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ODAT - Tuesday

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    ODAT - Tuesday

    Well I had just posted this really long poignant ODAT post and it got erased.....grrrrrrr..

    I hate it when that happens. Oh well, AF/NF last night, and will be again today.

    Not going to rewrite it cause it will just take too long, that's just the kind of day I'm having, you know?

    HOw are you guys doing today?
    Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.

    ODAT - Tuesday

    Hi Uni and all to come

    Hate when that happens. Well done on your AF/NF night Uni.

    Busy since the kids went back to school catching up with things. Another beautiful day and that always helps. Big hello to everyone to follow, will catch up on the posts later.



      ODAT - Tuesday

      Hi Day 9 here

      As you say "another beautiful day" and really feeling full of the joys of spring! Can't understand why I didn't do this AF thing before you do just feel better everyday

      Uni - I know just what you mean some days are just like that aren't they?

      Love to all


        ODAT - Tuesday

        Hi Uni, Rus and MM and all to follow! It is a beautiful day here as well.

        Congrats Uni on an AF/NF night. I am starting day 3 AF, but haven't made it quite to NF.

        MM, congrats on day 9! That is awesome!

        Rus, good luck catching up with things. Kids being home can do that, but it is so worth it!

        Have a wonderful day everyone!


          ODAT - Tuesday

          Made it past Day 4. Was feeling pretty good.

          Last night, my dad went into hospital for broken arm/shoulder. He's 86 w/Alzheimers. And I found out my unemployment ended... after getting sh*tload of bills this morning... And, and and And.

          Yes, I know there are people in Much worse shape, losing their home, etc. etc.

          But I made a conscious decision to buy booze on way home from seeing dad in hospital. WHY? Because that's what I would have always done: A + B = C (booze).

          The weird thing is that I don't think I really wanted to drink - more that... it was a knee-jerk reaction. It certainly won't change anything, and I'm not even sure it will make me feel better (probably not)...

          I just wanted to write this to Confirm I really don't want to drink anymore. After today... my Day 5! Tomorrow will be Day 1 - the First Day of the Rest of My Life.

          I know that sounds weird, but I'm really feeling this Process going on. I am so freakin' Stubborn. Have to have my nose rubbed in it before I REALLY get it. (I'm supposed to be fairly intelligent, believe it or not??)

          I'm not giving up.
          Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


            ODAT - Tuesday

            ODAT Tuesday

            Hi To all of you
            Feeling better as the day goes on it's beautiful here in South of England, i just hate it when a damn hangover spoils it. But the anxiety is easing off a little now as i took my labrador out for 2 huge walks in the sunshine, looking forward to enjoying it all the more tomorrow when A/F!!!!


              ODAT - Tuesday

    're doing great! My anxiety is getting better also....I think I actually NEEDED to get out of the house.
              Savon....Sorry to hear about your dad and all. I know what it's like to not have the $$ you BF and I barely scrape by and we work our butts off. So I'm hoping that your job search will prove successful!!! And you get back to day 1!!....tomorrow!!


                ODAT - Tuesday


                Congrats on Day 5. This is the longest AF run you have had for a while. Don't blow it. Alcohol will not solve your problems, it will make you feel really depressed tomorrow. There is not a problem in the world that alcohol can not make WORSE!

                Your Dad may need you to come in the could you do that if you had been drinking?

                If you can get through tonight without the reflex action of opening a bottle it will give you alot of strength.
                If alcohol made you happy I should be the happiest person alive! I'm not.


                  ODAT - Tuesday

                  Savvy....I'm sorry, I didn't understand.....have you already started drinking? Or are you on day 5??? If you haven't started yet.....DON'T!! Stay on here with us!


                    ODAT - Tuesday

                    Blue - it's a done deal. But I'll eat, sleep.. then go see him later this day. Sober.

                    I know I blew it. Even if I start again tomorrow being AF (which I WILL). It's like I had to see.. FIRST hand (again - one mo time!) that drinking just won't make things better.

                    And I probably have set myself back. That's the Worst part. I was feeling better there for a while... Now I have to start all over again. But This time, I think I will have learned?

                    I won't get sh*tfaced. Just enough to... make me oblivious? for a while.

                    I have it down pat as far as NO hangover. Years of practice (sorry to say!).

                    I'll be better, I'll be better.. as soon as I am ABLE! (Beatles fans??)

                    I see that the Four days AF gave me strength. (Even tho' I've blown it momentarily.)

                    I'm ready to get it right.

                    Once again, you all are Great. Where else can we go to be so honest...?

                    Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


                      ODAT - Tuesday

                      Savvy ~ here's a hug for you :l You did so well making it to 4 days AF and I am proud of you for that. You can do this and you will! Hang in there and I am thinking of you and your dad.

                      It is nice to have a place to be honest, isn't it!


                        ODAT - Tuesday

                        Hey Savvy....we're here for you. Hang in there.


                          ODAT - Tuesday

                          I was doing good - but my Mom has dementia and that is always a trigger for me as well. I am trying to use the hypno CDs to re-wire my triggers. I am going to try again (hopefully with the topamax) this weekend. Good to know you are all out there for support!

