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I am so dang NERVOUS!!!

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    I am so dang NERVOUS!!!

    This is my 2nd day 2 in 2 weeks and I am so nervous and scared to death, weepy because I'm so scared and I feel like things are just piling up on top of me and that I can't handle anything at all. Is this normal???

    I am so dang NERVOUS!!!

    You will be ok I know the Panic. It does pass, but is so horrible I use Calms forte and it is so helpful
    "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


      I am so dang NERVOUS!!!

      You're anxious and nervous.
      Just try and keep busy and keep your mind off it. Stay here and keep us company.
      I does get better, I promise.


        I am so dang NERVOUS!!!

        I think so! This is just an overhwelming thing to go through...and for was just what I used for so long to cope and make those overwhelming feeling go away...that anxiousness or nervous feelings will lessen I will see that you ARE able to handle it and without the al it does becone easier. I swear to you...I NEVER thought it would be me saying this to you....and even when people said those words to me..I was like yeah right...but I'm, I wasn't....getting here and trust me, I'm nowhere 'out of the woods' but even getting here...was so freaking hard and scary but sooooo worth it...I called it 'crossing over'...wasn't so scary once I got here....I'm so glad I will be too....just take a deep can do are stronger than you think!!! Tackle this day!! We're here for you when you get back!!
        SD :hug:
        "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



          I am so dang NERVOUS!!!

          Close your eyes, and just focus on your breath.... soon you'll feel calmer and more in control.
          Try reading a book, something inspirational or just hang here on the boards, it will distract you, motivate you and inspire you to get through the next day.
          Congrats on Day 2!!
          "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


            I am so dang NERVOUS!!!

            Well Done for getting this far, i'm only 7 hours since last drink and the fear is gripping!! But i know i need this website to get me focused on recovery, it's so good to know there's someone out there going through the same S****!


              I am so dang NERVOUS!!!

              Great stuff on getting to day 2. Yes it will get better, the panicking and anxiety will ease. I used GABA and True Calm. But Deebers is right, breathing and focussing on your breath will help a great deal.
              As will exercise. Can you go for a walk?
              Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
              Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                I am so dang NERVOUS!!!

                Jump into CHAT if you'd like some one on one support -- I'm available if you need me:-)
                "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


                  I am so dang NERVOUS!!!

                  Oh Deebee, thanks for the reminding me to breathe! That's what I did to quit smoking, but didn't think about applying it to quitting drinking!! It helps tons.
                  Startingover, i go to Curves after I hope that will help.
         strong with me, I need you!!! And I'll be here for you too....what do YOU have to do today??
                  SD...can't wait till I "cross over". Thank you for letting me know that it DOES go away and get better.....and that I'm normal feeling this way.
                  Sea...thank you. Maybe I DO need some kind of herbal supplement???


                    I am so dang NERVOUS!!!

                    Rodearose, I too gave up smoking, only recently and one of the things that amazed me is how many of the meds and techniques are used for quitting both AL and twaks. The L-Glut, like Starts mentioned was a life saver for me when I gave up smoking, and I still use it often.

                    I highly recommend the suppliments which are referred to in the book "My Way Out".

                    Hang in there -- you CAN DO THIS!!
                    "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


                      I am so dang NERVOUS!!!

                      Hang in there Rodeo! I am so proud that you have made it to day 2. You have already been given some wonderful advice here. Keep us posted on how you are doing. Here's a big hug! :l


                        I am so dang NERVOUS!!!

                        Thank you....I needed that hug!!!! I hope that no mean people come into my work today....!!


                          I am so dang NERVOUS!!!

                          Well, if mean people come into work today, just kill them with your kindness! Seems to work well! Hang in there!


                            I am so dang NERVOUS!!!

                            Hi' Rodeorose
                            don't worry i'm hanging on in here, ive just ordered the book My way out & should receive it tomorrow, keep posting here, i guess it's going to help with the denial, when we start thinking we can drink like other 'normal folk' i know i can't but don't know why i keep going back & doing it all again.


                              I am so dang NERVOUS!!!

                              Kill them with kindness...that is what I would normally do when I feel ok, but I don't really feel ok right now....I guess I'll have to fake it!
                     glad that you are hanging in here with me!!! I'm glad that you ordered the book...I need to wait till payday before I can order it...let me know how it is. And NO, we can't drink like normal people do. And we keep going back because we are addicted....that's the simple truth of the matter.

