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No more blackouts - help with med info

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    No more blackouts - help with med info

    After looking around this site for hours the past couple days and reading the pdf book, I'm ready to jump in I guess... My last binge was 4 days ago, and I've been AF for 4 days, after getting the motivation from this site.

    What happened that last night was that, after drinking all day at a festival, my boyfriend took me to a restaurant, where I couldn't eat because I had no appetite after all the beer. We got into an argument, he left me there, and I proceeded to head back to the bar where, after a few hours of drinking as much as I could, the story ends because I haven't the foggiest idea what happened. I woke up with boyfriend calling for the tenth time worried about me, I was on a strangers couch, and had no idea how I got there.

    I consider it a good night out if I remember all of it. I'd say I drink about 4-5 nights a week, mostly at home. Every couple of months (it used to be much more - having cut back to that I considered an accomplishment) I get plastered and can't remember a thing. My boyfriend has threatened to leave me because of it, and every time he does I vow to get control of it but it obviously hasn't worked. I stopped drinking my drink of choice (first, vodka, then wine), and switched to beer thinking that I could always handle that. Clearly not.

    I think this was the last straw for my boyfriend. I haven't heard from him in three days. We live together. I'm sure he'll be moving out, which kills me - to know that I drove away the person that mattered the most in the world to me.

    So I need to change. I read the book and guess I need to read it again because I'm still confused about the meds. I have a few initial questions...

    (1) I'm an attorney starting my own business so the mental confusion thing on the topa really scares me. Is this very common, and if it happens to me, how long does it take to go away when you stop taking it?

    (2) I'm also hyperthyroid and on meds for that. The kudzu rescue has a note to be careful if you have thyroid issues. Does annyone have more info on the link there?

    and (3) I'd like to find a local doctor who understands this program. Are there lists by location, or should I tell everyone where I am and get recommendations?

    There may be better forums for these questions, but I thought 'starting out' would be easiest and I'll go from there. If anyone made it to the end, thank you so much for listening. I'm just aching from guilt and shame and sadness right now, but excited to finally get this problem - hopefully! - under control.

    Lights Out

    No more blackouts - help with med info


    i'm sorry i cant help with the meds questions ive never tried them myself though i'm starting coming round to the idea of trying. just wanted to say i know exactly how you feel with the boyfriend thing i'm always vowing to get in control but it keeps beating me and it is ruining the one thing in my life that is good. like you i black out and i cant remember and i'm now up to drinking most nights of the week. ive been away from the site for a while but like you ive realised that this shit needs to stop and i'm back again trying.

    its awful that something can have such a hold on you and do you so wrong but you just keep going back to it. its slow motion suicide. i hope you can get well and wish you all the best, this site is great and i'm sure someone in the know about these meds will be along soon. take care xxx


      No more blackouts - help with med info

      :thanks: Thanks Shelley. It's great to see there are people that understand. My boyfriend doesn't understand that people can't stop drinking. Which is ironic because he drinks quite a bit, but always remembers what's going on, even if he drinks to where he's drunk. He stays in control. I only think about it ahead of time, and worry about it, and hope that it won't happen again, but once I get going, there's NO thought about the consequences or whether I'm crossing the line. I don't know how I can be so responsible otherwise, and then I have a few drinks and I'm gone. My mind is just absent.

      Good luck to you too... are you back to really stop, or just checking things out? I want to get to moderation, but will start off with the 30 abs (I may allow myself a break on my birthday in a few weeks, but in moderation!).


        No more blackouts - help with med info


        i'm still checking things out, to me completley stopping is a bit too scary for me at the moment. There will be people that say NO! you should just stop right now but at the end of the day if it was that easy this site would be empty, everyone here knows what its like.

        i know exactly what you mean when you say your BF can just get up and leave it mine does too (he's one of them annoying men taht can also eat as many cheese burgers as he likes and never put a pound on) damn him............


          No more blackouts - help with med info

          Welcome Lights Out :welcome:

          stopped drinking my drink of choice (first, vodka, then wine), and switched to beer thinking that I could always handle that. Clearly not.
          That pretty much discribed my drinking. I quit cold turkey so I can't help you with the meds. But if you go to the forum main page. There is a section on Topamax, Campral ect. There is a thread on there where others taking the meds talk about their experiences. I bumped it for you so it should be the first one. Newbies and Topamax... You might also want to start a thread there as well with your questions about the meds.

          I hope this helps. Good luck.
          AF since 7/26/2009

          "There is nothing noble in being superior to other man. The true nobility is being superior to your previous self."--Hindu proverb.

          "Sobriety isn't a landing but rather a journey." anonymous


            No more blackouts - help with med info

            Been their with the nitely drinking-fights-can't remember what I said or did- enough-I'm excited about this site- and look forward to getting my book and cds. I love being able to go on this site and realize I'm not alone- together we can succeed


              No more blackouts - help with med info

              Welcome to MWO, I tried Topa and had pretty bad side effects once I got up top 75 mg a day. ...Pretty bad is putting it lightly. I couldn't remember which exit to get to my own house (on my way home from a funeral) so stress was also involved BUT ????
              I have really good luck with Baclofen. you can buy it from River pharmacy from this site and it pretty much stops my cravings. I started with 5mg 3 times a day for 1 week and then went to10 mg 3 times a day. It worked for me.Please feel free to PM me if I can help in any way.
              sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


                No more blackouts - help with med info

                I can relate so much Lights Out to what you are saying. My husband has threatened to leave in the past and I still kept drinking, no matter what, since we just don't have control over AL.
                I tried to stop on my own and could not. I drank only at home, first choice wine, second vodka and throw in the beers if that is all that is around.
                Blacked out once, but this still didn't hit home.
                And yes, we push out the people that we care about the most. (My husband took off 13 days ago) and even though he knows this is an illness, I don't think he can handle it anymore.

                The problem, all the signs point to alcoholism. And I am beginning to think more and more, there is NO moderation for that. I didn't want to do AA, but started going to a few meetings last week(have hit 4 so far) and they do have some very good insight into the AL problem we have that when put with this program are making more and more sense to me( especially since my head is getting clearer and clearer by not having AL in my system)

                I have used the kudzo and l-glutamine to help with the cravings. I don't know about the thyroid connection. When I have mentioned MWO to my MD and counselor,they do not know about it, so you may need to bring your copy of MWO to your MD for them to check out. I know others have done that.

                Best of luck and keep on trying.
                Hoping to stay Winefree.


                  No more blackouts - help with med info

                  Lights Out

                  There is an important thread for you under the discussion forum by C&Cmum that addresses the issue of Kudzu and thyroid probs. She had a very bad reaction.

                  Incidentally i think I have read somewhere here that there is a link between alcohol and hyperthyroidism.
                  If alcohol made you happy I should be the happiest person alive! I'm not.


                    No more blackouts - help with med info

                    Lights Out

                    Just realised that you had already found that thread...hope it helped.
                    If alcohol made you happy I should be the happiest person alive! I'm not.


                      No more blackouts - help with med info

                      Thanks for the responses everyone... just ordered the cds. Not sure what to do about the meds yet, need to do more research... but I'll start here. I've tried willpower in the past and it hasn't been enough, so want something stronger, but not sure I'm ready to add medication to the mix longterm!

                      I appreciate everyone's thoughts!


                        No more blackouts - help with med info

                        I just bought the book by Allen Carr "How to control your drinking". Just started it so not sure how it is going to work but others have said it has helped. Just thought I'd add that to your toolbox as well.

                        Good luck!
                        Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.

