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ODAT - Wednesday 4/22

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    ODAT - Wednesday 4/22

    I'm back. Day 1.

    Called my brother in OR about my dad. He was disgusted (as usual) at me. Pretty sad.

    I have a very small support system, and I am losing that!!

    I definitely have this masochistic side to me that I have to Change. I think it's partly due to the fact that I have a hard time forgiving myself. I am nicer to Others than I am to myself...

    Onward & forward. I just hope that this last bit of stupidity has taught me something..

    Glad you guys are here. It really helps - a LOT!! And I'm here for all of you, as well. I've always been good at Giving advice!!
    Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin

    ODAT - Wednesday 4/22


    I need a neck brace to keep my chin up today but I am AF and that's all that matters right now. That in itself is enough to make things better. Besides it is a gorgeous spring day.

    Savvy, are you doing things to reinforce negative feelings about yourself? Besides drinking I mean (which does a really good job of it). It seems like a part of you is having difficulty with you being successful. Why don't you try the exercise in which each day for 5 daysyou write down 5 different positive traits about yourself (total of 25) and say them aloud in the mirror. It really makes you think of qualities you have difficulty owning. You are so worth success and I can see you beginning to blossom when you beat AL for a few days. :l

    Hello all to come and good luck with your goals today.
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


      ODAT - Wednesday 4/22

      Hi Savon, I hear you on the masochistic side, I'm a huge people pleaser before myself. I look back on all my drinking and I don't know if it's, I like to abuse myself or more self medication because everyone else get s what they want and I put myself last. I turning it around though, as staying healthy & sober, that comes first above everything else, and if people don't like, too bad! I can't beat myself up..because I need me! Does that make sense? And slips...if I had a dollar for every time I slipped, I'd be retired and on the beach, if I hasd $100 each time, I'd be a billionaire!! I also had a tiny support, until I came to MWO, nows it's HUGE. Pick yourself up, Dust yourself off, Today is a New Day!!! Go For It!!!
      Only Those Who...Attempt The Absurd...Achieve The Impossible


        ODAT - Wednesday 4/22

        Greenie - wow! I can't imagine coming up with 25 positive traits, *maybe* 5!! But I'll give it a whirl.

        And Strawman - you're Right about the HUGE spport system on this site. I can't imagine not having it. I'm quite sure that I wouldn't have even attempted stopping without this group...

        Today is a new day. And now my Dad needs me more than ever... he broke his upper arm and must wear sling that makes him unable to move Either arm for 4-6 wks. He has care where he lives, but he needs to know I am there...
        Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


          ODAT - Wednesday 4/22

          hi odaters.

          i read a book about adiction last night about addictive thinking and how adicts essentially have low self esteem even before they start to use. once they use it reinforces their sense of worthlessness. it is a very vicious cycle. i think the idea of writing down at lease something positive, no matter how tiny, is a great idea. even one thing. then try to increase it to two things then three. you'd be surprised what you can find. even that you make a great cup of copy or you smiled at the check out girl.
          no time like the present


            ODAT - Wednesday 4/22

            Hey Savon and everyone else! Savon, whats going on with your Dad? Im sorry to hear you have a small support system. So do I! It can feel extremely lonely at times, I know.

            Dont get too down on yourself. I totally screwed up yesterday too, and feeling like a total ass about it today.

            Curious, what area of Florida you in? Just general area, so you dont think Im a stalker or anything LOL. Im in Tampa Bay area.


              ODAT - Wednesday 4/22

              So true SkinnyCow, about what the book says. Before I drink, I feel about a foot tall. After I drink I feel about an inch tall. Yep a vicious cycle indeed. Hope your Dad feels better Savon.


                ODAT - Wednesday 4/22

                Hey Overit - I'm in Tampa Bay area, too (Largo). If you want, you can PM me w/your phone number, and I can give you mine. We can be "LIVE" support for each other (even if only for Emergency situations!). Maybe even meet at some point... NO pressure. I know many are busy with their families, etc. and are strung pretty tight.

                Sorry you had a bad day yesterday, too. Maybe it was in the stars??! No... no excuses. We just have to keep trying to regain our lives!
                Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


                  ODAT - Wednesday 4/22

                  Savon, I sent you a private message. Please let me know if you get it.


                    ODAT - Wednesday 4/22

                    Overit - got it & just replied...
                    Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


                      ODAT - Wednesday 4/22

                      Hi ODATs
                      Day 10 for me today - double figures who'd a thought it!!

                      Savvy good to have you back but it sounds as if you've got an awful lot to deal with at present, stay strong.

                      Greenie, one neck brace on its way to you over the Atlantic as we speak (or type I spose).

                      Overit and skinny keep fighting.

                      Luv to all to come


                        ODAT - Wednesday 4/22

                        Good Morning to all who are here and all to come! It is day 4 for me and I am feeling really fantastic.
                        Savon, I hope your dad gets better. I am rooting for you girl and you can do this! I am certain you will come up with more than 5 positive traits!
                        Hope everyone has a postively fantastic day and meets all their goals. Have a great one!


                          ODAT - Wednesday 4/22

                          Hey guys, day 3 here. Didn't sleep last night but feeling better.

                          Looking forward to a good healthy night and some sleep and a nice refreshing hangover free day tomorrow!
                          Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                            ODAT - Wednesday 4/22

                            Hey Uni, day 3 for me too!!! I'm having stinkin' thinkin' drinkin' thoughts though and need to get them out of my head!!!! Ughh! I finally feel better and then those thoughts pop up....wth??!!!


                              ODAT - Wednesday 4/22

                              Dont do it Rodeo, or Universal. Me and Savon are both feeling bad today because we both drank last night, so we are on day 1. Let me be your friend and tell you today, after drinking last night, it was definately not worth it. You already know that. Be strong and let me be your kick in the butt for today, OK??????
                              I LOVE MY SEROTONIN AND BOOZE SCREWS IT UP!!!!!

