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AF April 22

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    AF April 22

    Hi everyone! It looks like I am the first one to get us started, and I am glad to do it!

    I think we should all buy ourselves our favorite ice cream for April 30th and celebrate with an ice cream party. In fact, I may buy some club soda, chocolate syrup and some vanilla ice cream and make myself a chocolate soda! MMMMM. Haven't done that in years!

    What's your favorite ice cream treat? If ice cream doesn't do it, then what? Cake? Pie? A run up and down a steep hill 10 times (Pnut)?

    Cat, encouraging words to you! I actually responded at the end of yesterday's thread. I hope you saw it. You are doing SO great! Question: does anyone in your world know about your great accomplishment? Have you told anybody that you have been AF since January 1st? YOU ROCK! I have only told 2 very close people.

    Courage and strength to you all! Have a good day.

    Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

    If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.

    AF April 22

    Hi Dill, Is that how you make a chocolate soda with club soda, I haven't had one of those in a long time. My favorites are Lime Ricky's ( I wish I had a good recipe) and Root Beer Floats (Brown Cows). I'm up for an ice cream party anyday!
    Hope everyone is going well today! Sleep was much better last night, I was reading the posts and decided to check out Calms Fotre, very nice, thanks for great advice. I'm on day 13 AF, and this site has helped me to keep on track. I thank you all! Feeling very mellow today!
    Only Those Who...Attempt The Absurd...Achieve The Impossible


      AF April 22

      O*M*G!!! A Root Beer Float!!!!!!!! Gimme, Gimme, Gimme!

      Hey Dill, I did just read your response from yesterday. I'm not gonna drink, but i am so tired of the conversation in my head, you know. It's like....get on with it already. Nobody knows that I have been AF for so long, nobody knows the extent of the problem I had. And if they did, they never let on. Anyway, it feels like having been drunk for so long kinda cancels out the accomplishment. Other peolple are AF naturally....

      It's been a very personal thing, so I have kept it close. Another thing is alot of changes (emotional, how I think about things, etc.) have been happening, especially the farther I get away from AL. And it all feels so fragile that I dont wanna share anything with anybody until things are more firmly planted. Does that make sense?

      So, to remind myself - DAY 112

      Hope everybody has a beautiful day, suppose to be 75 here today!


      "It takes a lot of courage to release the familiar and seemingly secure, to embrace the new. But there is no real security in what is no longer meaningful. There is more security in the adventurous and exciting, for in movement there is life, and in change there is power."
      -Alan Cohen


        AF April 22

        Dill-Thanks for starting the thread today. I'll bring my favorite ice cream, mint chocolate chip. I've been eating a lot of it lately. No wonder I can't lose any weight! uch: I'll also bring nuts, whip cream and bananas in case anyone wants a banana split. (Pnut-no calories at this ice cream party, so you can eat all you want and not worry about your marathon training )

        Strawman-congrats on day 13. The sleeping thing is tricky sometimes. Glad you're starting to sleep better.

        Cats-so good to see you yesterday. You were an inspiration to me when I first started MWO.

        SD, Chops, Rodeo, Pnut, Sante, 1more and everyone else to follow..have a great day.
        AF since 7/26/2009

        "There is nothing noble in being superior to other man. The true nobility is being superior to your previous self."--Hindu proverb.

        "Sobriety isn't a landing but rather a journey." anonymous


          AF April 22

          Cats-cross post. Congratulations on 112 days. You rock girl!!
          AF since 7/26/2009

          "There is nothing noble in being superior to other man. The true nobility is being superior to your previous self."--Hindu proverb.

          "Sobriety isn't a landing but rather a journey." anonymous


            AF April 22

            Hi All, just a quick pop in.

            Does noone else think drinking root beer is akin to drinking antiseptic or disinfectant? I keep trying it, but just can't get it. But whatever 'floats your boat' as they say.

            I love Chubby Hubby but can't get it often in Singers.

            Have a great day all.

            Proud to be SLIGHTLY SLOVENLY.:wavin:



              AF April 22

              Not root beer, but I think cilantro tastes like soap....

              "It takes a lot of courage to release the familiar and seemingly secure, to embrace the new. But there is no real security in what is no longer meaningful. There is more security in the adventurous and exciting, for in movement there is life, and in change there is power."
              -Alan Cohen


                AF April 22

                Hello All-
                Wow Cat--112 days...that's amazing!!! And I completely understand what you were saying about the changes emotionally and how you think about things....I want to share with someone as well, but I, too am just not sure anyone would understand or even how to explain it myself...lots of mixed emotions go along with this process though!!!

                Oh Dill I wish I could do ice cream with you guys....can I bring my popsickles???? Man I sound like I'm 6!!!:H My tummy doesn't do well with dairy...don't ask me how it handled the 12 pack a beer a night...just lucky I guess

                Well I suppose I better get back to is another busy day...were planting seeds of kindness in 2nd grade today!!!:h Feelin the love in SD!!
                Happy Earth Day!!
                "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



                  AF April 22

                  Good Morning Everyone! I just want to say that you all rock and I am so glad to have met each of you. You are all so inspiring to me. Thanks! :l

                  Dill, I love ice cream and so I would be happy to join you for an ice cream party any time.

                  Pnut, can I have some of your energy?

                  Have a great one to all and hello to everyone to come!


                    AF April 22

                    Morning all you happy people!

                    All this talk of icecream is making me hungry! I think I already wore off my little bowl of oatmeal and need more sustainance, and icecream sounds like just the ticket. Actually, I am not that big on icecream (did I say that?) but have been craving cheesecake again - mind you, whenever I would visit my parents, my dad would eat icecream every night aftersupper, Tin Lizzie Cheesecake was his fave. I just may have to celebrate the 30day AF success and Dill's birthday with some of that!

                    Cat - I've heard that with cilantro, it's either you love it or you hate it, and if you hate it, it tastes like soap. So, it's true!! Congrats on your fabulous AF success. Best to you finishing up the term. My daughters last final is today, so hopefully she's feeling ok.

                    After running home from work I decided that I would go hill running at the ski hill (poor BF - the things I drag him around for, but I really don't want to out there alone!!) - I think if I do it 2-3x/week, that will really help! Talk about lung burn!!! My little dog wasn't even panting, but he wasn't moving to quickly this morning either!

                    SD - I still haven't tried the popsicle thing, and i seem to be thirsty all the time, so they should be really good for me, right? I've kinda gone more easy on myself in terms of sugar - but there's not THAT much sugar in a little, itty, bitty popsicle, is there?!?!?

                    Hi to Strawman, Lilmea, SweEt Betty, Chopper, 1 more and everybody else. Let's plan that April 30 bday icecream party, ok??
                    xoxo peanut


                      AF April 22

                      By the way, I'm lovin' the drink tracker!
                      And where the heck is Phil in HK??????


                        AF April 22

                        Cilantro=soap. I thought It was just me! I had some the other night at an Indian restaurant and I swear I still had that soap taste in my mouth the next day! YUCK!

                        Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                        If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                          AF April 22

                          Cat, I'm sending you a Texas-sized CONGRATULATIONS on your duration being AF! That's FABULOUS!

                          Peanut, do you have a running goal you're training for, or do you just love to run?

                          Hope all are well!


                            AF April 22

                            Hey runnermom
                            Training for the Death Race in Grand Cache Alberta this summer. Plus, I am doing a 40km river trek May 9 and a 14km trail race on the 23rd - so yes, there is a purpose to all of this. Feeling worn out right now, so will just go to the gym for a bit and do a bit of leg work and stretching and then early to bed.
                            You training for anything?
                            Here's to Day 22!!!!! Yay!!!!
                            xoxo peanut

