't want to do that again?

    You could try a combination of MWO (My Way Out) and meds.

    What kind of options have you thought about?

    Tell us a bit about yourself and we are glad to help. Best to you in your journey.
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


      can anyone help please?

      Hi Vogue and :welcome: to MWO. This site has some wonderful information and wonderful members. I am fairly new myself, so I can't really recommend too much. Reading RJ's book, posting and reading here has helped me. I wasn't taking the supps regularly, but am very committed to those now.

      Looking forward to getting to know you.


        can anyone help please?

        Thanks for all your kind messages, i live in the Uk and although i've heard of Kudzu I'm not sure about the other drugs.
        How do you guys stay sober is it by just talking to one another on this web site.
        My problem is i forget how dreadful i feel in a day or two and then 'Bingo!!' i tell myself i'll just have a couple!!! Insanity


          can anyone help please?

          Welcome Vogue!!
          You've already been given great advice -- stick around, we understand:-)
          "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


            can anyone help please?

            Write down those dreadful feelings and read them aloud when you feel tempted. There is a toolbox thread that is helpful. It is a collection of things we use to stay sober. I'll try to find it for you.
            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


              can anyone help please?

              Hey Vogue!!! How are you doing??? Staying strong????!!! We're DOING this!!


                can anyone help please?

                Vogue: Good luck, we are all behind you. I got a really good liquid multivitamin from my health food store and take it faithfully. Maybe it is just in my head, but I feel it helps me stay AF. Good luck to you.


                  can anyone help please?

                  Vogue, most of us are not AF. Go back to AA if you can..they have a saying"we dont shoot our wounded" they should accept you back. this site is great. We talk to each other all night if have to. People are from all over the world and when you think people on your end of the pond are asleep. People on my end may be awake.


                    can anyone help please?

                    Welcome Vogue, Stay close to this site and read how others have used this program to stop the madness of alcoholism. We are all in this together and are here to help you reach your goals.
                    Getting and staying sober isn't easy but it is the most worthwhile thing that I have ever done. If I can do it I am sure that you can.
                    sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


                      can anyone help please?

                      Rethink-remember how good you have been feeling--don't go bacl to being a slave to AL-it will destroy your soul


                        can anyone help please?

                        Vogue, I just started AA and just learning, but have already heard aobut those that left AA for awhile and needed to come back to stay sober. There are no judgments, just acceptance. So don't count it out(I always did and am starting to feel differently) ODAT


                          can anyone help please?

                          Vogue :welcome:

                          You've already gotten losts of good advice here. The toolbox thread Greenie was talking about is in the monthly abstinence section. It has good advice on how to deal with cravings and setting up a plan of action. Read, post and ask questions. Good luck and hope to see more of you in the future.
                          AF since 7/26/2009

                          "There is nothing noble in being superior to other man. The true nobility is being superior to your previous self."--Hindu proverb.

                          "Sobriety isn't a landing but rather a journey." anonymous


                            can anyone help please?

                            Welcome Vogue, the kudzu and L-glut are great for the cravings. You will figure out your way to beat AL and you find many different options and ways here. There are a lot of people who choose one path over another and it's up to you to figure out what works. The key point is to never give up.
                            "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                              can anyone help please?

                              Vogue - I have to say I agree with Cacky. Although I've never been to AA, if it helped keep you sober for SIX years, it obviously worked well for you. If you don't want to face the same people (who shouldn't Judge, anyway!)... couldn't you find another meeting? Besides, you should feel VERY proud of yourself that you didn't drink for all those years!! I would imagine few at meeting have done that...

                              Either way, keep checking out this site. You will find some Fantastic people who don't judge and only want to help you and each other.
                              Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin

