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Exhausted -- AF day 6

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    Exhausted -- AF day 6

    Hello all,

    I found this website 12 days ago and knew it was time for me to stop wasting time drinking! I was in the habit of drinking 4 or 5 strong gin/diet soda's every night. My husband is in the Military, and has been deployed for much of the past few years. So, he doesn't realize that I've been numbing my lonliness and fear with alcohol.

    I've been using the supps and vitamins, yoga video in the mornings, and drinking tons of water. I began tapering off for 6 days, and have now been AF for 6 days. The first few days, I was crabby and had nightmares at night.

    Now, I'm now sleeping well, and waking up rested. But, every day after about 2:00 in the afternoon, I am SO physically EXHAUSTED, and I don't know what to do about it.

    Am I expecting to feel better too fast? Have any of you had this experience?


    Exhausted -- AF day 6

    Hi Grace!
    Are you taking Topamax or any medication that could be making you tired? Most likely the feeling tired is just your sleep trying to get back to normal. I was AMAZED at how much drinking every night messed with my sleep. Actually I slept GREAT as long as I drank as much as I did at night. But as soon as I cut way back, I could not sleep good, or would wake up at odd hours and not be able to go back to sleep. I would feel great in the morning, but like you, would get tired in the afternoons and just drag. I can also relate to the weird dreams. For me, it was more just "weird" dreams and actually remembering my dreams!

    A lot of people have said it takes a few weeks to get your sleep straightened out, so please dont give up! Once your body adjusts to not depending on alcohol to sleep at night, you will get back into a normal sleep cycle. Unfortunately, many people turn back to their regular drinking habits to help them sleep. I have done that out of frustration on occasion, but dont recommend it. Now my body has adjusted. Honestly, I think it takes about two weeks for the sleep thing to get straightened out if it is alcohol related, which sounds like it is since that's when it started. I take two Benadryl sometimes at night and that makes me really sleepy in about 20 minutes.

    Good luck and welcome!
    What happens in Vegas goes straight to Ohio....


      Exhausted -- AF day 6

      Your tiredness

      I also found that I was tired a lot in the afternoon at first. I think it was just a lack of really good rest. When you're full of alcohol you "sleep" but it's not a restful sleep and I don't think your body really gets the rest it needs. When you quit or cut back severely your body craves that really good restful sleep - the kind that repairs and nourishes your body. I still find even after 4 weeks that I sometimes come home from work for lunch and take a 20 minute nap and it's very refreshing. Don't despair. It will get better! Your body is just catching up on that really good rest! You're doing great, by the way!
      Trish In Omaha

      Shepard James 'Shep' Walker: I think it can best be said..."The road to hell is paved with good intentions."
      Sidda: Well, what about the road back? What's that paved with?
      Shepard James 'Shep' Walker
      : Humility.

      "Divine Secrets of the Ya Ya Sisterhood


        Exhausted -- AF day 6

        Restful sleep...

        Allie and Trish,

        Thank you for your helpul replies. I'm glad to hear that this tired feeling is "normal" after what I've put my body through! I am determined to get through this as I truly want and need to live a healthy life for me, my husband and my daughter. I am not taking Topamax, just the supps and vitamins. The only medication I take is Zoloft (for very bad PMS!). Besides being exhausted in the afternoons, I noticed that I'm constantly hungry.


          Exhausted -- AF day 6


          You are doing wonderfully!!

          It took me closer to two months to get a great nights sleep after no alchol and yet, like you, I was exhausted by 3:30 in the afternoon. I am taking only the supps also but found I could not take the calms forte until after dinner, then if I am not sleeping the best, I take two. I do not take themthroughout the day, just to sleepy for me.

          I did you one worse, my fav was rum and diet coke, you know the one with a full shot of caffiene in it!

          You can do this!


            Exhausted -- AF day 6

            Feeling normal

            It took me two weeks to feel "normal". I'm still tired, but I realize that there are other factors that make me that way. I wear contacts - when I wear glasses, my eyes get tired, with the rest of me following suit. Also, the weather has to do with the way we feel. I'm in Arizona - it's hot here, and the humidity is "high" for us (with no rain to cool things down). This happens to me every time this year - it's just something we have to live through. Maybe something similar is going on.

            I have the opportunity if I want to take a half hour nap in the afternoon depending on my schedule. It makes a world of difference - there's also research backing up that this is a good way to refresh yourself. Not any longer, or it may interfere with your sleep at night. What I've been doing since I started here was one of the shorter hypno cds - it works as well, if not better than an nap.



              Exhausted -- AF day 6

              sleepless nights

              I can certainly realate to that fearfactor of not being able to fall sleep and stay asleep. All my life, sleepless has been as issue, but after a divorce, beginning perimenopause, and an escalating drink problem--waking up feeling well enough to function is quite the challenge. I even convinced myself that I NEEDED that bottle of wine in order to function because I'd at least pass out relatively quickly. Twisted logic! I do take ambien (sleeping pill) on the nights I don't drink. That eases my mind a little bit. But you should definitely not drink when taking ambien. I discovered it erases some of you memory right before fall asleep. But as an option short term, you could consider a doctor prescribed sleeping. It might get you thru a tough patch

              good luck


